‘Special People’

Teaching & Learning Activities

Foundation Stage

(modified material from Archdiocese of Cardiff)

·  Bring in a photo from home of someone who is special to you – create display.

·  Write captions for special people in children’s lives.

·  Home corner – provide a variety of dressing up clothes so that children can act out their special people roles. Continuous provision

·  Take photos of special people in school.

·  Meet the special people in school e.g. Headteacher, secretary, cook, music teacher etc and find out what they do.

·  Go on a special people hunt in school – use the outdoors to hide photos of people who work in school and ask the children to identify them and their jobs.

·  Use a feely bag with plastic models of special people or props so that children have to guess who they belong to e.g. whisk=school cook. Continuous provision

·  Sing songs about special people.

·  Make special people jigsaw puzzles. Continuous provision

·  Story Here I Am file p. 136 – Suitcase with different objects which relates to special people

·  Mind map: What makes someone special?

·  Interview special people who work in the school

·  Role-play – hot seat special people

Revelation (Relate)

Suggested activities

·  Explore some of the special jobs people do in church (ministries) – cleaning, flowers, playing the organ and music, welcomers, giving out hymn books. Pupils/ adults can mime various activities and others guess who they are.

·  Look at photos of special jobs that people do in church and discuss – Church’s story p. 12-13 (notes p. 51) NB CD ROM

·  Paint a picture of one special job.

·  Use toy model of the church to act out “Visit to the Temple” – See God’s story p. 28-29 (notes p47-48)

·  Children to role-play “Visit to the Temple” – provide props and suitable costumes (in or outdoors) Continuous provision

·  In home corner provide cleaning materials, flowers, a vase, music, stools, an organ and hymn sheets. Role-play special people in church. Continuous provision

·  Collage a scene of “Visit to the Temple” – Mary, Joseph, baby, Simeon, Anna

·  Create a tableau of the “Visit to the Temple” and take photos

·  Children choose favourite words or phrases – illustrate

·  Sing “People Who help” Rejoice 1

·  Sequence the story of the “Visit to the Temple”

Other books:

To be used for ‘Recognise’, activities or prayer:

·  Special People, Special Ways (Hardcover) by Arlene Maguire (Author), null (Editor, Illustrator), Sheila Bailey (Illustrator)

·  We’ll Paint the Octopus Red (Hardcover) by Stephanie Stuve – Bodeen (Author), Pam Devito (Illustrator)

·  The Jolly Postman/ or Other people’s letters/ Jolly Postman’s Party by Janet and Allan Ahlberg

·  Hello God! 3: Children’s Prayers for Special People by Grace D Chong G. Bernabe ISBN: 971511841-0

·  My First Bible: Learning about God’s Special People by Leyah Jensen

·  People of the Bible by Leyah Jensen, Jose Perez Montero