Henry P. Stapp
a) Born: March 23, 1928, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.
b) Education: B.S. Physics University of Michigan 1950
c) M.A. Physics University of California 1952
d) Ph.D. Physics University of California 1955
e) Research Physicist: Lawrence Radiation Laboratory 1955-1956
- University of California
- Berkeley, California
f) Staff Physicist Lawrence Radiation Laboratory 1958-1961
- University of California
- Berkeley, California
g) Senior Staff Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1962 - present
h) Physicist: University of California
- Berkeley, California
i) Visiting Scientist Eidgenossiche Technische Hochschule 1957
- Zurich, Switzerland
- At the invitation of Professor Pauli
j) Visiting Scientist International Center for Theoretical Physics June – July 1969
- Trieste, Italy
- At the invitation of Professor Salam
k) Visiting Scientist: The Middle East Technical Institute April – May 1968
- Ankara, Turkey
l) Visiting Scientist: Max-Planck Institute October - November
m) For Physics & Astrophysics 1969
n) Visiting Scientist: Center for theoretical Physics March – May 1977
- University of Texas, Austin, Texas
- At the invitation of Professor Wheeler
o) Visiting Scientist: Center for European Nuclear Research1977 September 1977 Geneva, Switzerland, September 1978
p) Visiting Scientist: Centre d’Etudes Nucleaire de Saclay Fall 1978
Invited Principal Lecturer at:
a) Conference on causality in Physical theories, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, May 1973.
b) International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics, Unversity of Kyoto, Kyoto, January 1975.
c) Structural Analysis of Collision Amplitudes, Summer School in Theoretical Physics, Les Houches, France, June, 1975
d) Conference on the Measurement Problem in quantum theory, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, march 1977.
e) Conference on Nonlocality in Quantum Theory, University of Tgeneva, Geneva, Switzerland, March 1978.
f) Eleventh Annual Conference on the Unity of Science, Science and Values, Philadelphia, 1983.
b) International Conference on Bergson and the Unification of the Sciences, University of Texas, Galveston, Texas, February 1984.
c) Conference on Physics and the Ultimate Significance of Time, Center for Process Studies, Claremont College, Claremont, California, March 1984.
d) International Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics, University of Joensuu, Joensuu, Finland, June 1985.
e) International Conference on Microphysical Reality and Quantum Formalism, University of Urbino, Urbino, Italy, September 1985.
f) New Techniques and Ideas in Quantum Measurement Theory, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, January 1986.
g) Symposium on science and the Boundaries of Knowledge, Sponsored by UNESCO, Venice, Italy, March 1986.
h) Ralph M. Johnson Distinguished Guest Lecture Series, Utah State university, Logan, Utah, July 1986.
i) The World View of Contemporary Physics, Colorado State university, September 1986.
j) Philosophical consequences of Quantum Theory: Reflectory on Bells’s Theorem, Notre Dame University October 1987.
k) Newton’s Legacy: A symposium on the Origins and the Influence of the Newtonian Science. Tulane University, November 1987.
l) Basic Issues in the Overlap and Union of Quantum Theory, Biology and Philosophy of Cognition. Temple University Center for Frontier Sciences, April 1988.
m) Bell’s Theorem, Quantum Theory, and Conceptions of the Universe, George Mason University, October, 1988.
n) American Philosophical Association, Chicago, April 1989.
o) Symposium on Science and Culture in the 21st Century: Agenda for Survival, (sponsored by UNESCO) University of British Columbia, September 1989.
p) Patterns in the Universe: An International Symposium, Smithsonian Institute, October 1989.
q) First International Conference: Consciousness within Science, university of California in San Francisco, February 1990.
r) International Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics, University of Joensuu, August 19900.
s) The Permanent Limitations in Science, Claremont Institute, February 1991.
t) Congres: Perspectives Transdisciplinaries: Ouvertures vers le Xxtreme siele: UNESCO, December 2-6, 1991.
u) Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics 1991. University ofHelsinki, August 10-12, 1992.
v) Third UNESCO Science and culture Forum “Toward Eco-Ethics: Alternative Visions of Culture, Science, Technology, and Nature,” Belem, Brazil, April 5-10, 1992.
w) Fundamental Problems in quantum Theory: New York Academy of Sciences, june 18-22, 1994.
x) Xth International Congress on Mathematical Physics: Satellite Conference on Rigorous Methods in Field theory, Paris, July 25-30, 1994.
y) Norbert Weiner Centenary Congress, Michigan State University, November 27-December 3, 1994.
z) Distinguished Lecturer Series, University of Florida, April 1995.
aa) UNESCO Forum: Tokyo Symposium “Science and Culture: A Common Path for the Future,” September 10-14, 1995.
bb) Toward a Science of Consciousness, University of Arizona, April 8-13, 1996.
cc) Quantum Future: Xth Max Born Symposium, Przesieka, Poland, September 24-27, 1997.
dd) Silver Anniversary International Whitehead Conference, Claremont Institute, August 4-9, 1998.
ee) Distinguished Lecturer Series, University of Hawaii, September 1998.
ff) Institute of Noetic Sciences, San Francisco, June 30. 1999.
gg) Quantum Approaches to Consciousness, University of Arizona, Flagstaff, July 28 - August 1, 1999.
hh) Future Visions Session: State of the World Summit, NYC, Sept. 2000
ii) U. of Michigan “Quantum Applications Symposium”: How Minds Can Affect Human Brains. July 2, 2001.
jj) Quo Vadis Quantum Mechanics (Philadelphia, Sept. 24-27, 2002
kk) Lucerne Lecture: Quantum Theory of the Human person. Jan. 18. 2003
ll) UNESCO International Symposium on Transversal Values: East-West Dialogue on Spiritual-Secular Dynamics Nov 7-9, 2005.
mm) Bavarian Conference 2006.
nn) Freiburg : Jamesian Volition and Quantum Theory. July 13, 2006
oo) Lucerne Lecture Jan. 20, 2007 “The causal role of consciousness in the quantum brain.
pp) Toward a Science of Consciousness (Tucson) Salzburg July 17, 2007.
Plenary Talk.
qq) Copenhagen: God, Matter, or Information. What is Ultimate? 2007
rr) Doha, Qatar. (Aljazeera) Science, Culture, and the Future of Humanity.
The Nature of the World and How We Fit In. June1, 2008
Published Papers and Reports. (Through 2005)
Quantum Interactive Dualism: The Libet and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Causal
Anomalies. LBNL-59906. Invited contribution to special issue of ERKENNTNIS
To be published in 2006.
Quantum Interactive Dualism: An Alternative to Materialism. LBNL-59905.
J. Consciousness Studies, 12 no. 11 43-59 (2005).
Quantum Approaches to Consciousness. LBNL-56279. May 13 2003.
Entry in “Cambridge Handbook for Consciousness” To appear in 2006.
Quantum Mechanical Theories of Consciousness. LBNL-56281
Entry in “A Companion to Consciousness” Blackwell Publ.
To appear in 2006.
Quantum Physics in Neuroscience and Psychology: a Neurophysical Model of Mind-Brain Interaction (with Jeffrey Schwartz and Mario Beauregard) LBNL-59291
Philos. Trans. Royal Society B (2005) 360, 1309-1327.
The Volitional Influence of the Mind on the Brain, with Special Emphasis on Emotional Self-Regulation (with Jeffrey. Schwartz and Mario Beauregard) LBNL-56289 In “Consciousness, Emotional Self-Regulation and the Brain, M. Beauregard (ed.) John Benjamin 2003.
Quantum Theory of the Human Person. LBNL 56290
In “QuoVadis Quantum Mechanics, (eds.) Elitzur, Dolev, Kolenda.
Springer 2005
Comments on Shimony’s “Analysis of Stapp’s ‘Bell-Type Theorem
Without Hidden Variables’ “ LBNL-56280
To Appear in Found. Phys, (Peres Festschrift) 2006
A Bell-Type Theorem Without Hidden Variables
Amer. J. Phys, 72, 30-33 (2004)
Basis Problem in Many-Worlds Theories
Can, J. Phys. 80 1042-53 (2002)
Locality, Counterfactuals, and Consistent Histories
Submitted to Phys. Rev A (August 1999)
Attention, Intention, and Will in Quantum Physics
J. Consc. Stud. 6,. 139-58 (1999)
LBNL-42650 (May 1999)
Whiteheadian Process and Quantum Theory of Mind
Invited paper: Silver Anniversary International Whitehead conference, Claremont, CA, August 4-9 1998
LBNL-421143 (August 1998)
Comment on Nonlocality, Counterfactuals, and Quantum Mechanics”
Phys. Rev. A (accepted for publication)
LBNL-41813 (April 1999)
Meaning of Counterfactual Statements in Quantum Physics
Amer. J. Physics. 924-926 (1998) LBNL-41285
Mermin’s Suggestion and the Nature of Bohr’s Action-at-a-Distance Influence
Quantum Ontology and Mind-Matter Synthesis in Quantum Future: Xth Max Born Symposium, eds. P. Blanchard and A. Jadczyk
In proceedings of Xth Max Born Symposium, Przesieka, Poland, 24-27 September, 1997 LBNL-40722 (July 1997)
On Quantum Theories of the Mind
J. consc. Stud. 6, 61 (1999)
LBNL-40305 (May 1997)
Pragmatic Approach to Consciousness
In Brain and Values, ed. Karl Probram, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ (1998)
LBNL-40305 (May 1997)
The Infrared Singularities,
With T. Kawai
In New Trends in Microlocal Analysis, eds. J. M. bony and M. Morimoto, Springer-Verlag, 1997
The Evolution of Consciousness
In Toward a Science of Consciousness II
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1998
LBNL-39241 (August 1996)
Review of “The Conscious Mind,” by David Chalmers
Found. Phys. 26, (1996)
LBNL-3889 (May 1996)
Phys. Rev. D 9 to be published)
LBL-35971 (February 1995)
The Integration of Mind into Physics
Fundamental Problems in quantum Theory
Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 755 822-833 (1995)
LBL-3588 (July 1994)
Reply to “Stapp’s Algebraic Argument for Nonlocality”
Phys. Rev A49, 4257-4260 (1994)
LBL-34781 (October 1993)
Reply to “Stapp’s Algebraic Argument for Nonlocality”
Replaced by LBL-34781
LBL-34429 (August 1993)
Comment on “Stapp’s Theorem Without Counterfactual Commitment”
To be published in stud. Hist. Philos. Mod. Phys.
LBL-34179 (November 1993)
Strong Versions of Bell’s Theorems
Phy. Rev. A49 3182-3187 (1994)
LBL-33978 Revised (May 1993)
Theoretical Model of a Purported Empirical Violation of the Predictions of Quantum Theory
Phys. Rev. A50 18-22 (1994)
LBL-33789 (March 1993)
Comments of Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, Joint Measurement of Incompatible Observables, and Counterfactual Definiteness.
Found. Of Phys. 24, 1665-1670 (1994)
Quantum Theory and the Place of Mind in Nature
In Niels Bohr and Contemporary Philosophy
Eds. J. Faye and H. J. Folse (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1994)
LBL-33552 (January 1993)
Mind, Matter, and Pauli
In Symposiaon the foundations of Modern Physics 1992
K. V. Laurikainen anc C. Montenen, eds.
(World Scientific, Singapore, 1992)
LBL-32761 (September 1992)
Quantum Theory of consciousness
LBL-32391 (May 1992)
Quantum Conception of Man
Invited paper present to the Third UNESCO Science and Culture Forum
Toward Eco-Ethics: Alternative Visions of culture, Science, Technology and Nature
Belem, Brazil, April 5-10, 1992
LBL-32043 (May 1992)
Noise-induced Reduction of Wave Packets and Faster-than-Light Influences
Phys. Rev. A46 6860 (1992)
LBL-32017 (April 1992)
Choice and Meaning in the Quantum University
Invited presentation at Congres: Science et Tradition
Quantum Electrodynamics at Large Distances
Submitted to Phys. Rev. A
LBL-25819 (November 1993)
Nonlocal Character of the Rastall Model
With d. Bedford
LBL-25436 (June 1988)
Transcending Newton’s Legacy
Invited talk at Symposium: Newton’s Legacy: A symposium on the Origins and Influence of Newtonian Science.
Tulane University, November 12-14, 1987
LBL-24322 (November 1987)
Quantum Nonlocality and the Description of Nature
In Philosophical Consequences of Quantum Theory
Eds. J. Cushing and e. McMullin (Notre Dame University Press, 1989)
CP-Violation Does Not Make Faster-than-Light communication Possible
With J. Finkelstein
Phys. Lett. A126, 159 (1987)
LBL-24229 (November 1987)
Quantum Nonlocality and the Description of Nature:
Abstract of Presentation to Conference:
Philosophical Lessons from Quantum Theory
LBL-24164 September 1987
Microlocal Analysis of the Infrared problem
WithT. Kawai
To appear in Prospect of Algebraic analysis
M. Kashiwara and T. Kawai, eds., (Academic Press, new York, 1988)
Response to “Comment on Bell’s Theorem and the Foundations of quantum Physics
Amer. J. Phys. 55, 113 (1987)
Reply to “Comment on Bell’s Theorem and the Foundations of quantum Physics” Amer. J. Physics
LBL-24162 October 1987
3-Space from Quantum Mechanics
with G. F. Chew
Foundations of Physics 18, 809 (1988)
Spacetime and the Future Quantum Theory
Invited contribution to Bohm Issue of the Foundations of Physics
Quantum Nonlocality
Foundations of Physics 18, 427 (1988)
Quantum Theory and the Physicists’ Conception of Nature: Philosophical Implications Bell’s Theorem
In The World view of Contemporary Physics: Is There a Need for a New Metaphysics?
Comment on a Proposed Resolution of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen and Bell Paradoxesx
Infra-red Finiteness in quantum Electro-Dynamics
With T. kawai
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 4, 263 (1984)
Solution of the Infra-red problem
Phys. Rev. D28, 1386 (1983)
An Asymptotic Dispersion Relation for the Six-particle Amplitude
With A. White
Phys./ Rev D26, 2145 (1982)
LBL-14667; Fermilab PUB-82/THY
Bell’s Theorem as a Nonlocality Property of quantum Theory
Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 1470 (1982)
(Comment on a Letter Related to Bell’s Theorem [preprint title])
An Exact Solution of the Infra-red Problem
Phys. Rev. D28, 1386 (1983)
Topological Theory of Hadrons I: Mesons
Phys. Rev D27, 2445 (1983)
Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics
FD. Of Phys. 12, 363 (1982)
On the Regular Holonomic character of the s-matrix and Microlocal
Analysis of Unitary-type Integrals
With t. kawai
Commun. Math. Phys. 83, 213 (1982)
Topological Theory of Hadrons II: Baryons
Phys. Rev. D27, 2478 (1983)
Spins and Baryons in the Topological Expansion
Reqritten as LBL-13310
LBL-10774 April 1980
Locality and Reality
Fd. Of Phys. 10, 767 (1980)
1956 – 1980
Relativistic Theory of Polarization Phenomena, Phys. Rev. 103, 425 (1956).
Phase shift Analysis of 310 MeV Proton-proton Scattering Experiments, (with T. J. Ypsilantis and N. Metropolis), Phys. Rev. 105, 302 (1957).
Chew-Theory Approach to the Scattering of Low-Energy K+ Particles by Nucleons, Phys. Rev. 106, 134 (1957).
Charge Exchange Scattering of K0 Beams as a Test of the Parity Doublet Proposals, Phys. Rev. 107, 585 (1957).
Theory of High Energy Deuteron scattering, Phys. Rev. 107, 607 (1957).
Some experimental Tests of the Luders’ theorem, Phys. Rev. 107, 643 (1957).
Polarization and Angular Correlation in the Production and Decay of Particles of Spin 1/2 and Spin 3/2 (with R. Spitzer), Phys. Rev. 109, 540 (1958).
Modified Analysis of Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering I (with P. Cziffra, M. H. MacGregor, and M. J. Moravcsik), Phys. Rev. 114, 880 (1959).
Modified Analysis of Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering II (with M. H. MacGregor and M. J. Moravicsik), Phys. Rev. 116, 1248 (1959).
Nucleon-Nucleon scattering experiments and their Phenomenological Analysis (with M. H. MacGregor and M. J. Moravcsik), Annual Reviews of Nuclear Science (1960).
Spin and Parity Analysis from Production and Decay of Hyperon resonant States 9with R. Gatto), Phys. Rev. 121, 1553 (1960).
Derivation of the CPT theorem and the Connection Between Soin and Statistics from the Postulates of S-Matrix Theory, Phys. Rev. 125, 2139 (1962).
Intrinsic Parity from the S-Matrix viewpoint, Phys. Rev. 128, 1963 (1962).
On the Masses and Lifetimes of unstable Physical Particles, Nuovo Cimento 32, 103 (1964).