Special Education Guideline #13

Schools within St. Croix River Education District are committed to providing students who require special education services in the area of social behavior a level of service that is matched to each child’s need. For that reason, schools provide services at each level and individualize those services to each child’s IEP as well as access alternative special education placement through their resident school district when necessary.

In the majority of cases, students are placed into programs with increased levels of support and services when their resident district school has exhausted local resources in less restrictive, mainstream settings. Local districts must document the supports and services provided to students in an attempt to serve them successfully within the less restrictive setting. Documentation includes, but is not limited to, a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) that is used to develop a positive behavior support plan that becomes part of the child’s IEP. Such efforts of less restrictive environments to provide an appropriate education for students with intensive behavior needs may include but are not limited to:

  • maximizing the amount of special education services available for the student during the school day;
  • implementing multiple interventions that are intensive enough to drive meaningful progress towards IEPs goals;
  • multiple parent contacts regarding the status of the student’s functioning;
  • review and/or revision of the positive behavior support plan;
  • involvement of paraprofessional resources;
  • collaboration with mental health services;
  • collaboration with county human services;
  • collaboration with chemical health services;
  • gathering additional functional behavior assessment (FBA) information prior to revising the positive behavior support plan; and/or
  • collaborative planning meetings.

In order for the IEP team to make a placement into a more restrictive setting (Level 2, 3, or 4), data regarding the frequency, intensity, or duration of the target behaviors must be present along with progress monitoring data that are graphed.

In rare cases, students may present significant, complex, and/or crisis-level behaviors that may warrant consideration of an alternative placement without multiple positive behavior supports in a less restrictive placement.

Social Behavior Program Placement Process

1. When a case manager begins to have concerns about a student's behavior, he/she should contact the building school psychologist to discuss the student’s behavior and needs. The parents should be contacted to discuss concerns. Note: Consider if an evaluation plan for an FBA needs to be completed at this time.

2. The Case Manager, with the assistance of the IEP team, will verify that a Functional Behavior Assessment has been conducted and continues to be relevant. If not, the team should gather current Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) data. Note: Collecting new FBA data requires parental consent (or passive consent) and needs to be completed within 30 school days.

3. The Case Manager will contact the Social Behavior Collaborative Planner and request assistance with FBA or Behavior Support Plan (BSP) when the team has difficulty identifying the function of the behavior, appropriate replacement behavior, or matching intervention strategies to the FBA.

4. Members of the IEP team will create and implement a BSP that is based on current FBA data. Note: Adding BSP to student’s IEP requires parental consent (or passive consent).

5. If a student’s behaviors continue to maintain or escalate in frequency or intensity, the case manager will contact the Social Behavior Collaborative Planner. The Social Behavior Collaborative Planner will meet with the school team to develop more intensive interventions within the setting, or provide a placement recommendation. They will certify that all interventions and levels of service within the current placement have been exhausted. This includes both existing programming, as well as programming created to meet the individual needs of the student.

6. The case manager will schedule an IEP meeting to discuss a change in placement. A representative from the prospective placement and Social Behavior Collaborative Planner need to be invited to and attend the meeting.

7. After the IEP meeting, a new IEP will be drafted reflecting the change in placement. The IEP will be written as a collaborative effort with the current case manager taking the lead and future case manager providing input. Students cannot attend the new placement until the parent(s) sign the new IEP or passive consent timelines have passed.

Below is a checklist the IEP team should follow when programming for individual student services and supports:

Note: Student placement should not be discussed with parents outside of IEP meetings. Specific student incidents or behavioral concerns may be discussed with parents.

Step 1: Contact relevant parties to discuss the student’s behavior and needs.

□Contact parents to discuss concerns

□Contact school psychologist

□Get consent for FBA if additional FBA data are needed

Step 2: Gather current Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) data within 30 school days.

□Ensure consent (or passive consent) for FBA is received

□Review office referrals and other current information

□Interview parent, teachers, student

□Observe the student (gather ABC data) in multiple settings

□Other information gathered as appropriate

□Summarize information to identify hypothesized function and replacement behaviors

□Communicate summary of FBA with parents, and other team members

Step 3: If the team needs further assistance in instructional programming, contact the Social Behavior Collaborative Planner.

□Review FBA summary with Collaborative Planner

□Ask for input in developing a BSP aligned with the FBA information

Step 4: Members of the IEP team will create and implement a BSP that is based on the current FBA data.

□Develop BSP and document all BSP paperwork

□Include BSP and corresponding behavior goal(s) in IEP

□Send Prior Written Notice (PWN) and amendment paperwork after meeting to amend the IEP to include the BSP

□Do not implement until consent (or passive consent) is received

Step 5: If a student’s behaviors continue to maintain or escalate in frequency or intensity, the case manager will contact the Social Behavior Collaborative Planner.

□Ensure the BSP has been implemented consistently in its entirety for 4-6 weeks

□Meet with the school psychologist and collaborative planner to discuss possible modifications to the plan

□Call an IEP team meeting as needed to discuss changes to the BSP (amend IEP as needed)

□Consider if paraprofessional services are warranted

□Consider if referrals to outside agency services are appropriate

□Implement revised BSP once consent is received or passive consent timeline has passed

□Contact collaborative planner if student data continues to suggest the plan is not working

Step 6: The case manager will schedule an IEP meeting to discuss a change in placement.

□Ensure collaborative planner's schedule is considered when setting meeting time as they are required to attend when placement is discussed

□Invite member from prospective placement to the meeting

Step 7: After the IEP meeting, a new IEP will be drafted reflecting the change in placement.

□New IEP drafted by sending placement

□New placement cannot begin until consent (or passive consent timeline) is received

Throughout the entire process

□Document all instances of restrictive procedures

□Collect ongoing progress monitoring information on each behavior goal. Visually display and review the data on a regular basis.

Placement Process for Move-In Students

  1. Enrolling district has parent complete enrollment paperwork
  1. School Psychologist (SP) from enrolling district reviews the IEP/ESR and contacts the Social Behavior Collaborative Planner (SBCP) from the enrolling district. The SP and SBCP request the following:
  2. Most current (re)evaluation report
  3. Medical reports/health record/immunization records
  4. Current IEP, FBA/BSP
  5. Current assessments, including progress data on IEP goals
  6. Transcripts
  7. Hospital/residential placement reports (if applicable)
  8. Outpatient mental health diagnostic records (if applicable)
  1. Enrolling school inputs student into SpEd Forms
  1. SP and SBCP from enrolling district identify appropriate placement options in compliance with current IEP services
  2. If additional clarification is needed, contact ULM of enrolling district
  1. Student begins school once enrollment is complete (even if the placement meeting has not yet been held); school will provide services comparable to those outlined in student’s incoming IEP
  2. Enrolling district will provide transportation
  1. Enrolling district schedules IEP meeting
  2. SP or SBCP of enrolling district facilitates meeting
  3. Record of Team meeting is produced by enrolling school
  4. In addition to required team members, recommended members include:
  5. School Psychologist and/or Social Behavior Collaborative Planner from enrolling district
  6. Administrator from enrolling district
  7. Case manager from enrolling district
  8. Representative from all proposed settings (Setting III/IV)
  9. Applicable service providers
  1. Placement is determined by IEP team at meeting
  2. Representative from new placement will facilitate intake portion of meeting
  3. Determine appropriate class schedule
  4. Determine appropriate special education services
  5. Schedule tour
  6. Set start date
  7. Discuss transportation needs
  1. Amendment to IEP occurs
  2. Enrolling district case manager completes PWN
  3. New case manager amends services/goals/LRE/accommodations, etc.
  4. New case manager communicates needs to related service providers (if applicable)
  1. APPENDIX 1: Placement into Federal Setting III or IV Flowchart (see next page)

APPENDIX 2: Before the Placement Change Meeting Checklist

Review Current Progress:
  • Case manager will meet with collaborative planner to certify that:
  • All interventions have been exhausted within the existing setting (FS 2 or 3 non-self-contained)
  • Collaborative planners have been involved
  • FBA has been conducted and properly addresses problem
  • At least one quality, individualized Behavior Support Plan (BSP) has been implemented with integrity for 4-6 weeks
  • Consistent and relevant data has been collected throughout the course of intervention(s)
  • Evidence of adequate data supports that interventions were unsuccessful
  • All levels of service within the existing setting have been exhausted
  • Service minutes have been increased to include social/behavioral programming
  • Paraprofessional services have been implemented (or considered and rejected)
  • Review included existing programming as well as individualized programming

Notice of a Team Meeting:
  • Send by mail Notice of a Team Meeting/Procedural Safeguards to parents/guardian
  • Call and confirm appointment with parents/guardian and student
  • Invite/confirm with the following:
  • Social Behavior Collaborative Planner
  • Representative from future placement (director and/or new case manager)
  • Invite through e-mail all other necessary IEP team members

Collaboration with Placement Team
  • Provide receiving team with the following materials prior to the meeting:
Current class schedule
Current ESR/IEP
Current BSP and behavioral data
Meeting Materials:
  • Print and bring the following materials to the placement meeting
Procedural Safeguards
Attendance/Sign-in sheet
Team member excusal form (if needed)
Current evaluation/re-evaluation, IEP, FBA, and BSP
Behavior progress monitoring data
Progress reports, discipline reports, attendance records, grade reports, transcript, and teacher observations

APPENDIX 3: Placement Change Meeting Checklist

  • Sign and record attendance with names and titles
  • Share Procedural Safeguards with the parent/guardian

Purpose of Meeting:
  • The purpose of this meeting is to review the student’s special education services, supports, and progress per his/her current Individualized Education Plan and consider if change of placement is appropriate.

Review of Current IEP:
  • Progress toward meeting IEP goals
  • Review current services, accommodations, and modifications
  • Review behavior support plan (BSP)

Other Reports:
  • Review and discuss progress reports, discipline reports, attendance records, grade reports, and teacher observations
  • Review and discuss (if applicable) chemical abuse issues, mental health needs and collocated services

Consider Change of Placement
  • New or updated IEP goals
  • Services related to goals
  • Least Restrictive Environment (where instruction will take place; what student will be missing)
  • Program modifications, support, adaptations in general education and special education settings
  • Changes to BSP
  • Coordination with outside service providers (i.e. TSA) if applicable

Next Steps
  • Sending team will:
  • Set up transportation
  • Draft new IEP (with input from future case manager)
  • Receiving team will:
  • Set start date
  • Schedule tour with student/guardian

Revised 12/2012; 6/2015; 1/2016

SOC Approval: 6/2016; GB: 9/2016