HLV Booster Club Minutes – 3/7/186:00 PM Media Center

Present:Rhonda W., Brian W., Carol P., Scott C., Laurel H., Heather S., Beau J., Wes W., Britni J.

Called to order 6:05 PM

Minutes from 2/7/18Meeting –Were sent out via email – No changes – Vote to approve (Carol made motion, Scott 2nd) – Motion carried

Treasurer’s Report

As of 2/28/18

Checking: $19613.20

Savings: $5088.00

Total Available: $24701.20

Note: Memorial money is still in this total, it was decided we should move that amount out of checking since it is not available to use – Motion to move $5650 to savings for the baseball memorial and match we voted on in Feb.: Brian, 2nd: Scott - Approved

Old Business

1) Victor Sesquicentennial June 29-30:Not much more was known at this time. There will be a few class reunions in town. Laurel is in charge of the food tent, but many groups are splitting the work. The craft/vendor show is waiting for school approval and then letters will be sent out. Brian updated on the Car Drive fundraiser. We will receive $10 per driver. He will check on upper limits and starting location.

2) AAU Volleyball:We made $2800 in concessions on the second tournament in Feb.

New Business

1) Scholarships Update: The questions for this year have been changed. Applications are due back April 3 and then the committee will have to read and select winners. Laurel also messaged Katie Dentel and Ed Henning about getting transcripts to send their scholarships from when they graduated to them.

2) Summer Concessions:Steph Thys and AJ Schnebbe are cleaning the concession stand out and then will move everything down there. Dave Doran is building a stand for the ice cream machine. We will be moving out one of the freezers to make room for it.

3) Fundraiser Card:Beau has been contacted to sell a card with many businesses on it next year. He was guaranteed at least $1000 more than what we made off the Casey’s cards. He wasn’t sure what businesses will be on it, but he’d like to get them in time to sell at school registration.

4) Other Fundraisers:Once again, it was brought up to pick up a fall steak fry since QRS are no longer doing that one. There was a concern that the Legion is not allowing outside groups to have meals in their building anymore since there have been problems with other groups. Nothing was decided.

AD Report

1) Thank you for the winter sports banquet drinks/table service (and to Steph and Brian for pouring the drinks at the basketball banquet)

2) Golf – It doesn’t look like they will need more polos, as only Varsity will be using them. Cory/Fawn is going to clean them and keep them in his office so they will come back. He is asking for $150 for competition golf balls for the entire season. Rhonda motioned to approve, 2nd by Wes. Approved.

3) Baseball – Wes brought a list of items he would like to purchase for both high school and Jr. High including practice balls ($114), 3 bats (2 for high school $249 and $299 and 1 for Jr. High $99). Brian made a motion to approve $750, Britni 2nd. Approved.

4) Softball – Softball would like some bats (4 options prices ranging between $332-389 each), a Billy Bat for training ($64), a bucket of balls ($92), and a bat bag (about $50). These are all list prices and Beau may be able to get a discount since it’s for the school. There was a question on why softball bats were more expensive than baseball bats, and the short answer was they aren’t, but the ones picked out were more expensive. After much discussion about needing to be more frugal with Booster Club money, a motion was made by Wes to give the softball the same as baseball - $750. Carol 2nd. 4 yea votes, 1 nay vote. Motion passed.

5) The track team broke a practice shot put and needed a new one ASAP. Kevin was asking for around $50 for that. We had just approved $500 for “equipment” for the track team in Feb. Beau said as far as he knew, they had not used that money as he had not seen any purchase orders. It was decided they could use that allocated money to purchase the shot put since it falls under “equipment”.

Meeting Adjourned – 7:51PM -- Next Meeting:Wed. Apr. 4, 2018 6:00 pm