May God give dew from To encourage companionship

Heaven, Genesis 27:28 May 7, 2017 with Jesus Christ and

participate in the life and

work of the Church.


106 Spring Road, Hollsopple, PA 15935

Phone 479-7062


Webpage address…

Pastor – Guy Myers Youth Coordinator – Krista Shaffer

E-mail – E-mail –

Phone – 814-536-2404 Phone – 814-525-0403

Mission Statement: The living water of Christ wells up within us and overflows!

It is our mission to be obedient to Christ by living in unity and with our neighbors,

by discipling one another through the Holy Spirit and by reaching out to our neighbors.

8:15 a.m. Contemporary Service…..Pastor Guy Myers

9:30 a.m. Sunday School Supt….Nancy Gindlesperger

10:35 am Morning Worship……..….Pastor Guy Myers

Worship Leader………...... John Luprek

Preschool church…………...…...Samantha Kane

Junior Church…………..…….…....Diane Bridge

Nursery………..…………Molly & Jeremy Stultz

Organist...…………..……………..Connie Miller

Pianist ………………….....………….Pat Shaffer

Acolyte…………………………….Will Poborski

The flowers gracing the altar today are given to the Glory and honor of God.

The Walnut Grove Church of the Brethren is our Prayer Partner church for 2017. Ron Barto is the Pastor.

As you enter into the sanctuary for worship, please do so with reverence for your surroundings and the reason for being here. Please silence all cell phones and electronic devices. Thank you in advance for helping to make our worship service meaningful to all those in attendance.

Reminder:.....Prayer Ministry Participants for Sunday, May 14th will be Mike & Tracey Seganos. We meet in the Pastor’s study from 8:45 to 9:10 am. Please join us; anyone is welcome to participate in this important ministry.

Pastor Guy will greet at the main door following the service.

Pastor Guy will be in the office Tuesday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 12 noon. (Please call for an appointment.)

The Secretary’s Hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mon, Tues. Thurs. and Fri. The hours for Weds. are 9 a.m. till 12 noon.


5:30 p.m……….Children’s Choir

6 – 7:30 p.m.… Kidz Club

Family Night discontinued for the summer.


9:00 am… Humble Hands


9:00 a.m.…Prayer Time in our Prayer Room.

No Choir Practice this week.


5 p.m. Mother Daughter Banquet. The theme is “What’s In Your Purse?” Come and enjoy the fun and fellowship.

Please note – We need persons to run the computer and sound board during the Morning Worship Service. If you can help, please see a member of the Music & Worship Commission. Thank You.

The MOTHER/DAUGHTER BANQUET will be held on Saturday.. Today is the last day to purchase tickets. The prices are: Adults - $10, children ages 3 – 12 $5, children 2 and under are free. Tickets may be purchased in the lobby, in the office, or from Diane Bridge or Samantha Kane.

Men/Boys needed! We need men/boys to help serve the Mother Daughter Banquet Saturday If you are interested in helping please sign up on the bulletin board in the lobby or contact Diane Bridge or Samantha Kane. Thank You.

The Water Cup is available in the elevator lobby.

Music & Worship is preparing the summer story and music schedule. Please contact Amy Fisher or Patty Miller if you want to participate this summer.

St Francis Sharing & Caring Food Pantry:

St. Francis is changing how they ask for donations. They ask that we donate CEREAL for the entire year of 2017. There is a box in the annex for the donations. The new Thrift Shop is now open. The Food Pantry is now in the new building with the Clothing Shop. Please note – the Food pantry is in dire need of cereal. They have lots of oatmeal, but no boxes of other types of cereal. Since this is our items for 2017 let us try and supply as much as we can.


The Nominating Committee will be meeting in the near future to prepare the 2017-2018 Church Board Ballot. PLEASE NOTE: any commission member having served one (1) 5-year term is eligible to serve the 2nd, 5-year term. Anyone having served two (2) consecutive 5-year terms needs to step down for one year. This will provide the opportunity for someone else to serve.

The Nominating committee is asking that each commission strive to nominate at least two (2) names to fulfill the open position on their commission.


A word of thanks to those of you who attended the special District Conference session on Saturday, April 29th. The total attendance was 127 with 92 delegates and 35 non-delegates. During the morning a special offering was taken for the Brethren Home. The total offering was $3,475.00.

Nursery Schedule for May

May 14 Alison & Kayla Luprek

21 Jamie & Ryan Beahr

28 Diana Croyle & Karen Nagyvathy


Thank you so much for your prayers, cards, food and visits during Floyd’s illness and passing. It meant so much to me and my family. A special thank you to the Pastor and the Women’s Fellowship for the wonderful meal. Floyd loved his church and would have been so grateful for all the love that was shown to him.

Doris Shaffer & family

COB Home…Shoe Project. We are once again collecting new or used shoes as a fund raiser for the Home. Place a rubber band around each pair and place it in the box by the elevator in the lobby.

The Missions & Service Commission is coordinating a day trip to The Brethren Service Center in new Windsor, Md., to help with care packages and kits to be shipped to areas in need around the world. The date is Tuesday, October 24, 2017. We will leave the district office at 5:45 a.m. and return around 7:30 p.m. You must be at least 14 years old to attend. We will stop for breakfast along the way, they will provide lunch and we will stop for supper on the way home. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board at the main entrance of the church. Contact Chris Hoffman with questions at 814-442-5156. Please consider giving your time for this very rewarding trip! Thank You.

The Mtn. Anthems will present a concert at Thomas Mennonite Church at 6 p.m. on Sunday May 14th.


Shawn Toth is in Presbyterian Hospital in Pittsburgh.

Carlton Yoder has been moved to the Transitional Care Unit. (former Lee Hosp.)


May 10 - Harold Alwine 82

April 30, 2017

Contemporary Service 31

Traditional Service 135

$ 408.00 Total cash offering

3,713.40 Total envelope/check offerings

61 Number of envelopes/checks

4,121.40 Unified Budget ($5,090 needed)

65.00 Roof Fund

5.00 Window Fund

180.00 Building Fund

100.00 Memorial Fund

30.00 Alter Flowers

Spent Rec’d/date Bal.

Roof Fd. 53,900.00 12,360.00 41,540.00

Window Fd. 17,074.00 4,852.00 12,222.00

Total 70,974.00 17,212.00 53,762.00


(Located at the top of stairs in annex)

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;

Courage to change the things I can; and

Wisdom to know the difference.

We invite you to leave your concerns and prayers at the foot of the cross by filling out a card at the table and placing it in the Prayer Chest.