Student Writing Portfolio

North Salem Middle/High School English Department

Table of Contents

  • Rationale
/ Page 2
  • Objectives
/ Page 3
  • Student Writing Reflection Sheet
/ Pages4-5
  • Writing Portfolio Log Sheet
/ Page 6
  • Writing Portfolio End-of-Year Final Reflection
/ Page 7
  • Teacher Portfolio Evaluation Form
/ Page 8


Contained in this packet is all the information students will need to complete their English Writing Portfolios. Every North Salemmiddle/high school student will complete a portfolio adding each successive year’s work to the overall body of the collection. The portfolio is a valuable tool that will serve as tangible evidence of student growth, improvement, and yearly progress as writers and critical thinkers. Reflection is a major component of learning, and as students reflect and set attainable goals for their writing, the cumulative 6-12 portfolio will serve as a formal record of this process. At the end of each year, after students complete a Writing Portfolio Final Reflection and teachers complete a Teacher Portfolio Evaluation, the collection will be passed on to the next year’s teacher.


Each student is expected to:

approach writing as a work in progress and not just a product to “get done”

write to demonstrate learning in a particular area and thoughts on a particular subject

write/rewrite with the expectations to improve upon previous strengths and correct previous weaknesses

take ownership of his portfolio by keeping it current, neat, and organized

complete the process of self-reflection as outlined by the English Department

# _____Name ______

Student Writing ReflectionSheet


1)Re-read the paper (and teacher feedback).

2)Complete this reflection sheet.

3)Revise the paper accordingly.

4)Attach the revision and this reflection sheet to the front of the original paper.

Student’s Name ______Period ______Date ______

Class ______English 9 Honors______Teacher ____Mrs. Vilkas______

1) The purpose of writing this paper was: ______




2) According to the criteria of the rubric, my performance was: ______





3) Aspects of this piece that I did well on were: (Give quotes from your essay to support your statements.)_____







(continued on back)
4) I have/not chosen to revise this piece because:______




5) In my next essay one thing I will do better is (and how will I do it):______





6) To what degree of success did I achieve my previously stated goal(s): ______



My goals to check off when mastered:












Writing Portfolio Log Sheet

Keep a running record of all your papers so that you are able to easily manage your portfolio

Marking Period / Date of Original Completion/Submission / Topic or Title of Work / Submitted for Revision
(mark with an “X”)

Writing Portfolio End-of-Year Final Reflection

The “Writing Portfolio Cover Letter” is your way of “wrapping up” the hard work and commitment you have put into this year’s writing process. It serves, in essence, as your expression of pride in your growth as a thinker, writer, and learner. You will introduce your work and reflect on your writing experiences. It is recommended that you re-read all of the pieces in your portfolio before and while composing this typed double-spacedreflection (~2 pages). This reflective letter, which will be the first work to appear in your portfolio, should be addressed to your teacher (or you might choose to think of this as a letter to yourself: “Dear Me,”), signed by you. In a minimum of five paragraphs, you will discuss:

  • The challenges and difficulties you have encountered this year when writing;
  • The benefits you have gained from the writing activities and lessons, including the writing process (drafting, proofreading, revision);
  • How your writing has changed since middle school;
  • Your insight into your own strengths and weaknesses as a writer this year;
  • The future goals and actions you will take next year and throughout high school in your writing.

You may want to consider the following questions before writing your “Cover Letter”:

What have I accomplished this year as a writer?

In general, how do I feel about the body of work included in my portfolio?

Which piece of writing am I most proud of and why?

Which writing assignment was my greatest challenge and why?

What have my revisions and reflections taught me about my writing?

How have Mrs. Vilkas’s comments and feedback improved my writing?

What do I want others to know about me as a writer and a learner?

Did I surprise myself in any of my pieces? If so, where and why?

What themes, ideas, or patterns have I noticed in my writing?


Portfolio Evaluation Form / Improvement needed /


1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  1. includes all essays assigned
/  /  /  / 
  1. includes a blue reflection sheet for each piece of writing
/  /  /  / 
  1. log sheet completed
/  /  /  / 
  1. final pink reflection completed
/  /  /  / 
  1. well organized / neat
/  /  /  / 
  1. revised at least one piece of writing
/  /  /  / 
  1. improved on previously identified areas of weakness (goals set during the year)
/  /  /  / 
  1. writing improvement reflects consideration of teacher edits
/  /  /  / 
  1. portfolio reveals student growth
/  /  /  / 
  1. shows evidence of personal reflection and awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses
/  /  /  / 
Additional Criteria:
/  /  /  / 
/  /  /  / 
/  /  /  / 
/  /  /  / 

Teacher Comments:

Reference: Writer’s Choice, Grammar and Composition. Writing Assessment and Evaluation Rubrics:Columbus, OH: Glencoe McGraw-Hill Publishers