Lung Cancer Case Study Transcript

Harold’s Story

Meet Harold – Scene 1

Harold: Always knew that smoking would get me one day. It seems to creep up though doesn’t it? Lots of good intentions about quitting but never actually doing it. Stupid me. Too many gaspers over too many years. Yeah well. The doctors tell me that I’ve got to have all sorts of treatment, I don't really understand it but I’m …. I don't have to do I? I’m in their hands I guess.

I’m not so keen on the pain and the breathlessness. But hopefully they can do something about that. I feel isolated from home, I miss seeing my son every day. Oh we talk every night but I feel alone. And I don't like the food, ever since I started the chemo everything tastes like metal and I’m just so tired. The doctors and nurses told me that the treatment would make me feel tired but I can’t be bothered doing anything. I just want it finished so I can go home. And I wonder whether it’s going to help me, whether it’s worthwhile going through it all.

Harold Returns Home Post-Treatment – Scene 2

Harold:It’s good to be back on the farm. The travel for the chemo and radiotherapy was tough. I missed the old place. Can’t wait to get some of me strength back and give John a hand. It was hard coming to terms with the fact that the cancer has got me.

But I reckon the treatment might help, you never know they could be wrong and I might live to be a 100. And just in case I don't I want to get the paperwork sorted. John doesn’t know about the wife’s crazy side of the family. We never really told him but I want to make sure that they don't raise their ugly heads and try and take the farm.

My throat is feeling a bit better, not as sore to swallow now and I can eat the food that I like at home instead of that slop that they try to call food at the hospital.

John’s Story – Scene 3

John:Came in the other day after smoko and dad was still in bed and that was a bit of a shock. He’s been getting worse lately but this time he was really bad, he seemed to be in a lot of pain. He was groaning in agony. And then I noticed he couldn’t move his legs and I knew something was wrong. So I called the doctor and he said get an ambulance straight away. I followed dad up in the ambulance when they admitted him two days ago. And he was mumbling a bit and a little bit confused and was just off with the fairies basically. All those bloody drugs are enough to make anyone go crazy. When I found him the other day and he was all muddled I thought he was just in pain.

Things seem to be a real mess at the moment, not sure if that means he hasn’t got much longer with us. Just had all the mess at the moment. I got a call from a lawyer last night, he reckons dad wants to draw up some papers to transfer the farm into my name. I don't know what the old man is up to, hasn’t he got a will or something? I don't reckon he can sign anything being so confused. I don't reckon that would be legal. I’ve really got to find some answers around this place because I don't know what’s going on and I don't want dad suffering through all of this.

Supportive Care Needs – Scene 4

Harold:It sure is great to be home again. Must admit I didn’t think I’d get to see the old place again. I was bonkers for a while there, didn’t think I’d get to sit at the kitchen table with John and have a cup of tea again. Or give Fred, me old hound there, another scratch on his belly. So I thought I was a goner, the pain was really something, I couldn’t think straight. Got all that legal stuff sorted, I can die easy now that I know John’s name is on the farm.I don't expect any old ghost to appear, give him a hard time over the property but I just wanted to make sure.

I can still get around a bit as long as I take me tablets for the bit of pain that I’ve still got in me back. Sure taught me that putting up with the pain and the agony just wasn’t worthwhile. Me other problem is that I can’t get enough air into me lungs. Every time I do anything I wind up panting like I’ve just run a marathon. That nice girl Susan the community nurse comes out and checks on me once or twice a week. Tells me she can come out more if I need it. She brought me a shower chair and a couple of other bits and pieces that clutter up the place. But oh I reckon it all helps.

She took us down to Doctor Smith’s surgery a week or so ago, sat us down and I had a bit of a chat about how tough it might get out here when I get a bit worse and I can’t get myself up and about. I know John is spending more time around the sheds and the house these days so he can keep an eye on me. Things are getting behind in the paddocks. He’s got better things to do than babysit me.

EdCaN Case Based learning resource transcript –Lung Cancer

© Cancer Australia 2014