
Wild Animal Power Point Project
3rd quarter 7th grade
Due Date: March 5th, 2018
Animal Choice:
Project Objectives:
Students will choose a wild animal for their project. Students will research specific adaptations of the animal and describe its role in the ecosystem. Students will research the classification of that animal and compare its family or genus to other related animals and their adaptations. Students will explain what might happen in the ecosystem if this animal suddenly disappeared. Students will explain the animal’s role in a food chain. Students will explain various animal behavior. Students will show on a map, where their animal lives and describe their animal’s ecosystem.Students will research the prey and predators of their animal.Students will explain how environmental conditions can affect the animal and the ecosystem.
Students will be given a step-by-step guide about how to use power point. It will also be reviewed in class. Students will be given several examples of power point projects before they start their project.
Slide Information:
Slide 1: Name of the animal, picture of the animal and student’s name.
Slide 2: Interesting facts about the animal.(4 facts of your choice)
Slide 3: What specific adaptations does the animal have? (Include pictures, showing the specific adaptations.) (3 adaptations)
Slide 4:What is the animal’s scientific name? What other animals are included in this animal's family or genus? List 2 traits they have in common. (Must include pictures)
Slide 5:Construct a food chain or energy pyramid to represent the animal’s role in its environment.Is the animal an herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore? (Use graphics and pictures)
Slide 6: Describe the ecosystem where the animal lives. (This slide must Include a map showing where the animal lives. You should include both biotic and abiotic factors.)
(Continued on back)
Slide 7: Explain what happens when competition occurs in the ecosystem of your animal. (Include pictures)
Slide 8: What would happen to the abiotic & biotic factors in the ecosystem if this animal suddenly disappeared?
Slide 9: Include the prey and predators of your animal. (You can insert a chart for this slide. Must include pictures of the prey and predators)
Slide 10: Explain how droughts, fires, diseases, hurricanes and/or invasive species couldaffect the ecosystem that your animal lives in, and/or shifts in population size.
Slide 11:The animal’s full classification from Kingdom to Species. (Include pictures)
Slide 12: Explain how pollution could directly affect the animal and/or the ecosystem.
Slide 13: Give examples of how human impact could affect the animal’s ecosystem.
Slide 14:Include a video showing your animal’s behavior in its environment. (3-5 minutes)
Slide 15: Works cited: List all the websites/resources you used for this project.
Presentation will include:
  • Power Point consisting of 15 slides.
  • Each student will present and explain their PowerPoint project to their class.
Each class will have time in the computer lab to give students the opportunity to complete the research and construct your power point. Presentations will be done in class during presentation week(s).Practice your presentation at home.
This project will count for 20% of your quarter grade. The project is completed in place of an end of quarter test. The project covers our lesson objectives for 3rd quarter. You may use a flash drive to save the project or email the project to your student email address. Every student has a school email address assigned to them.
Due Date:March5th, 2018