March 2009 Letter

FromOur Clann Cadet

Hello Clann Wolf family:

This is my first letter as Cadet; I am honored and humbled to serve. I look forward to the adventure it will be.

The Alafia River Rendezvous is the beginning of the season and it looks like a busy one at that. I would like to thank every one in the Florida Sept for making it an event I probably will never forget. I have to thank Don Boger, Florida Sept Chief, and Jeff Bills, Florida Cadet, for their efforts. With out their hard work this would not have been possible. Also want to thank RussBerry of Ohio Sept for one of the finest dinners I have had at an event. Fantastic food, great friends, fairly descent weather….what more could you ask for. I could thank 30 people here and still miss quite a few so I will move on.

I would like to mention some upcoming events that the Clann of the Wolf will be involved in. First is the “Culloden Living History event” at Ft Plain, New York. May 15th -17th 2009. This will be my first year to take part and I am truly excited about the event. Please consider this event as you make your schedule for the year. Visit the Clann of the Wolf web site for more info. Interested members please contact me, or our Chief; Jack McDonald, we cannot sign up as individuals. It has to be as a group. We also need this info by April.

Also Thursday May 28th-Sunday the 31st is the “Highland Games at Glasgow, Kentucky”. This has turned into a national gathering for the Clann of the Wolf. It is a modern Highland Games in the front of the event and 18th century Scotland in the back, bring your camp and set up. Ralph Gentry Kentucky Sept Chief does a great job and it is a lot of fun. Once again more info at the Clann of the Wolf web site.

It is dues time…&....We need e-mail information from everyone so we can get news letters out to you.

State Sept Chiefs please get with Bill Jeffery the Webmaster and get your info on the web site, we have a lot of folks that cannot find a representative for their state and just quit at that point. They want to get involved but don’t know where to start.

Last but not least please visit the web site “” this is a great site and has incredible potential. There is a massive amount of space to add all kinds of info, state news, and upcoming events and so on.

Crioch Onarach

Lucky Dave Cox