SDRME Executive Committee Meeting

Minutes recorded by Elza Mylona (Secretary)

Absent: David Cook


Summer meeting updates by Nicole Borges (President Elect)

  • Meeting arrangements are in progress.
  • David Cook has agreed to do the session on “Conducting Systematic reviews” on Monday morning, 6/18.
  • Annie Daniel and Carol Capello will work to plan the recognition piece in the program. Annie will ask John Shatzer to join her and Carolto help with the planning. The event will take place at the very end of the business meeting.
  • John Shatzer might be helpful in identifying who the SDRME members who will be recognized are. Annie will contact him.
  • The sessions on the Medical Education and SDRME history and future will be combined into one. John Littlefield, Elza Mylona, Frank Schimpfhauser, Maurice Hitchcock, and Carol Elam will develop and present the session.
  • An invitation will be sent out to the SDRME sages to attend the reception. The Executive Committee would like to include all those who have served in leadership positions within the SDRME as well as those who are no longer members. The SDRME sages will be invited to attend the whole meeting if they wish.


  • The Executive Committee decided to waive the registration fee, but the SDRME sages will be responsible for their traveling expenses.
  • The committee will ask participants who are going to present their research results to submit traveling receipts for reimbursement.

Keynote speaker

  • Carol Aschenbrener, MD, Chief Medical Education Office, AAMC has agreed to be the keynote speaker at the 2012 meeting. Katie has also invited Carol Aschenbrener to become the Ex-officio member of the AAMC. She has accepted the invitation to speak at the Summer Meeting.
  • Carol Aschenbrener won’t accept any honorarium but SDRME will pay for traveling expenses and one night at a hotel.

Decision: Given the choice between a presentation on competency- based learning and assessment, and a description of her current responsibilities and current changes/ initiatives at the AAMC, the Executive Committee decided to ask Dr. Aschenbrener to speak on the latter.

Reception Fee and Guest Reception

  • Nicole is working with the catering group and doesn’t have a final price yet. Annie will work to secure the tax exemption for Maryland.


  • The Executive Committee decided to keep the registration fee at $240 this year.
  • The reception fee for guests will be $35.
  • SDRME will absorb the cost of the guests which will be about $10/person.

Golf outing

  • The committee must identify an individual who can help with the planning of this event, including finding a golf course. Kristi was mentioned as the person who will be interested in helping out with the event. Hugh will be visiting Baltimore and offered to visit the hotel and facilities. Nicole and Hugh will discuss this further.

Decision: Nicole will speak to Kristi. Katie has volunteered to help.