Note - This is offered to assist you in completing your Cash Register Problem ID 11 The British currency and coinage are different but the concepts are the same.Below is a first pass at the British Change Calculator

It is ready for a walkthrough with the developer team.
Estimated Design cost = 4 Person Hours at 30 USD in USA
Estimated Build/Test cost = 4 Person Hours at 7 USD per hour offshore coding service.

Use Case ID 01 Title British Change Calculator

Goal Provide – Provide Customer Change in British Currency

Trigger – Customer is checking out and requires change in British Notes and or Coins

Preconditions – Customer Charge and Amount Tendered are known

Successful End - Correct change is given.

User (Desk Clerk) / System
1. Enters SalesAmount
2. Enters TenderedAmount
3. Presses Change Button
Subtracts SalesAmount from TenderedAmount giving Change
Convert Change to Pence
If change is < 0 As Customer to Increase TenderedAmount
If Change > 50 Pounds (5000p) Then Call manager
If change = 0 then end
Determine 20,10,5 Pound Notes
Determine all coinage to be dispensed

PDL Title British Change Calculator PDL

// This is a comment line and needs no code.

// Please review the Calculator Form

// c01P is a 1 Pence coin ….. c2P (a 2 Pound Coin)

// 5pn, 10pn , 20pn Pound Notes

Sub ComputeChange()

Define AmountTendered, SaleAmount as Single

Define change as Int16

Define c01p, c02p, c05p, c10p,c20p, c50p ,c1Pound,c2Pound as byte

Define fiveNote, tenNote, twentyNote as byte

change = (AmountTendered – SaleAmount) * 100 // Now in pence

If change < 0 then Display message asking for more money
If change = 0 then Display message Thanking the Customer
While change >2000

TwentyNote += 1
change -= 2000

End While

If change > = 1000 then

TenNote = 1

Change -= 1000

End If

If change > = 500 then

fiveNote = 1

Change -= 500

End If

While change >200

c2Pound += 1
change -= 200

End While

While change >100

c1Pound+= 1
change -= 100

End While

If change > 50 then

c50P = 1

change -=50


While change >20

c20p+= 1
change -= 20

End While

If change > 10 then

c10P = 1

change -=10


If change > 10 then

c10P = 1

change -=10


If change > 5 then

c05P = 1

change -=5


While change >2

c02p+= 1
change -= 2

End While

c01p = change

Place c01p, c02p, c05p, c10p,c20p, c50p ,c1Pound,c2Pound into their form labels

Place fiveNote, tenNote, twentyNote into their form labels

End Sub