Autumn 1
7 weeks / Autumn 2
8.5 weeks / Spring 1
5 weeks / Spring 2
5 weeks / Summer 1
7 weeks / Summer 2
6 weeks
Reading Comprehension / RECIPROCAL READING x 4 per week (reading a wide range of stories, poetry, plays & non-fiction, using level appropriate books of interest with a focus on accuracy, speed & understanding NOT decoding). Use of dictionary/thesaurus
COMPREHENSION: Whole class 1 x 30 mins
CLASS BOOK: To hear, share & discuss a wide range of literature (including reference & text books), justifying views about what read at least x 2 per week
ERIC x 3 per week
Writing / Standards & assessment (1 week)
Biography(2 weeks)
(CC link to History)
Comparative Description (3 weeks)
Winter’s Child (novel approach)
Science Week (Wk 4) / Explanations (2 weeks)
Manfred the Baddie (novel approach)
Poetry (2/3 weeks)
(CC link to art)
Postcards (1 week)
Science Week (Wk 5)
RE Week (Wk 1) / Diaries (2 weeks)
CC link to History
Non-chron reports (CC link to History) – 2 weeks
Science Week (Wk 3) / Descriptive Narrative (3 weeks)
The Lost Happy Endings (novel approach)
Science Week (Wk1)
RE Week (Wk 5) / Persuasive non-fiction writing (3 weeks)
Atlas of Adventures (novel approach & CC link to Geography)
Myths, legends & fables (3 weeks)
Science Week (4) / Persuasive letter informal letter
(4 weeks)
Because of Winn-Dixie (novel approach)
Science Week (1)
RE Week (Wk 5)
G & P / From Appendix 2 of new framework: extension of sentences using when, if, so, because. Choice of nouns & pronouns for clarity, cohesion & to avoid repetition..
Past tense (_ed + irregular). Perfect tense of verbs (I had eaten lunch)
Grammatical features: Apostrophe for possession, speech marks, using commas after fronted adverbials, use & understand grammatical terminology in Appendix 2
Understand the difference between Standard English & non-Standard English
Grammar of word structure & grammatical terminology
Spelling / From Appendix 1 of new framework: Further prefixes & suffixes. Homophones. Misspelt words. Dictation
Handwriting / Increase the legibility, consistency & quality of joined writing through genres/dictation
Maths / Numbers beyond 1000
Place value ThHTU
Comparing & ordering Rounding to nearest 10,100,1000
Written methods for the 4 rules
Recall & use all tables & ÷ facts up to 12 x 12
Mental methods Money & decimals to 2 decimal places
2D shapes: compare & classify shapes
Recognise & write fractions, equivalent fractions,
Solve two-step problems / Numbers beyond 1000
Negative numbers
Place value ThHTU
Written methods for the 4 rules
Recall & use all tables & ÷ facts up to 12 x 12
Mental methods
Measures: area, perimeter
Time (converting analogue to digital)
Data Handling: bar charts, line graphs, pictograms, tables + simple scales
Problem solving / Numbers beyond 1000
Place value Th HTU
Recall & use all tables & ÷ facts up to 12 x 12 facts
Mental methods & written methods for the 4 rules
Counting on/back in 6s, 7s, 9s, 25s & 1000s
Money & decimals
Shape: Compare & order angles
Problem solving / Numbers to 1000
Negative numbers
Place value
Addition Subtraction
Recall & use all tables & ÷ facts up to 12 x 12
Mental methods & written methods for the 4 rules
Time (to 1 min)
Measures: converting units
Data Handling: bar charts, line graphs, pictograms, tables + simple scales / Add & subtract & compare fractions
AfL to close the gap
Problem solving/
using & applying / Revision
Data Handling *linked to science topic
Time (24 hr clock)
Open-ended maths investigations
weeks / AT1: Ask relevant qns; set up practical enquiries, comparative & fair tests; make predictions; make careful observations & accurate measurements; gather, record, classify & present data; record findings using diags/keys/charts; give explanations/presentations on findings using scientific evidence; draw simple conclusions; raise further qns;
Common appliances
Construct series circuit, naming parts
Complete/broken circuit & impact on bulb
Conductors & insulators / States of Matter
Compare & group: solids, liquids, gases
Investigate how materials change shape through heating & cooling
Evaporation & condensation in the water cycle / Sound
Identify how sounds are made (vibrations)
Sound travels through a medium to the ear
Patterns between features of object & pitch, volume & strength of vibration, volume & distance from the source / Living Things & their habitats
Group living things in different ways
Explore & use classification keys to help group, identify & name a variety of living things
Changing environments can pose dangers to living things / Animals including humans
Functions of parts of the digestive system in humans
Types & functions of teeth in humans
Construct food chains, identifying producer, predator & prey
Stages of the human lifecycle
Physical and emotional
History / Develop a chronologically secure knowledge & understanding of British, local & world history. Understand how knowledge of the past comes from a range of sources. Develop appropriate use of historical language. Regularly address questions about change, cause, similarity/difference, significance
(Alternate years)
2017/18 / Combine overview & in-depth studies to help pupils understand content & chronology:
Ancient Egyptians & their achievements / Combine overview & in-depth studies to help pupils understand content & chronology:
Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Bronze/Iron Ages
2018/19 / Combine overview & in-depth studies to help pupils understand content & chronology:
A study tracing how aspects of national history are reflected in Leicester, e.g. Richard 111 / Combine overview & in-depth studies to help pupils understand content & chronology:
The Roman Empire & its impact on Britain
Read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C) and know that over time, the numeral system changed to include the concept of zero and place value. / Combine overview & in-depth studies to help pupils understand content & chronology:
Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons & Scots
Geography / Use maps to focus on Europe, concentrating on location of countries, environmental regions, key physical/human features, key topographical features (hills, mountains, coasts and rivers) and land use patterns & major cities / Describe & understand key aspects of physical geography, i.e. rivers & mountains
Include naming & locating Leicester, the county of Leicestershire & the River Soar (source to mouth) / Understand geographical similarities & differences through the study of physical and human geography of a region in a European country compared to Leicester
Computing / Understand computer networks, including the internet
E-safety / Use search technologies effectively / Algorithms / Select, use and combine a variety of software (word, PPT, excel and i-pad software) on a range of digital devices to collect and present data and information.
Begin to analyse and evaluate data and information.
Art & Design/
D & T / Develop their techniques, including their control & use of materials,with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design
Create sketch books to record observations & use them to review & revisit ideas,
Improve their mastery of art and design techniques incl.drawing, painting and sculpture / Know about great artists, craft makers and designers and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms
Music / Play & perform in solo and ensemble contexts, playing instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression. / Understand & explore: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre,
Begin to use and understand staff and other musical notations
Begin to improvise and compose music for a range of purposes / Understand the history of music
Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with an increasing aural memory
Appreciate, review and evaluate a wide range of high-quality music from different traditions/cultures including the work of great composers/musicians
Descriptive sounds / Understand & explore: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre,
Begin to use and understand staff and other musical notations
Begin to improvise and compose music for a range of purposes
Play & perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using voices with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression
Indoor P.E. / To increase water confidence
To work towards swimming confidently, competently and proficiently further – towards EKS2 25 metres
To begin to use a range of strokes
To begin to perform self-rescue / Gymnastics
Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through Gymnastics / Dance
Perform dances using a range of movement patterns / Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through Athletics and SAQ (Speed Agility & Quickness
Outdoor Games / Play competitive games using running, jumping, throwing, catching in combination
Develop confidence to excel in a wide range of physical activities
Play competitive games (modified where appropriate), e.g. basketball, football, hockey, netball and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending / Play competitive games (modified where appropriate), e.g. basketball, football, hockey, netball and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending / Take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and as a team / Play competitive games using running, jumping, throwing, catching in combination
Play competitive games (modified where appropriate), e.g. basketball, badminton, cricket, rounders and tennis and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
Develop confidence to excel in a wide range of physical activities
Alternate Years
2017/18 / Religion within the family and community
How people practice their faith/beliefs and how this contributes to the local community (includes all religions and non-religious views)
Teachings & Sacred Texts
What do Christian and Sikh teachings and sacred texts say about God, the world and human life? / Symbols and Religious Expression
How religious symbols and ideas are expressed (e.g. clothes, music, food, objects) / The Journey of Life & Death
The origins of human life, ceremonies, life after death, mysteries of life and death
Compare ALL 4 Leicester SACRE religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism)
2018/19 / Religion & the Individual
What is expected of a person following a religion or a belief? (includes all religions and non-religious views)
Inspirational Religious Leaders
Christian and Sikh (e.g. MLK, Guru Nanak) / Beliefs & Questions
How Christians and Sikhs beliefs about God, the world and others impact on their lives?
(Key beliefs and traditions, how God is represented, impact of religious ideals on lifestyles and behaviour) / Places of Worship & Sacred Places
Compare ALL 4 Leicester SACRE religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism)
Visit to Ghudwara
PSHE / See PHSE Whole school Programme of Study