Homes – Year 3 - Level 2

Me / I can….. / Teacher
Re-tell some stories from the Bible - AT1 (i) – LF1, 2 and 3
Describe some ways in which religion is lived out by believers – AT1 (iii) – all Learning Foci – on-going
I can ask questions about what I wonder about in RE – AT2 (ii) – on-going, especially LF4.

Homes – Year 3 - Level 3

Me / I can…. / Teacher
Make links between the stories and beliefs – AT1 (i) – LF1, 2 and 3
Give reasons for certain actions by believers - AT1 (iii) – all Learning Foci – on-going
Make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect my behaviour – AT2 (i) – On-going, especially LF4.

Promises– Year 3 - Level 2

Me / I can….. / Teacher
Retell some special stories about religious events and people– AT1 (i) – LF2&6
Use religious words and phrases to describe some religious actions and symbols – AT1 (ii) – LF3,4, and 5
I can ask questions about what I wonder about in RE – AT2 (ii) – On-going

Promises – Year 3 - Level 3

Me / I can…. / Teacher
Make links between religious stories and beliefs - AT1 (i) – LF2&6
Give reasons for religious actions an symbols – AT1 (ii) -LF3,4, and 5
Make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect my behaviour – AT2 (i) – On-going.

Visitors – Year 3 - Level 2

Me / I can….. / Teacher
Retell some special stories about religious events and people– AT1 (i) – LF2 - 6
Describe some ways in which religion is lived out by believers – AT1 (iii) – LF 1 - 5
Ask and respond to questions about my own and others’ experiences – AT2 (i) - on-going.

Visitors – Year 3- Level 3

Me / I can….. / Teacher
Make links between religious stories and beliefs - AT1 (i) – LF2 - 6
Give reasons for certain actions by believers – AT1 (iii) –
LF 1 - 5
Compare my own and other people’s ideas about questions which are difficult to answer – AT2 (ii) – on-going.