Arizona Legislative ReportMay 2017

Welcome to May, 2017. Activity has been noticed in the AZ Legislature and here is the latest update.

SB1073 prohibits using a license plate cover that will prevent photoradar from identifying your license plate. Signed by the Governor on 3/28/2017.

HB2525 bill on prohibiting the use of photo radar. Passed by the House and sent to the Senate on 2/24/17. This bill has been ignored in the Senate for this year. It will probably come back for next year.

HB2046the bill requires helmets for motorcycle riders or fees paid to the state. Disapproved by the Transportation Committee on 1/18/17 and forgotten for this year.

SB1505 Save Our Public Highways. The Senate Transportation Committee Chairman Bob Worsley (Mesa-R)has refused to have this bill on his agenda, the sponsoring Senator Juan Mendez will try again next year. The House version is HB2461.

HCR 2011 a proposal to raise the State Gas Excise tax from 18.6 cents per gallon to 28 cents per gallon. On 2/8/17, the House Transportation Committeepassed the bill but no vote on it by the Ways & Means or the Rules Committee. The bill will stay in the House. No further life for this year.

HB2065 is the delayed repeal of the waste tire fees that was set to expire on 31 DEC 2017. It is now extended to expire on 31 DEC 2027. The Committee chairman requested more information from the sponsors and the supporters of the Bill, approved and sent to the Senate, they passed it and the Bill was signed by the Governor on 4/26/2017.

HB2093 proposes to raise the state gas excise tax to 24.4 cents per gallon. This bill will raise the tax two or three cents per gallon per year instead of all at once.No further life this year.

HB2215 required question on the driver’s license test. What to do if pulled over by a law endorsement officer; pull over, shut off the engine, turn off the radio, turn on the vehicles interior lights and roll down the window and place both hands on top of the steering wheel. No vote on it by the TI or Rules Committees since 1/17/17. This Bill is dead for this year.

HB2305 requirement to provide a driver’s license and ID the vehicle occupants of a vehicle when asked for by a law enforcement officer. This Bill is dead for this year.

HB2461 the House version of SB 1505 “Prohibit the conversion of public funded roads to Toll Roads or Fee Managed lanes.” Passed to the Senate on 2/23/2017. I believe that the Senate Transportation Committee Chairman Bob Worsley of Mesa has decided that it is of no interest and doesn’t need to be read by his committee since we don’t have toll roads right now. I will be meeting with the Senator Mendez and Representative Payne in July to get this bill on the docket for next year’s schedule.

Any questions or comments, give me a call. Revised 5/5/2017

Dan Huskisson

AAHC Vice President


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