A PTA can be no more effective than its leadership. The Nominating Committee is a special committee

and holds the key to a successful PTA. Its responsibility is to present the best qualified nominees for


Check your bylaws, Article VIII, Section 3, on how the Nominating Committee and alternates are elected.


Be Sure

! The association's bylaws specify how the Nominating Committee is selected.

! Those portions of the bylaws pertaining to the nomination and election of officers are read to the

membership before election of the Nominating Committee.

! Alternates are elected (see bylaws) at the same time as committee members.

! The president does not serve as a member nor appoint the committee.

Be Fair

! The committee should represent the social, geographic and ethnic makeup of the association.

! The nominating committee is made up of members of that specific PTA.

All members, with the exception of the president, should have an opportunity to nominate or to be

nominated for the committee. Be Careful

! The committee is never to be chosen by the president. It is elected by the membership.

! The principal does not serve on the committee unless elected to do so.

! The future of your PTA is determined by the leadership qualities and people skills of the people

selected by the Nominating Committee.


Selecting a Chairman

! The committee should meet immediately following election to elect the chairman.

! A chairman is selected by the committee.

! Schedule a time and place for first meeting.


! The meeting may legally be conducted if a majority of the committee is present.

! Allow sufficient time to study and discuss candidates.

! A confidentiality agreement is distributed and signed by all members of the Nominating Committee

before any discussion takes place.

! All discussion by the Nominating Committee is strictly confidential, and no names should be

revealed until they are released according to established procedures.

! Consider that more than one meeting may be required.

! Notify the alternate if a committee member cannot attend the meeting. When this committee

meets with an alternate serving, he (the alternate) will be a member of the committee. In the event

that another committee meeting is called, that alternate member will continue to serve on the

committee and the original member does not return to the committee. Alternates do not attend

meetings unless they are called upon to fill a member’s place.

! A majority of the committee must agree on the nominees.


! Solicit suggestions for nominees from the membership.

! Select one nominee for each officer position and be prepared to state qualifications of nominees.

! Give careful consideration to qualifications of candidates. Check bylaws for duties of each officer.

Contact prospective nominees while committee is meeting. Allow time for nominee to consider the

position before asking for his decision. You don’t have to ask the person currently serving in an

office to repeat in that office. Do not allow a committee member who is being considered to be

present during the discussion regarding his qualifications. He can be present for the discussion of

other candidates for that office and he may vote. Make decisions of the committee by ballot and

majority vote. Treat all candidates in a fair and consistent manner. Officers holding a current

position are not automatically slated.


Suggested Qualifications

! Knowledgeable about and adheres to the Vision, Mission, Purposes and basic policies of PTA,

! Be willing to attend continuing training for PTA,

! Experienced in PTA or other organizational work,

! Has a sense of justice and fairness,

! Exhibits enthusiasm for PTA, and

! Willing to make PTA a high priority in his schedule.

! What about considering possible conflicts of interest?

One nominee should be selected for each office. In the event the Nominating Committee cannot secure a

nominee, nominations from the floor shall be called for at the election meeting.


1. Prepare a written report.

2. Have chairman and members who agree with report sign the report.

3. Only a member who does not sign the report can nominate from the floor.

4. Make report public according to bylaws at least 7 days before the election meeting. The report is

presented to the executive board who accepts the report. The President may be presented the slate

before posting as a courtesy.

5. The Chairman reads the report at the election meeting.

6. The Chairman hands the report to the president who will read the report and conduct the elections.

7. The Nominating Committee is dissolved once the report is read.

8. Pre-arranged for someone to “move” and to “second” to destroy ballot votes if election is by ballot.


Volunteer Screening
All Volunteers including, but not limited to, PTA officers, committee chairs, coordinators, organizers, room parents and general volunteers must fill out the MISD on-line Volunteer Application available under the quick links of the MISD district home page. Volunteers who do not have computer access may ask their campus principal for access to a district computer to fill out the application. Applications should be submitted two weeks prior to the first time in a school year the volunteer will work with or have access to MISD students.Volunteer Applications must be re-submitted by the volunteer each school year.Before being nominated for an officer position in a PTA, nominating committees should allow the principal to verify that those slated have passed an MISD volunteer back ground check.

ARTICLE VII: Officers and Their Election

Section 1. Each officer shall be a member of this Local PTA.

Section 2. Officers and their election

a. The officers of this Local PTA shall be a president, three (3) vice presidents, a secretary, a

treasurer , a historian and a parliamentarian.

b. Officers, with the exception of the historian and parliamentarian, shall be elected by ballot in the

month of April. However, if there is but one (1) nominee for an office, election for that office

may be by voice vote. The historian and parliamentarian shall be appointed by the newly-elected

president, subject to the approval of the newly-elected officers.

c. Only one (1) nominee shall be elected to serve in any one (1) office.

d. An individual shall be a member of the Local PTA prior to taking office.

e. Officers shall assume their official duties following the close of the school year and shall serve a

term of one (1) year. PTAs that do not follow a traditional school year schedule shall designate

a calendar year in standing rules. All officer positions not filled by election become vacant at

the close of the school year.

f. No officer shall serve in the same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms. One who has

served more than one-half (1/2) of a term shall be credited with having served that term.

Section 3. Nominating Committee

a. There shall be a nominating committee elected by the membership at a regular meeting prior to

the election meeting. Elections shall be by plurality. The committee shall be composed of five

(5) members. Two (2) alternates shall be elected to serve in the event a member is unable to

serve. The committee shall elect its own chair immediately following the meeting.

b. No person shall serve two (2) consecutive years on the nominating committee.

c. The nominating committee shall nominate an eligible person for each office to be filled and

report its nominees at the election meeting in April at which time additional nominations may be

made from the floor. The report shall be publicized to the Local PTA membership through

regular publicity channels at least seven (7) days before the election meeting.

d. Only those persons who have signified their consent to serve if elected shall be nominated for or

elected to such office.

e. No member shall automatically serve on this committee because of his office in the Local PTA

or position in the school system.

f. The president shall neither serve as a member nor appoint any member of this committee.

Section 4. Vacancies

a. A vacancy occurring in any elected office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person

elected by a majority vote of the executive board, at least three (3) days notice of such election

having been given.

b. In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of president, the first vice president shall serve notice

to the executive board of the election and conduct the

Nominating Committee

Confidentiality Agreement

I hereby acknowledge by my signature below that any information either presented or discussed during the meetings of the PTA Nominating Committee will not be divulged by me outside the meetings or with any individual not a member of this committee.

Furthermore, I acknowledge that a violation of this agreement shall result in my removal from this committee.

My signature below also indicates that I am aware that I am not eligible to nominate a candidate from the floor that differs from the nominating committee slate, and I may not serve on this PTA nominating committee two consecutive years.

Committee Signatures: / Date
Advisors Signatures: / Date

PTA Nominating Committee’s Report

The Nominating Committee submits the following nominees for the year _:

President ______

1st Vice president ______

2nd Vice president ______

3rd Vice president ______

Secretary ______

Treasurer ______

Suggestions for Appointed Positions:

Parliamentarian ______

Historian ______

All committee members who agree with the report should sign above.

Election Meeting Sample Script

President: Standing at the podium, raps the gavel once to call the meeting to order.

“The meeting will please come to order. A quorum is present.”

Opening ceremonies: (OPTIONAL) Rule is God before country if a prayer is given, if not, country then

thought for day.

President: “Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, followed by a thought for

the day given by____.”

Introduction of guests – begin with PTA special guests (National, State, Area, Councils) followed by any

other special guest

President: “The chair welcomes ______. Thank you for attending tonight”.

Reading and approval of minutes: Secretary comes to the podium when introduced by president.

President: “The secretary,(name), will read the minutes of our last meeting.”

Secretary: “A draft of the minutes was distributed as the members came in.” or Reads the minutes.

Secretary steps aside and the president returns to the podium.

President: “Are there any corrections to the minutes?” Pauses and proceeds without corrections.

President: “The minutes are approved as distributed.” If the minutes had been read it would be

“approved as read” If there had been corrections “The minutes are approved as corrected.” Secretary

sits down.

Report of the treasurer

President: “(Name), our treasurer will give the financial report.”

Treasurer comes forward and gives report. The report is either read or distributed giving the beginning

balance, total deposits, total disbursements and ending balance (which are recorded in the minutes).

Treasurer stands aside and president returns to podium.

Treasurer: “Members were given copies of the report as they came in.” or Reads the report.

President: “You have a copy of the treasurer’s report, or you have heard the report, are there any

questions?” Pause – if questions the treasurer answers.

President: “The report will be filed for audit.” Treasurer is seated.

Report of the executive board: A summary report is given with any recommendations being presented

and voted on separately. The report can be given by anyone on the executive board and that person moves

the adoption.

President: “(Name), our vice president will give the executive board report.” The vice president comes

to the podium with the president standing to the side.

Vice President: “the executive board met on (give date) with a quorum present. We have no

recommendations, however, we filled the vacancy of Health Chairman with (name).” The vice president

sits down.

Reports of standing committees: Before the meeting, the president consults with all chairmen and

officers to find out which committees have reports to give. At the meeting, the president calls for the

report of the committee, not the chairman’s report. If the committee has made a recommendation, the

person making the report moves the adoption. If no recommendations come from the committee the chair

would ask the membership if they have any questions.

Reports of special committees and/or special orders: This can be a progress report of a special

committee or a final report of a special committee. Upon completion of its specific purpose, the special

committee ceases to exist.

President: “(Name), chairman of the nominating committee will report.” The president steps aside and

the chairman comes forward to read the report.

Chairman Of Nominating Committee: “The nominating committee submits the following nominees:

For President ______, For Vice President____, For Secretary____, For Treasurer ____. Signed:

Names of all committee members.”

Hands the report to the president and a copy to the secretary and is seated.

President: “Thank you, The nominating committee reports the following nominees (rereads the entire

report and continues) ______has been nominated for president. Are there further nominations?


Hearing no other nominations, the chair declares the nominations closed. All those in favor of _____ for

President say yes”,( pause for voice voting) “all those opposed say no” (pause for voice voting) “the

affirmative prevails and ______has been elected President.

______has been nominated for vice president. Are there further nominations?


Hearing no other nominations, the chair declares the nominations closed. All those in favor of ______for

vice president say yes”, (pause for voice voting) “all those opposed say no”( pause for voice voting) “the