Justice/Retreat Trip Application: March for Life

Please type your answers (1-2 paragraphs each) on a separate sheet. This application is due September 20, 2017 with $200.00 deposit to Ms. Cole Note that you must have your parent’s/guardian’s signature on the back.

Name of student as it appears on your driver’s license (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY)


Birthday ______

Phone number of student ______

Phone number of parent______

Student email______

Parent Email______

RJHS Service-Immersion Trip Mission Statement

The RJHS Immersion Program affirms the dignity of individuals and a compassionate connection to the world community. By facilitating service immersion opportunities, students are challenged to look beyond their worldview, to open themselves to the reality of the people they encounter, and to find God in all things. The Immersion Program's goals are to inspire students to cultivate a commitment to service and justice, live in solidarity with those in the margins of our local and global communities and foster a life-long dedication for serving others.

Please type out responses to the following questions on a separate sheet of paper:

1)  Why would you like to participate in this trip? List all of your reasons.

2)  What will you bring to this trip? How can some of your past experiences (especially in service, justice and pastoral life at RJHS) aid you in this trip? Make sure to discuss your understanding of spirituality and community.

3)  What do you hope to gain from this experience, and how will you “bring it back” to our greater Regis Jesuit community?

4)  What does it mean to be a part of a Co Divisional trip here at RJHS?

5)  We will be checking on your current status in all areas of your RJ life – academics, discipline, counseling, etc. Is there anything that you would like us to know in these areas?


Please write your responses below.

1)  Why do you believe your son/daughter should attend this trip?

2)  Will your son/daughter and/or your family will be able to completely pay for this trip by the deadline of Wednesday, January 10, 2018. (Failure to pay fully or to work out a payment schedule by this point may result in your son/daughter not participating in this trip.) Please be aware that there is a Service-Immersion Scholarship available. Contact Catherine Cole for more information.

3)  Would your family be interested and/or able to sponsor a student who cannot afford this trip or possibly donating a portion of the fee? If applicable, please indicate how you would be able to help.

àI understand that this trip is justice/pastoral-based, all school rules apply, and I approve of my son/daughter applying. (Sign below.)



Name Signature Date



Name Signature Date