Francisco Sánchez Benedito
University of Málaga
MALE GENITALS (1.402 terms)
- Aaron’s rod
- Abraham
- accordion
- accoutrements
- ace
- ace of spades
- acorn
- Adam
- Adam’s arsenal
- Adam´s dagger
- Adam’s pajamas
- Agamennon
- agate
- Alice
- almond
- almond rock
- alligator
- ambassador
- angle
- animal
- antelope
- anvil
- apparatus
- appendage
- appliance
- arbor vitae
- archfiend
- Aries
- arm
- armor/armour
- arrow
- arsenal
- arse-opener
- arse-wedge
- assailant
- Athenaeum
- Atlas rocket
- auger
- Auld Hornie/auld hornie
- auxiliary
- awl
- baby
- baby gherkin
- baby’s arm
- baby-maker
- bacon
- bag and baggage
- bag boy
- bag of tricks
- bagpipe
- bald-headed candidate
- bald-headed hermit
- bald-headed mouse
- baloney
- balls and bat/bat and balls
- banana
- banger
- barber’s sign
- barge pole
- barrel of the gun
- basket
- basket for days
- bat
- bat and balls
- batter
- battering piece
- battering ram
- battle-ship
- bauble/bawble
- bayonet
- bazooca
- beak
- bean
- bean-shooter
- beanstalk /beanpole
- bean-tosser
- beard-splitter
- beast
- beaver lever
- bed flute
- bee
- beef
- beefcake
- beef-steak
- beer can
- bell-end
- bell-rope
- belly
- belly-ruffian
- best friend, my
- best leg of three
- best part of man
- Bethlehem steel
- bicho
- big boa
- big brother
- big fella
- big foot Joe
- big honcho
- big man on campus
- big Steve
- big stick
- bilbo
- bill
- billie
- bingy/bingey
- bird
- birdie
- bishop
- bit
- black pudding
- blade
- blind
- blind Bob, old
- blind eye that weeps
- block and tackle
- bloke who enlisted with one
- blow stick
- blowtorch
- bludgeon (club)
- blue cherry
- blue steeler
- blue veined junket pumper
- blueskin
- blue-veined meaty shaft
- blue-veined steak
- blue-veined trumpet
- blunt end
- bobtail
- bodini
- bodkin
- body’s captain, my
- bologna
- bolt
- bone
- bonfire
- bore
- borer
- bow
- bowl
- bowsprit
- bracmard
- broadsword
- broom
- broomstick /broomhandle
- brute-machine
- bubblehead
- buddy
- budget
- budini
- bugle
- bulb
- bull
- bum-tickler
- bungpeg
- burrito
- bush-beater
- bush-whacker
- business
- butcher
- butter-knife
- button
- buttonhole worker
- caber
- cachiporra
- cadulix
- Canadian bacon
- canary
- candle
- candy stick
- cane
- cannon
- Captain Standish
- carbine
- carnal member
- carnal parts
- carnal stump
- carrot
- Casey
- catso /catzo
- cauda
- cavalier
- Cecil
- centerpiece
- centre of his virility
- chanson
- chanticleer
- Charles the bald
- Charlie/charlie
- cherry-splitter
- Chester
- chicken
- chicken neck
- child-getter
- chink-stopper
- choad
- chopper
- Chuck
- chum
- clava
- cleat
- cleaver
- clothes prop
- club
- cock
- cock of death
- cock robin
- cockerel
- cod’s head
- codpiece
- column
- column of ivory
- commodity
- concern
- coney-borow-ferret
- conger
- copperstick/copper stick/copper-stick
- coral branch/ branch of coral
- corey/corie
- Corsican
- coupling bat
- cracker
- crack-hunter /crack-haunter
- cracksman
- crank
- cranny-hunter
- creamstick
- crimson bird
- crimson chitterling
- crook
- crooked staff
- crotch
- crozier
- cuckoo
- cucumber
- cudgel
- cue
- culty-gun
- cum cobra
- cunny burrow ferret
- cunny catcher
- cunt-stabber
- Cupid’s arbor
- Cupid’s dart
- Cupid’s torch
- custard chucker
- custom’s-house officer
- customs officer
- cutlass
- cutty-gun
- Cyclop
- Cyprian sceptre
- dagger
- dang
- dangle
- dangly bits
- dard
- dart
- dart of love
- dart of Venus
- dead rabbit
- dead worm
- dearest bodily part
- dearest member
- dearest morsel
- deer
- derrick
- destroyer
- device
- devil
- diamond
- dibble
- dick
- Dick/Dicky
- dickey/dicky/dickie
- dickory dock
- Dicky Jones
- diddle
- dildo
- dill
- dillie/dilly
- ding/dinger
- ding-a-ling
- dingbat
- ding-dong
- ding doorum
- dinghy
- dingle-dangle
- dingus
- dink
- dinkie
- dinosaur
- diplomat
- dipshit
- dipstick
- dirk
- distaff
- diver
- dobber
- Doctor Johnson
- dodad
- dofunny
- dog
- dohickey
- dohicky
- dohinger
- dojigger
- dojiggie/dojiggum
- dolphin
- dolly
- Dom Cypriano
- dong
- donger
- donkey
- doob
- doodad
- doodle
- dooflicker
- doohickey
- doover
- dork
- dough
- down below
- down there
- down-leg
- downstairs
- dragon
- dribbling dart of love
- driveshaft
- drumstick
- dummy
- dust cover for cunt
- earthworm
- eel
- egghead
- Elmer Pudd
- end
- end-piece
- enemy
- engine
- English sentry
- equipment
- essential part
- eternal disturber of the peace
- Excalibur
- extension cord
- external disturber of the peace
- eye-hole
- eye opener
- faithful servant
- falchion
- faloral faldiddle faloorum
- family organ
- fancy-work
- fang
- father confessor
- fellow
- ferret
- ferry
- fiddle-bow
- fiddle-stick /fiddling-stick
- fifth limb
- finest tobacco pipe
- finger
- firebrand
- firecracker
- firelock
- firing-piece
- fish
- fishing-rod
- fixed bayonet
- flagpole
- flagstaff
- flapdoodle
- flapper
- flashlight
- flat tire
- flêche
- flesh
- fleshly parts
- floater
- flounder
- flute
- foe
- foil
- fool maker
- fool sticker
- forefinger
- foreman
- fornicating-engine/-member/-tool
- fornicator
- fox
- Frank /frank
- Fred
- Freddie
- friend
- frigamajig
- Fritz
- frog
- fruit and veg
- fruit basket
- fruit for the monkeys
- fuck muscle
- fuck pole
- fucker
- fuckstick
- funstick
- gadget
- gadso
- gaff
- gallant wimble
- galloper
- game-cock
- gap-stopper/stop-gap
- garden-engine
- garden hose
- gardener
- garrote
- gaying instrument
- gear
- gear stick
- gem
- general
- General Custer
- generation/generating tool
- Genghis Khan
- genital organs
- genital zone
- genital(s)
- genitalia
- gentleman
- George
- German helmet
- gherkin
- giant
- giblets
- giggle-stick/giggle stick
- giggling-pin
- gimlet
- gimmick
- Giorgio
- Gipsy Joe
- girlometer
- gladius
- gland
- glans/glans penis
- glory
- gnarled tree trunk
- goat
- God’s revenge on a woman
- godgiven groover
- gold-digger
- goldfish
- goober
- good buddy
- goods
- goose’s-neck
- gopher
- gourd
- goytoy
- grannie
- gravy-giver
- great man
- grinding-tool
- gristle
- groceries
- groin
- groyne
- guerrilla
- gully-raker
- gun
- gut-stick
- hacker
- hair-divider /hair-splitter
- halberd /halbert
- half a cob
- hambone
- Hamlet
- hammer
- Hampton
- Hampton Wick
- handstaff
- hang up/hanging Johnny
- hang-down
- hanger
- Hank
- happy fella
- haricot
- harpoon
- harquebusier
- Harry
- Harvey
- hatchet
- haulkin
- he
- he who must be obeyed
- headlight
- heart
- helmet
- hermit
- hermit in a cave
- hero
- hey nonny-nonny
- hickey/hicky/hickie
- hickory dock
- him
- himself
- His Excellency
- His Highness
- hoe-handle
- hog
- holy iron
- Holy Kee-rist
- holy poker
- Holy Sacrament
- holy thistle
- honey-pot cleaver
- honker
- hook
- Horatio
- horn
- horn of pleasure
- horn of plenty
- horse
- horsemeat
- hose
- hot dog
- hot fish
- hot pudding
- hot rod/ hot stick
- howitzer
- huntsman’s arrow
- husband of nature
- husky
- IBM (itty bitty meat)
- ice-cream machine
- ID
- idol
- implement
- impudence
- inch of mutton
- instrument
- instrument of pleasure
- intimate parts
- Irish horse
- Irish root
- Irish toothpick
- iron
- iron dart
- it
- JT
- Jack/jack
- Jack in the box
- Jack Robinson
- Jacob
- Jacques /Jacque’s /Jaques
- jang
- jargonelle
- Jason
- Jean-Claude
- jelly bag/jelly-bag
- jelly-roll
- jerk town
- jerking iron
- jesuit
- jewel
- jewel for the ladies
- Jewish National
- Jezebel
- jigger
- jiggling-bone
- Jim dog
- jock
- jockam
- jockum
- Jocky/jocky/jockey/jockie
- John/john
- John Goodfellow
- John Henry
- John Henry Longfellow
- John Thomas
- John Thursday
- John Willie
- Johnny /Johnnie /johnny /johnnie
- Johnson/ johnson
- joint
- Jones/ jones
- joy bone
- joy prong
- joyknob
- joystick/joy-stick
- juice dealer
- Julius Caesar
- junior
- justum
- kazoo
- kennedy
- kennel-raker
- key
- kidney-scraper/kidney-wiper
- King Kong
- king member
- king of clubs
- king pin
- Kingdom of Heaven
- kit
- knack
- knife
- knob
- knock
- knocker
- Kojak
- kolbassa
- labourer of nature
- lad
- ladies’ delight/ladies’ treasure
- ladies’ friend
- ladies’ lollipop
- ladies’ plaything
- lady-ware
- lamb
- lamp of life
- lance
- lance in rest
- lance of love
- langolee
- larydoodle
- Lazarus
- leather-stretcher
- leg
- lemon
- length
- lever
- life-preserver
- limb
- lingam /linga
- lion
- lip-splitter
- liquorice stick
- little boy blue
- little brother
- little buddy
- little Davy
- little Elvis
- little finger
- little friend
- little guy
- little guy with the German helmet
- little one
- little pinkie
- little thing
- little Weese
- little Willie/Willy
- live rabbit
- live sausage
- live wire
- liver-turner
- living flute
- lizard
- loaded gun, a
- lob
- lob-cock
- lob-prick
- lobster
- log
- loins
- lollypop /lollipop
- long John
- long Tom
- Longfellow
- Lord, the
- lot, one’s
- Lou
- love bone
- love-dart
- love gun/love -gun
- love-log
- love machine/ love-machine
- love muscle
- love popsicle
- love pump
- lovesteak
- love torpedo
- love truncheon
- love-tool
- love wand/love-wand
- love’s picklock
- low neck and short sleeve
- lower parts
- lower person
- lower stomach
- Lucy
- luggage
- lullaby
- lung-disturber
- lust-log
- lusty andouille
- machine
- machinery
- mad Mick
- maggot
- magic(al) wand
- mahoonie
- male ego
- male genital organ
- male member
- male organ
- male pudendum
- mallee root
- man Thomas, (my)
- man’s tackle
- manhood
- manliness
- man-machine
- man-meat/ manmeat
- man-root
- manwurst
- marriage gear
- marrow
- marrow bone and cleaver
- marrow-pudding
- masculine part
- master John Thursday
- master of ceremonies
- master tool
- masterpiece
- mate
- Mathew
- matrimonial peacemaker
- Max
- maypole
- meat
- meat and pickles
- meat and two veg
- meat hook
- meat microphone
- meat whistle
- meat-log
- meat puppet
- member
- member for Cockshire, the
- mentula
- mentule
- merchandise
- merrymaker
- Mick
- Mickey
- middle finger
- middle leg
- middle stump
- milkman
- miracle-meat
- mister
- Mister Johnson
- Mister Jones
- Mister Nicefoot
- Mister Sausage
- Mister Tom
- moby
- Moby Dick
- modigger
- modiwort /modiewark /modiewart
- mole
- monk
- monkey
- monster
- monument
- morsel
- Mortimer
- most precious part
- mountain
- mouse
- mouse mutton
- mouse-dagger
- mowdiwort/mowdiwark
- Mr Happy
- Mr Microphone
- Mr Penis
- Mr Wang
- muscle
- muscle of love
- musket
- mule
- mutinous member
- mutton
- mutton-dagger
- my best friend
- my friend
- my little friend
- my special friend
- nag
- naggie
- nail
- naked weapon
- nasty
- natural member
- natural parts
- natural places
- naturalia
- naturals
- nature
- nature’s husband
- nature’s masterpiece
- nature’s scythe
- naughty bits
- nearsighted
- Nebuchadnezzar
- necessaries
- needle
- needle dick
- needle’s point
- nervous cane
- nether parts
- nether regions
- Netherlands, the
- nethers
- nice little piece of possibility
- night-stick
- Nimrod
- nine-inch knocker
- nippy
- nob
- nobler/noblest part(s)
- noodle
- nose
- nozzle
- nudger
- nut
- nuts and bolt
- oak
- oar
- old Adam
- old baldy
- old boy, the
- old chap, the
- old faithful, the
- old faithless, the
- old feller
- old fellow, the
- Old Frizzle
- old Hornington
- old horny /horney
- old man, the
- old Pedro
- old slimy
- Oliver Twist
- Omar
- one of the nine gates of the Holy City
- one-eyed boy with his shirtsleeves rolled up
- one-eyed brother
- one-eyed mattress mamba
- one-eyed milkman
- one-eyed monster
- one-eyed snake
- one-eyed trouser snake
- one-eyed trouser-trout
- one-eyed worm
- one-holed flute