
Barbara A. Longo, Principal

Midge Abston, Assistant Principal

Tracy Choy, Curriculum Resource Teacher

Lori Myers, Literacy Coach

Debbie Ortega, Guidance Counselor

Sally Wolford, ESE School Specialist


“SeminoleSpringsElementary School

is committed to achieving the highest standards

through an expanded family circle.”


Our mission is to teach every child to his/her fullest potential

in a caring and supportive atmosphere.

Our goal is that no child be left behind.

Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader:All students in grades 1-5 will participate in this program to enhance reading fluency. Each teacher will develop individual student goals for their students. However, no student is to be given a grade. Books in the media center are labeled with colored dotsfor quick reference. However, these dots are just a guide and we ask the students to always read the first page and use the “five finger rule” before they check out a book. If you need in-service, our media specialist is available.

Yellow Dot Book Level 1.0-1.9 (generally K, First, beginning 2ndgrade)

Blue Dot Book Level 2.0-2.9 (generally end of 1st, 2nd, beginning 3rd)

Orange Dot Book Level 3.0-3.9 (generally some 2nd graders, 3rd, 4th, 5th as someSSYRA books fall in this level)

Red Dot Book Level 4.0-4.9 (generally 3rd, 4th, 5th grade appropriate)

Black Dot Book Level 5.0-5.9 (generally 4th and 5th grade appropriate)

Green Dot Book Level 6.0 and higher (generally 5th gradeappropriate)


Staff accidents - Workman’s Compensation-If injured at work, you must report the incident immediately to the bookkeeper. A Workman’s Compensation Form will be completed by the bookkeeper/designee and will be submitted to the county office within 2 calendar days of the accident.

An injury requiring you to miss work because of the injury will require a doctor’s excuse. Otherwise, Workman’s Compensation will not pay for missed days. Directions to the Workman’s Compensation doctor will be given to you at the time the form is completed.

Student accidents -The teacher in charge must report all student accidents to an administrator immediately. The parent should be notified, by whomever the administration deems appropriate, of all injuries. The teacher must fill out a student accident report form, located in the office, by the end of the day. Please be very specific when filling out the form.

After-School Activities:The supervising teacher is responsible for students who have not been picked up on time (After-school tutoring, detention, field trips, etc.). The teacher should escort the student to the telephone and call for an approved person to pick up the child. Students are to remain under the supervision of the teacher until they are picked up.

Announcements: General school announcements will be made each morning through our television studio. All announcements should be submitted to the media specialist by 8:00 a.m. Everyone is required to listen intently to the announcements each day as these announcements pertain to everyone on campus, so all classrooms should be quiet during this time. This show is produced by 5th grade students who are selected by Mrs. Purdham. If you have a special announcement or you would like to have a student appear on the show as a guest, please contact Mrs. Purdham.

Assemblies- Instructions for all school assemblies will be given by office memo/email from the Assistant Principal.

Attendance- Student attendance:School attendance is important and each teacher should encourage students to be here.Excused absences must be accompanied by a parent signed explanation of the absence and should be given to the office upon the student’s return. These notes will be kept on file in the data entry/attendance clerk’s office. The following are excused absences: (a)Illness of the student, or family member, and doctor/dental appointments; (b) Death in a family, (c)Religious observances or judicial actions, (d)Prearranged absences.

Other absences will be considered unexcused, but work assigned during the absence may be recorded as a grade. Work missed during excused absences may be made up in 5 school days for a grade. It is the student’s responsibility to request and make up missed assignments in a timely manner.

A parent wishing to take a child out of school for a few days (family trip, business out of town, etc.), must request a prearranged absence form from the front office. This form should be completed and returned to the front office for the principal’s signature. When there is a prearranged absence, the classroom teacher will provide makeup work.

Teachers should report any students with poor attendance, excessive tardiness, or irregular attendance patterns to their assigned leadership team member or guidance counselor.

Children with perfect attendance will be rewarded each grading period with a certificate of attendance. Please refer to the new Student Attendance Policy in the Code of Student Conduct.

Record keeping for students: Keeping accurate attendance records is the responsibility of each teacher. Teachers are urged to observe all policies, rules, and regulations pertaining to attendance so records will always be accurate. This will ensureall students will be accounted for in case of an emergency.

Tardiness should be marked in the school’s computerized attendance program. The teacher should mark students tardy who arrive late (8:35 – 8:45). Students who arrive after 8:45 a.m. will have an admit slip from the office. If a child is tardy and enters the room without a tardy slip, send the child to the office. Do not admit a student to class after 8:45 without a tardy slip from the office. The attendance folder will be picked up from the classroom on a daily basis and should include any transportation or attendance notes from parents. These notes will be kept in the attendance clerk’s office. Please have the folder clipped to the outside of your door by 9:00 a.m. It will be returned to the teacher’s mailbox the following morning. Entries of new students are not official until you have received notification from the office.

The teacher is responsible for reporting any errors to the attendance clerk in order for errors to be corrected. At the end of each attendance period, the teacher must sign and date the sheet indicating a complete and accurate record. The attendance sheet will be kept on file in the data/attendance office.

Teachers responsible for teaching Pre-K, VE, and speech/language must keep accurate, daily attendance in either their grade books or planners as these are often required for school audits.

Student Release Procedure: Parents signing students out from school must come to the office and show identification. The Identification/Security Code will be checked and the classroom will be called over the intercom to ask the teacher to release the child. Under NO circumstances should a child be released from the classroom without a note.

Children will not be released to anyone other than those listed on the information sheet completed by the parents. Any other pickup arrangements must be made in writing prior to the child’s release.

Staff Attendance:Absence of Teacher:If a teacher is unable to perform his/her teaching assignment because of illness, etc. the teacher must call AESOP at 1-800-942-3767 or go online to AESOPONLINE.COM to secure a substitute. Unless you have contacted the school office by 2:00 PM on the day before you are out, it is assumed you will return the following day.

A “leave form” is to be completed by the employee for each day he/she is not on duty. The form may be found in “forms box” in the front office. If you know you are going to be out, please turn in your leave form before you leave. Turn the forms into Pam Cox as soon as you return.

Each teacher will be required to have explicit class rolls and lesson plans, detailed enough in nature that a substitute, totally unfamiliar with the teaching assignment, can conduct the class in an orderly and constructive manner. Prepare emergency lesson plans to cover a period between three to five days. A copy of each class’ seating chart should be attached to the inside front cover of each plan book. Teacher edition manuals should be readily available.

Workday – The teacher workday will be from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily. According to the contract, teachers may leave at the regular student dismissal time the day before a holiday after student responsibilities have been completed for the day.

Signing in/out – Every staff member is required to sign in daily. Please note the time you arrive. A leave form is necessary when leaving campus before the end of the day.

Leaving campus – Anyone needing to leave the school campus during school hours must check with an administrator first. Staff members must sign out before leaving campus and sign in upon returning. Every attempt will be made to accommodate personal emergencies.

Leaves: Each teacher is given four sick days at the beginning of the year and may earn up to ten (10). Leave forms are also required when attending a workshop or conference during a school day or when going out of the county on a field trip.

A request for Temporary Duty Elsewhere, when sent to the County Office, must be accompanied with verification data as proof of the leave. Following the leave, you must complete a form for the County Office supplying information regarding the leave. Verification data must be attached as proof of attendance.Leave forms may be found in the “forms box”. Any information on personal/sick leave may be obtained from the Pam Cox.

Personal Leave - Personal leave may be granted to employees under certain guidelines. (Please follow the LCSB/LCEA Agreement.) Personal leave must be requested five (5) days prior to requested date for instructional personnel and three (3) days prior for classified employees. All personal leaves must be cleared by the principal first. Each teacher is permitted to use five days of emergency personal leave to be charged to sick leave. Salary will be deducted for personal leave except for the five days listed above.

Birthday Parties : Families may send in healthy snacks to be shared with the class. Any flower deliveries will be held in the office until the end of the day. Please remember students are not allowed to take anything made of glass or balloons on a school bus. (Safety Hazard). Please do not withhold snacks due to disciplinary issues in the classroom. Under no circumstances should a parent ask a teacher to deliver invitations to a birthday party unless every child in the classroom receives an invitation. In an effort to keep the carpets clean, please have your birthday parties in the dome area or outside your classroom.

Limit your classroom parties as students should not be asked frequently to bring money to fund these types of activities. All students should be included in a class party and should not be excluded for disciplinary reasons. Lists sent home such as a Valentines list of names should never include the student’s full name. List only the first name and last initial if there is a duplication of first names within the classroom. All children should receive any kind of invitation given out in class.

Child Abuse: It is mandatory that you report any suspected cases of child abuse to the principal and guidance counselor. Teachers and all other LCSB employees having personal knowledge of suspected child abuse or neglect are required to report this information directly to the State Abuse Registry at 1-800- 962-2873 or Fax # 1-800-914-0004. See Guidance to obtain fax forms for this agency and for assistance in completing the forms.

Child Study Team – School Assistance Team – Response to Intervention (RTI)


Classroom Management : Each class area should reflect an atmosphere of purpose. It should be evident you have a planned program and the children respond to your direction. Use classroom instructional time wisely. Reduce student down time by giving students a task to do while you are checking roll, setting up technology, etc.

Teachers should handle discipline problems within the classroom whenever possible. Each grade level should have the same CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PLAN. A copy of the classroom management plan will be kept on file in administrative offices. It is highly recommended that parent contact be made with each home within the first week of school to establish good relations with parents.

Putting a child outside the classroom is not permitted. A student must be under adult supervision at ALL TIMES. Students may be sent to another class for time out, if necessary. Each child should be given a warning, timeout and a parent call before a discipline referral is written. Administering punishment to an entire class (or group) and/or sarcasm to students are not appropriate teacher behaviors.

Under no circumstances will teachers/administrators administer paddling. Teachers will fill out the discipline referral form when a student is referred to the office. On the referral forms, please note assistance given prior to the referral.

Clinic: When you have a sick child or suspect a child is sick, see if a little TLC will take care of the situation before sending the child to the Clinic. If you feel care is needed, please have the student escorted to the clinic by two students (buddy system) or an adult. The nurse will contact the parents. No student should be sent home except by the nurse or the office staff. If it becomes necessary for the student to leave school, he/she will be checked out through the office. The classroom teacher will be notified when a student is sent home during the day. The clinic will house first aide supplies and medications. Teachers should not give out first aid supplies as this is the responsibility of the nurse

Medications: Teachers are not to accept any medications brought to school. The parent must bring in all student medications to the nurse. The parent must fill out the medication use form. Medications must be in a medical dispensed container with the dosage, quantity, child’s name, and the doctor’s name clearly labeled. Cough drops and Chap Stick are not permitted and fall under the realm of medications. Only the nurse and annually trained staff are permitted to dispense medications. When students are on field trips, trained teachers may administer medications. The medications must be signed out from the nurse in the clinic the morning of the field trip. There should be one teacher from each grade level that is trained in giving meds in the event of any field trips. The school nurse will organize this training.

Committees – see meetings.

Computers: Computers should be used for school and work related activities. The county monitors computer usage and history. Students must have a signed release form before they may use educational programs online. Please do not remove any computer from a classroom without permission from the administration. Please let the tech con know as soon as you have a problem with a computer.

Confidential Information: The nature of the educational process brings about the use of confidential information pertaining to human relationships. All school personnel shall recognize and properly respect confidential information. Things such as cumulative folders, guidance or counseling reports, and lists of names and addresses are NOT considered public property. Such information may never be given to either individuals or organizations without direct consent of the principal. However, please keep in mind these records may be subpoenaed by the courts at any time; therefore, never add any written document to the cum folder that you would not want presented as evidence.

Cumulative Records: Cum folders are confidential legal documents and must only be handled by authorized school personnel. Cumulative student records are kept in the Guidance Office. The records are to remain in the guidance office. Each folder is kept in ABC order behind the grade level group. If you are using the folder in the guidance office area, please return the information to the proper place.

Contract (LCEA or SEIU): Each employee is responsible for knowledge and understanding of the contract under which he/she works. Instructional personnel work under the School Board/LCEA Agreement; classified work under the School Board/SEIU Agreement.

Copy Center/School Copiers: In an effort to limit funds spent on the copy center, all copies will be printed at our campus using our Rizzo machine. Each teacher will be asked to put all copy requests in the black crate in Pam Cox’s office. Please plan for a three-day turn around. Due to limited staff, no collating, stapling, etc. will be done. If any teacher wants colored copies, the teacher should supply this colored paper. Small orders of 20 copies or less will be done from the office copier. These orders should not be expected to be done immediately. Plan ahead. At the discretion of the administration, some copies will be sent to Print 123 for copying. The Print 123 scanner/computer will be housed in the teachers’ workroom. Prior approval from an administrator is necessary for any Print 123 orders.