Curriculum Vita Dove, Meredith L.


Name: Meredith Dove College: Arts & Sciences

Title: Assistant Professor Department: Psychology


A. Degrees

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Brown University/Hasbro Children’s Hospital (September 2005 - September 2007)

·  APA-approved post-doctoral fellowship

·  Pediatric Psychology, specialization in Gastrointestinal Disorders

Pre-doctoral Internship, Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City, MO, Pediatric Psychology (July 2004 - July 2005)

·  APA-approved pre-doctoral internship

Utah State University (August 2000 to August 2006)

·  Doctor of Philosophy in Combined Professional-Scientific (Clinical/Counseling/School) Psychology APA-approved program awarded August 2006

Therapeutic Processes in a Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Depressed Adolescents with a Chronic Illness

·  Master of Counseling Psychology awarded June 2002

The Effects of a School-wide Peer-administered Praise Intervention on Student Problem Behavior

Colby College (August 1991 to May 1995)

·  Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa


A. Teaching

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (September 2014 to present)

·  Assistant Professor of Psychology (September 2014 to present)

B. Other

C. Listing of courses, with numbers and titles, taught at UMass Dartmouth ordered by semester/academic year

·  Spring 2017

o  PSY 420: Child Clinical Methods (enrollment=23)

o  PSY 480: Counseling III (enrollment = 17)

o  PSY 589: Practicum (enrollment = 13)

o  PSY 298: Community Companions (enrollment = 15)

·  Fall 2016

o  PSY 420: Child Clinical Methods (enrollment=23

o  PSY 407: Counseling II (enrollment =18)

o  PSY 298: Community Companions (enrollment =13)

·  Spring 2016

o  PSY 420: Child Clinical Methods (enrollment =21)

o  PSY 480: Counseling III (enrollment =14)

o  PSY 589: Practicum (enrollment =12)

o  PSY 298: Community Companions (enrollment =16)

·  Fall 2015

o  PSY 407: Counseling II (enrollment =14)

·  Spring 2015

o  PSY 202: Abnormal Psychology (enrollment =42)

o  PSY 480: Counseling III (enrollment =14)

o  PSY 589: Practicum (enrollment =12)

o  PSY 298: Community Companions (enrollment =19)

·  Fall 2014

o  PSY 407: Counseling II (enrollment =20)

o  PSY 503: Advanced Psychopathology (enrollment =19)

Scholarship and Professional Activities:

PUBLICATIONS: Fall 2014-Spring 2017

Peer-reviewed journal articles


Fischer, A. J., Luiselli, J. K., & Dove, M. B. (2015). Effects of Clinic and In-Home Treatment on Consumption and Feeding-Associated Anxiety in an Adolescent with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 3(2), 154-166.

·  As third author on a manuscript accepted for publication in Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology (impact factor = 2.472), my responsibilities included supervising the clinical treatment which the manuscript is based on, provided by the first author, writing the Background section, providing feedback and edits to pre-submission drafts, and helping respond to reviewers, particularly regarding the uniqueness of this treatment.

PUBLICATIONS: prior to Fall 2014

Peer-reviewed journal article

Brent, M., Lobato, D., & LeLeiko, N. (2009). Empirically supported

psychological treatments for pediatric gastrointestinal disorders. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 48(1), 13-21.

·  As first author on a manuscript accepted for publication in Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, my responsibilities included reviewing all articles included in the publication, drafting the manuscript, and editing pre-submission drafts, and responding to reviewers.


Peer-reviewed journal articles

Dove, M., Silver, E., & Richardson, E. (under review). Implementation of obesity

prevention best practices in early childcare centers in low-income communities. Journal

of Community Health.

Kiene, S., Dove, M., & Wanyenze, R. (revise and resubmit). Depression symptoms, disclosure, HIV-related stigma, and coping following HIV testing among outpatients in Uganda: A daily process analysis. Aids and Behavior.

Edwards-George, J., Dove, M.B., Rodgers, R., Hanania, J., Berry, R., Giblin, M., Franko, D., & Lobato, D. (under review). Eating pathology in youth with celiac disease. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition.


o  Behavioral problems among children with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder.

o  Qualitative analysis of a community-based research project on childcare provider perceptions of barriers to implementation of obesity prevention best practice standards within low-income communities.

o  Acceptability of a school-based health care delivery model to increase HIV screening among underserved youth.

GRANTS RECEIVED: Fall 2014-current

a. Individual

PI: Meredith Dove- “Barriers to Implementation of Obesity Prevention Strategies in Early Care Programs in Low-Income areas of Southeastern MA” UMD Leduc Center for Civic Engagement Grant – July 15-Nov. 30, 2016- $2000.00

PI: Meredith Dove – “Assessment and Development of Obesity Prevention Strategies in Early Care and Education Programs in Low-Income areas of Southeastern MA” UMD Summer Research Fellowship Program – June 1-Set. 30, 2015- $5943.56

GRANTS APPLIED FOR: Fall 2014-current

a.  In Collaboration

PIs: Meredith Dove & Lauren Bartell: “Culturally Appropriate Behavioral Family Interventions for Childhood Obesity in Low-Income Communities”

Department of Health and Human Services grant- August 2017

PIs: Meredith Dove & Aaron Fischer: “An Evaluation of Telehealth During the Assessment and Treatment of Pediatric Feeding Disorders”

Society of Pediatric Psychology Targeted Research grant – June 2015 – Letter of Intent

PI: Meredith Dove, David Weed, & Wendy Garf-Lipp – “Obesity Prevention with Early Childcare and Education programs in Fall River”

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation grant - April 2015

PIs: Aaron Fischer, Meredith Dove - “An Evaluation of Telehealth During the Assessment and Treatment of Pediatric Feeding Disorders”

David H. and Beverly A. Barlow grant, sponsored by American Psychological Foundation - April 2015

PIs: Meredith Dove & David Weed - “Taking action to prevent obesity within early care and education programs in a low-income area: A dialogic approach”

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant - January 2015


a.  Works presented at international conferences

Edwards George, J.B., Dove, M., Lobato, D., Rodgers, R.F., Hanania, J., Berry, R., Giblin, M., Franko, D.L. and LeLeiko, N. (2017, April). Eating pathology in youth with celiac disease in a primary care setting. Poster presented at Society of Pediatric Psychology Conference, Portland, OR.

Dove, M. (2016, April). Assessment of obesity prevention strategies in early care programs in a low-income area of southeastern Massachusetts. Poster presented at Society of Pediatric Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Brent Dove, M., & Lobato, D. (2015, April). Eating habits among adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Poster presented at Society of Pediatric Psychology Conference, San Diego, CA.

Brent Dove, M., Hopps, A., Campion, R, & Dove, D. (2015, April). Effects of an interdisciplinary group feeding treatment on food interaction among children with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). Poster presented at Society of Pediatric Psychology Conference, San Diego, CA.

b. Local research presentations

Dove, M.B. (2017, March). Project-Based Service Learning Opportunities to Improve Community-Based Services. Spoken presentation at Community Engagement and Research Symposium, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA.

Dove, M. (2017, March). Obesity Prevention Practices in Low-Income Early Childcare Settings. Invited presentation at 3rd Annual Engaged Scholarship Symposium at UMD, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA.

Dove, M. (2015, April). Early Childhood Obesity in Low-Income Areas: Community-Based Participatory Research. Spoken presentation at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth’s Research Retreat.

Dove, M.B. (2015, April). Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disorders: Improving Psychological Assessment and Treatment. Spoken presentation at UMass Dartmouth Psychology Department’s Brown Bag Series.


a.  International research presentation

Dove, M., Silver, E., & Swenson, R. (2017, August, under review). Beliefs Associated with Attitudes about HIV Testing among Adolescents at Risk. Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Seattle, WA.


a. Works presented at conferences – Invited Talks

Brent, M. Pediatric Obesity Updates. Invited talk for May Institute seminar series, Fall River, MA, June, 2011.

Brent, M. & Audet, J. (2010, April). Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder: Current research and applications. Invited talk for Parent Education Series, Kuss Middle School, Fall River, MA.

b. Works presented at international conferences – Poster Presentations

Brent, M., Szigethy, E., Kam, R., Goldman, S., Ablon, S., & Gimpel Peacock, G. (2006, April). Therapeutic Processes in a Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Depressed Adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Poster presented at Society of Pediatric Psychology Conference, Gainesville, FL.


·  Health Equity Ambassador, American Psychological Association (January 2017- present)

·  Reviewer, Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 2014-2017

·  Attendee: Community-Engaged Research workshop, Office of Undergraduate Research, UMass Dartmouth, February 2015


Service to the Department

·  Director, Community Companions program (formerly COMPEER), Fall 2016- present

·  Faculty advisor, Community Companions program (formerly COMPEER), Spring 2015- Spring 2016

·  Member, Clinical Master’s Program Committee, Fall 2014 - current

·  Member, Website Committee, Fall 2016 – current

·  Member, Applied Behavioral Analysis MA Program Committee, Fall 2016 - present

·  Member, Recruitment Committee for FTL Clinical Faculty member, April-May 2015

·  Reviewer, Oral Comprehensive Evaluations for Clinical Graduate students, May 2015

·  Reviewer and Interviewer of Clinical graduate candidates, 2015-2017

·  Arranged and met with numerous practicum placement sites for PSY 407, PSY 480, and PSY 589 to continue to build community partnerships, 2015-2017

·  Communicated with numerous community mental health agencies regarding undergraduate and graduate practicum courses and programs

·  Developed PSY420 syllabus to meet criteria for Capstone and Depth requirements

·  Scribe, Psychology Department, Recorded and disseminated minutes from faculty meetings on a bimonthly basis, 2014-2015

Service to the College

·  Director, Community Companions program (formerly COMPEER), Fall 2016-present

·  Service-Learning Faculty Fellow, Leduc Center for Civic Engagement, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 2015-present

·  Faculty advisor, CAS Student Transition and Achievement Resource Center, 2014-2017

Service to the University

·  Service-Learning Fellow, Leduc Center for Civic Engagement, 2015-2017

·  Received CAS grant and planned the, “Community Companions: Collaboration and Celebration” event for community and university partners, June, 2016


·  American Psychological Association (2005 - present)

Division 54: Society of Pediatric Psychology (2006 - present)

Division 53: Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (2008- present)

·  Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (2016-present)

·  Society for Research in Child Development (2016-present)

·  Member of Pediatric Obesity Special Interest Group (January 2015-present)

·  Member of Pediatric Gastroenterology Special Interest Group (October 2016-present)