Welcome to the 25th Year of Operations at the
Adamstown New Lambton Athletics Club
We hope all new and returning athletes and their parents are looking forward to an enjoyable season.
To help you better understand the nature of Athletics, our club and the season ahead please readthe following information.
When Do We Compete?
Our competition time for all age groups is generally Friday evenings from 5:15PM at Alder Park NewLambton.
Tiny Tots is generally complete by about 6:30PM and these children participate in long jump, throws,mini hurdles and running activities without results being recorded. Many of the older age groups do notfinish until about 7:30 - 8:00PM, with all age groups from U/6 to U/17 and senior/open age athletes doing structured athletics events.
Important Dates
Please refer to the full ANL Season Calendar in your registration pack. A summary of key dates include:
Planned Season Commences:Friday22ndSeptember 2017*
Last Night Before Xmas Break:Friday 15th December 2017
Return After Xmas Break:Friday 12th January 2018
Season Concludes:Friday 16th March 2018
Presentation:April 2018 (To be confirmed)
(* Subject to completion of the Soccer Season)
Parent Help
Little Athletics can only run with the participation of parents. It is expected and indeed essential thatparents and/or carers become involved in helping with the running of events. There is a requirement foreach family to provide assistance during the season in order for their children to qualify for end ofseason awards at the Presentation. The level of assistance is not too onerous.
Duties include Age Marshalling, Timekeeping, Place Judging, Equipment Set Up,Equipment Pack Up, Canteen, BBQ etc.It is a requirement that each family will performat least 5 duties during the course of the season. You can sign on for duties at each club meetby seeing one of the committee members near the canteen before the start of competition.
It is a requirement that all children be accompanied by an adult at the ground while they are competing.Parents are not to leave their children unattended at the park.
We intend to run some specific orientation sessions at the commencement of competition this year in order to assist parent is understanding specific events.
Please see also your “How to Help” booklet in the registration pack.
Web Site ( / Facebook
Our web site is contains news, upcoming events, and a documentdownload section. This is also where we post results from our weekly competition meets. We also maintain a facebook page ANLAC athletics, please like us for regular news and updates.
Wet weather information is also posted on our Facebook page.
Other Events
Little Athletics offers a chance to compete beyond the club level if you like. You don’t need to be a starto compete at these events – it’s just a great way to meet some new friends and have even more funwith your athletics.
A number of key events are:
- Port Hunter Zone Multi Event – 20th October 2017, Medowie
- Port Hunter Zone Championships –9th& 10thDecember 2017, Port Stephens
- LANSW Region 2 Championships – 23rd, 24th & 25th February 2018, Mingara
- LANSW State Championships –23rd, 24th & 25th March 2017, Sydney, Olympic Park
Once again, your help will be vital if your child competes at these events.
In addition, other clubs run gala events throughout the year, some of which are noted in our ClubWebsite.
We will hold a presentation evening usually in April – the date and venue are yet to be confirmed.
5 Parent Helps must be recorded and athletes must typically attend for 70% of the possibleclub competition meets following their registration to qualify for awards, trophies,medals and the like. We do try and be flexible with this however there must be some cut off to ensuresome value is placed on the awards. Again, more detailed information is available on our web site.
Please Remember.....
Little Athletics is centred on the mantra of participation and enjoyment and the vast majority of ourmembers are unlikely to achieve success at a high level. Many have no such aspirations and are morethan happy just being part of the great social group that we have. Our aim is to provide a relaxed andfun environment with an emphasis on participation while also providing suitable encouragement andassistance to those who wish to extend their ability. This philosophy has proven extremely successfulover the past few years during which we have seen high numbers of athletes at our club aswell as having great success at higher levels of competition. Whether you are a parent, other family memberor competitor - Don't take it too seriously. Focus on fun and enjoyment.
Above all, enjoy your season. If you have any questionsplease don’t hesitate to ask a committee member.
Greg Whelan
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