Field name / Comments/notes
Title / Intensive Care Cardiovascular
Code / NH3143
Level / 6
Credit rating / 20
Pre-requisites /
- BSc (Hons) Acute Clinical Practice course admission criteria apply
- Complete a minimum of 150 hours clinical time during the time period of the module in an intensive care unit
Type of module / Extensive
Aims / The aim of the module is to enable students to:
- To develop specialist intensive care knowledge, skills and awareness of the assessment and therapeutic management of patients with acute cardiovascular instability
- To develop specialist intensive care knowledge, skills and awareness for the psychosocial care of intensive care patients and their family and friends
- To explore roles and responsibilities of the multidisciplinary team within intensive care
Learning outcomes/objectives / On successful completion of the module the students will be able to:
- Explain the pathophysiology of common illnesses/injuries causing cardiovascular instability in the intensive care setting and critically analyse their management
- Accurately assess the cardiovascular function of intensive care patients (physical assessment, advanced haemodynamic monitoring, ECG, cardiac laboratory results and response to cardiovascular therapies), critically analyse abnormal assessment findings, and rationalize appropriate actions
- Critically analyse and demonstrate specialist intensive care skills for intravenous fluids, vasoactive drugs, arrhythmias, basic 12 lead interpretation, advanced haemodynamic monitoring, and patients in septic shock
- Critically analyse specialist intensive care management of temporary cardiac pacing, intra-aortic balloon pump, coagulopathies, multi-organ system failure, cooling post cardiac arrest, and hypothermia
- Critically analyse and demonstrate proficiency in caring for the psychosocial needs of intensive care patients and their family/friends
- Evaluate the role of health care professionals within intensive care and demonstrate an ability to appropriately interact with members of the multidisciplinary team while caring for a mechanically ventilated patient
- Explore the legal and professional responsibilities of intensive care practice
- Reflect on the care of patients with acute cardiovascular instability and demonstrate an ability to critique and apply current specialist intensive care research findings to clinical practice
Content / Cardiovascular pathophysiology related to the intensive care setting
Management of IV fluids – crystalloid, colloid, massive blood transfusions
Methods of advanced haemodynamic monitoring
Interpretation of advanced haemodynamic monitoring
Interpretation of ECG rhythm strips
Basic 12 lead ECG interpretation
Management of common ECG abnormalities within intensive care
Inotropes and vasoactive drugs
Management of patients in septic shock
Cardiovascular physical assessment
Temporary cardiac pacing
Intra-aortic balloon pump
Management of coagulopathies
Management of multi-organ system failure
Management of hypothermia and cooling post-cardiac arrest
Psychsocial care of patients, family and friends
Role of the multidisciplinary team in intensive care
Legal and professional issues in intensive care
Teaching and learning strategies / Hours: 200 total
- 60 tutor directed
- 70 private study
- 70 clinical linked learning activities
Learning support / Each student will have a tutor counsellor (normally the module leader) and a clinical mentor. Mentors will be responsible for supervision of assessment of clinical competence and overseeing the progress of the student’s clinical progress within the module. The tutor will assist the student with their theoretical work and liaise with the clinical mentor and other assessors.
Reading List
Bench, S. and K. Brown. 2011. Critical care nursing: Learning from practice. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Creed, F. and C. Spiers. 2010. Care of the acutely ill adult: An essential guide for nurses. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Daniels, R. and T. Nutbeam. 2009. ABC of sepsis. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Griffiths, M., J. Cordingley, and S. Price. 2010. Cardiovascular critical care. Chichester: Blackwell Publishing.
Houghton, A.R. and D. Gray. 2008. Making sense of the ECG: A hands on guide. 3rd ed. London: Hodder Arnold.
Houghton, A.R. and D. Gray. 2009. Making sense of the ECG: Cases for self-assessment. London: Hodder Arnold.
McGloin, S. and A. McLeod. 2010. Advanced practice in critical care: A case study approach. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Wesley, K. 2011. Huszar’s basic dysrhythmias and acute coronary syndromes: Interpretation and management. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby.
Suggested Journals
Nursing in Critical Care
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing
Care of the Critically Ill
Critical Care
Current Opinion in Critical Care
Assessment tasks / The student will undertake two assessment tasks : clinical practice (25%) and theory (75%). Both assessment tasks must achieve a minimum of 40% in order to pass the module.
- Skills Inventory 25% - 6 skills assessed in practice by a mentor/assessor
- Multiple choice e-exam 75%
- 2 hour exam incorporating theory covered throughout module
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / This module will normally be the second for students undertaking the Intensive Care Pathway. The module prepares students to develop the specialist knowledge and skills necessary for caring for patients who require advanced cardiovascular monitoring and interventions to enhance cardiovascular function. Students must demonstrate 200 hours of contact time with intensive care patients during the course of the module (to be confirmed by the clinical mentor).
Area examination board to which module relates / BSc (Hons) Acute Clinical Practice
Module team/authors/ coordinator / Module Leader - Heather Baid
Intensive Care Pathway Board
Semester offered, where appropriate / 1 or 2
Site where delivered / Falmer
Date of first approval / November 1998
Date of last revision / June 2008
Date of approval of this version / October 2011
Version number / 4
Replacement for previous module / N/A
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / Undergraduate continuing professional education, School of Nursing and Midwifery
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in course / Mandatory module for Level 3 Intensive Care Pathway
Optional/mandatory module for BSc (Hons) in Acute Clinical Practice
Optional/mandatory module for BSc (Hons) in Professional Practice
Optional/mandatory module for BSc (Hons) in Professional Clinical Practice
School home / School of Nursing and Midwifery
External examiner / Tina Moore (2008-2012)
NHS Knowledge & Skills Framework / Core Dimensions1 - 5
Health and Wellbeing 1-8
Information and Knowledge 1-3