Unit 10: Emerging Progressivism & Power, 1880-1918
Chapter 20: Whose Government? Politics, Populists, and Progressives, 1880-1917
Unit 10: Emerging Progressivism & Power, 1880-1918
Crucibles of Progressive Reform(19C)
- progressivism
I.Fighting Dirt and Vice
- Jacob Riis
- Cleaning Up Urban Environments
- City Beautiful” movement
- Closing Red Light Districts
II.The Movement for Social Settlements
- social settlement / settlement houses
- Hull House
- Jane Addams
- Margaret Sanger
III.Cities and National Politics
- Upton Sinclair
- Pure Food and Drug Act
- Women’s Trade Union League
- Florence Kelley
- Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Reform Visions(20A)
I.Electoral Politics After Reconstruction
- waving the bloody shirt”
- Gilded Age
- New Initiatives
- Pendelton Act
- Mugwumps
- Republican Activism
- Sherman Antitrust Act
- Lodge Bill
II.The Populist Program
- Omaha Platform
- Las GorrasBlancas
- Mary Lease
The Political Earthquakes of the 1890s(20B)
I.Depression and Reaction
- free silver
II.Democrats and the “Solid South”
- Williams v. Mississippi
- Solid South
III.New National Realities
- William Jennings Bryan
- 17th Amendment
- Lochner v. New York
Reform Reshaped, 1901-1912(20C)
I.Theodore Roosevelt as President
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Antitrust Legislation
- Environmental Conservation
- Newlands Reclamation Act
- Roosevelt’s Legacies
II.Diverse Progressive Goals
- Robert La Follette
- Wisconsin Idea
- recall
- referendum
- Protecting the Poor
- National Child Labor Committee
- Muller v. Oregon
- Louis Brandeis
- The Birth of Modern Civil Rights
- W.E.B. Du Bois
- talented tenth
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
- The Problem of Labor
- Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
III.The Election of 1912
- New Nationalism
- Progressive Party
- Eugene V. Debs
Wilson and the New Freedom, 1913-1917(20D)
I.Economic Reforms
- 16th Amendment
- Federal Reserve Act
- Clayton Antitrust Act
- W.E.B. Du Bois
II.Progressive Legacies
Unit 10: Emerging Progressivism & Power, 1880-1918
Chapter 21: An Emerging World Power, 1890-1918
Unit 10: Emerging Progressivism & Power, 1880-1918
From Expansion to Imperialism 21(A)
I.Foundations of Empire
- American Exceptionalism
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Alfred Mahan
II.The War of 1898
- Remember the Maine”
- Teller Amendment
- Queen Liliuokalani
III.Spoils of War
- Emilio Aguinaldo
- Insular Cases
- Platt Amendment
A Power Among Powers(21B)
I.The Open Door in Asia
- Open Door Policy
- Root-Takahira Agreement
II.The United States in Latin America
- Panama Canal
- Roosevelt Corollary
- Woodrow Wilson
- Profirio Diaz
The United States in World War I(21C)
I.From Neutrality to War
- The Struggle to Remain Neutral
- America Enters the War
- Zimmerman Telegram
II.“Over There”
- Americans Join the War
- American Expeditionary Force
- John J.Parshing
- Battle of Argonne Forest
- The American Fighting Force
III.War on the Home Front
- Mobilizing the Economy
- War Industries Board
- National War Labor Board
- Herbert Hoover
- Promoting National Unity
- Committee on Public Information
- Four-Minute Men
- Sedition Act of 1918
- Great Migrations
- Great Migration
- Women’s Voting Rights
- Alice Paul
- National Women’s Party
- 19th Amendment
Catastrophe at Versailles(21D)
- Fourteen Points
- League of Nations
I.The Fate of Wilson’s Ideals
- Treaty of Versailles
II.Congress Rejects the Treaty
- Henry Cabot Lodge