Caring for the Community

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on

Monday 23 May 2016 at 7.00pm in the

Council Chamber, Woodland Road Sports & Social Centre

Present: C Cllr R G Clark (Chair) C Cllr Mrs V Crick

Cllr C Crick C Cllr N Davies

Cllr D Dewar Cllr L Lewis

Cllr S Matthews Cllr M Price

Cllr A Rappell Cllr E Silcox Cllr W Steiner Cllr G Welsh

Clerk to the Council: Ms Ceri Mortimer

Administrator: Mrs Catherine Hillier (Minutes)

1. / Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr S O’Dobhain, Cllr B Rosser (unwell).
2. / Declarations of Interest
Cllr N Davies declared an interest in Minute No. 7 - Torfaen CBC Planning Applications
Catherine Hillier declared an interest in Minute No. 6.2 – CLCC Projects
Gwent Police Update
The meeting received an update on Crime and Antisocial Behaviour in the Community Council area presented by Inspector David Morgan, Gwent Police.
RESOLVED: Members noted the update.
3. / Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman, on behalf of the Members, congratulated C Cllr Mrs Veronica Crick on her appointment as Mayor of Torfaen 2016/2017.
4. / Minutes
4.1 / Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 21.03.16 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.
4.2 / Matters Arising from the Minutes of Full Council Meeting 21.03.16
There were no matters arising
4.3 / The Draft Notes of the Business Planning Group Meeting 10.05.16 were noted.
4.4 / The cancellation of the Planning & Environment Committee Meeting 09.05.16 was noted.
5. / Current Financial Situation as at 16/05/2016
(i)  Balance of Funds
The current balance of funds document was received, approved and signed by the Chairman and Vice Chairman as an accurate record.
(ii)  Cheques & Debit Card Payments
The document, which includes list of authorised cheques, debit card payments and standing orders was received, approved and signed by the Chairman and Vice Chairman as an accurate record.
(iii) Reconciliation
The reconciliation document was received, approved and signed by a non-signatory Member as an accurate record.
(iv) Bank Statements
Bank Statements Nos. 542 and 543 were received, approved and signed by a non-signatory Member as an accurate record.
(v)  Woodland Road Income/Expenditure as at 16/05/2016
The income/expenditure document was received, approved and signed by the Chairman.
6. / CLCC Projects
6.1 / The amended CLCC Project Summary document dated May 2016 was received and noted.
Mrs Hillier declared an interest in the next item and left the meeting therefore playing no part in the ensuing discussions.
6.2 / Redecoration of CLCC Office and Chamber:
The meeting received and considered the three estimates provided by contactors and the recommendation of the Business Planning Group Meeting 10.05.16.
RESOLVED: Members approved the recommendation to accept the lowest estimate.
Mrs Hillier returned to the meeting.
6.3 / Clerk’s Report – Intrusion Alarm
The meeting received and considered the Clerk’s Report recommending the installation of a new alarm system to include Woodland Road Sports & Social Centre premises.
RESOLVED: Members approved the recommendation.
6.4 / Woodland Road Sports & Social Centre – Update in relation to Staff cover:
The meeting received the update and recommendations re. WRSSC staffing presented by the Chairman.
RESOLVED: Members noted the update and approved the recommendations.
7. / Torfaen County Borough Council Planning Applications
7.1 / 16/P/00237 PROPOSED: Retention of car port and log cabin and associated decking AT: 36 Caerwent Road, Croesyceiliog, Cwmbran, Torfaen NP44 2QF
RESOLVED: Members noted the application and recommended concern be expressed regarding over development of the site.
Cllr Mark Price left the meeting.
7.2 / 16/P/00246 PROPOSED: Single storey rear house extension AT: 50 Llanyrafon Way, Llanyrafon, Cwmbran, Torfaen NP44 8HW
RESOLVED: Members noted the application and there were no objections.
Cllr Mark Price returned to the meeting.
7.3 / 16/P/00226 PROPOSED: Single storey disabled wet-room/bedroom rear extension AT: 163 Brynhyfryd, Croesyceiliog, Cwmbran, Torfaen NP44 2NT
RESOLVED: Members noted the application and recommended approval.
7.4 / 16/P/00257 PROPOSED: Single storey rear annex for elderly relative AT: 48 Llanyrafon Way, Llanyrafon, Cwmbran, Torfaen NP44 8HW
RESOLVED: Members noted the application and recommended approval.
8. / Correspondence Received
8.1 / Post Office Re Changes to Edlogan Square Post Office, 5 Edlogan Square, Croesyceiliog, Cwmbran NP44 2NR: Members received and noted the communication.
8.2 / TCBC Consultation on ‘Updated Planning Obligations’ and ‘CSS Wales Parking Standards 2014’ Supplementary Guidance Documents: Members received and noted the Consultation.
8.3 / Royal British Legion “Count them in” Campaign: Members noted the communication and expressed their full support for the campaign.
8.4 / Royal British Legion Centenary Commemorations of the Battles of Jutland and the Somme:
Members noted the communication.
8.5 / Centenary Fields in Trust & Royal British Legion Centenary Fields Programme protecting valuable green space across the Country: Members noted the communication.

The Meeting Closed at 7.50pm

SIGNED: ______DATED: ______


M:\CroesyLlanyCC\Common\FULL COUNCIL MEETINGS\2016\Agenda~Reports~Papers\07~June~270616\5.2 Minutes FC 230516.doc

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