Unit 10: Emerging Progressivism & Power, 1880-1918

Chapter 20: Whose Government? Politics, Populists, and Progressives, 1880-1917

Unit 10: Emerging Progressivism & Power, 1880-1918

Crucibles of Progressive Reform(19C)

  1. progressivism

I.Fighting Dirt and Vice

  1. Jacob Riis
  1. Cleaning Up Urban Environments
  1. City Beautiful” movement
  1. Closing Red Light Districts

II.The Movement for Social Settlements

  1. social settlement / settlement houses
  2. Hull House
  3. Jane Addams
  4. Margaret Sanger

III.Cities and National Politics

  1. Upton Sinclair
  2. Pure Food and Drug Act
  3. Women’s Trade Union League
  4. Florence Kelley
  5. Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

Reform Visions(20A)

I.Electoral Politics After Reconstruction

  1. waving the bloody shirt”
  2. Gilded Age
  3. New Initiatives
  4. Pendelton Act
  5. Mugwumps
  6. Republican Activism
  7. Sherman Antitrust Act
  8. Lodge Bill

II.The Populist Program

  1. Omaha Platform
  2. Las GorrasBlancas
  3. Mary Lease

The Political Earthquakes of the 1890s(20B)

I.Depression and Reaction

  1. free silver

II.Democrats and the “Solid South”

  1. Williams v. Mississippi
  2. Solid South

III.New National Realities

  1. William Jennings Bryan
  2. 17th Amendment
  3. Lochner v. New York

Reform Reshaped, 1901-1912(20C)

I.Theodore Roosevelt as President

  1. Theodore Roosevelt
  2. Antitrust Legislation
  3. Environmental Conservation
  4. Newlands Reclamation Act
  5. Roosevelt’s Legacies

II.Diverse Progressive Goals

  1. Robert La Follette
  2. Wisconsin Idea
  3. recall
  4. referendum
  5. Protecting the Poor
  6. National Child Labor Committee
  7. Muller v. Oregon
  8. Louis Brandeis
  9. The Birth of Modern Civil Rights
  10. W.E.B. Du Bois
  11. talented tenth
  12. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
  13. The Problem of Labor
  14. Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

III.The Election of 1912

  1. New Nationalism
  2. Progressive Party
  3. Eugene V. Debs

Wilson and the New Freedom, 1913-1917(20D)

I.Economic Reforms

  1. 16th Amendment
  2. Federal Reserve Act
  3. Clayton Antitrust Act
  4. W.E.B. Du Bois

II.Progressive Legacies

Unit 10: Emerging Progressivism & Power, 1880-1918

Chapter 21: An Emerging World Power, 1890-1918

Unit 10: Emerging Progressivism & Power, 1880-1918

From Expansion to Imperialism 21(A)

I.Foundations of Empire

  1. American Exceptionalism
  2. Theodore Roosevelt
  3. Alfred Mahan

II.The War of 1898

  1. Remember the Maine”
  2. Teller Amendment
  3. Queen Liliuokalani

III.Spoils of War

  1. Emilio Aguinaldo
  2. Insular Cases
  3. Platt Amendment

A Power Among Powers(21B)

I.The Open Door in Asia

  1. Open Door Policy
  2. Root-Takahira Agreement

II.The United States in Latin America

  1. Panama Canal
  2. Roosevelt Corollary
  3. Woodrow Wilson
  4. Profirio Diaz

The United States in World War I(21C)

I.From Neutrality to War

  1. The Struggle to Remain Neutral
  2. America Enters the War
  1. Zimmerman Telegram

II.“Over There”

  1. Americans Join the War
  1. American Expeditionary Force
  2. John J.Parshing
  3. Battle of Argonne Forest
  4. The American Fighting Force

III.War on the Home Front

  1. Mobilizing the Economy
  1. War Industries Board
  2. National War Labor Board
  3. Herbert Hoover
  4. Promoting National Unity
  5. Committee on Public Information
  6. Four-Minute Men
  7. Sedition Act of 1918
  8. Great Migrations
  9. Great Migration
  10. Women’s Voting Rights
  11. Alice Paul
  12. National Women’s Party
  13. 19th Amendment

Catastrophe at Versailles(21D)

  1. Fourteen Points
  2. League of Nations

I.The Fate of Wilson’s Ideals

  1. Treaty of Versailles

II.Congress Rejects the Treaty

  1. Henry Cabot Lodge