2017Dr. Mearl R. Guthrie
$1000 Scholarship Application
Graduate Student or Junior/Senior Undergraduate
Business Education Major
Section I: Resume and Attachments
1. A Resume (maximum, two-page) which includes but is not limited to the following:
- A description of your skills related to business education.
- Educational achievements: list any honors, awards, offices, and memberships held (include dates).
- Community activities: list any community service, campus-related clubs, social and church-related organizations in which you participated (include dates).
- Work experience/activities: list your employment and positions held (include dates).
2. Two letters of recommendation (include one from a college professor/faculty member and one other source).
3. A current copy of your college transcript indicating a minimum GPA of 3.0.
4.One photograph submitted on CD in JPEG format.
5. A 300-500 word essay computer-generated, double-spaced on the topic “Why I Am Entering the Business Education Field.” This essay is weighted 50%.
6.Section II, III, and IV of the Scholarship Application.
7. All of the above items must be submitted to: Stephen M. Lewis, Sr., OBTA Past President, 7321 Winfield Drive, Lewis Center, OH 43035-8483 by midnight July 15, 2017.
8. The scholarship will be presented to the recipient at the OBTA Fall Conference on Friday, September 29, 2017, at Columbus State Community College,Columbus, Ohio.
Section II: Personal Data
Name: ______Social Security #: ______
Permanent Address: ______
City, State, Zip: ______
Are you a citizen of the United States? ___ Yes___ No
Section III: Academic Data
Declared Major:______
College Attended:______
College Address:______
Section IV: Agreement
NOTE: It is understood that this scholarship will be presented to a full-time graduate student or junior/senior undergraduate majoring in business education. It is further understood that the check for this scholarship will be presented to the Ohio College attended by the recipient after the student has registered for the quarter/semester.
I hereby certify that the information submitted in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. If I am selected as the scholarship recipient, I will attend the OBTA conference on the specified date as noted above.
(Applicant’s Signature)
TO THE ACADEMIC COUNSELOR (faculty advisor, professor, administrator): I certify that the scholarship applicant is enrolled in business education.
Academic Counselor Name and Title ______
College ______Phone: ______
(Academic Counselor’s Signature)
Please mail all materials to:
Stephen M. Lewis, Sr.
OBTA Past President
7321 Winfield Drive
Lewis Center, OH 43035-8483
To be received before midnight July 15, 2017.