K410 Mid Term Exam Poom – Spring 2002

  1. Discuss the major characteristics of DSS and five major benefits of DSS.
  2. Discuss the major trends that affect managerial decision-making.
  3. Define structured, semi structured, and unstructured decisions.
  4. Why is the role of KM so important for decision support? Discuss an example of how the two can be integrated.
  5. Why is electronic commerce related to ERP and decision support? Explain.
  6. Define the phases of intelligence, design, choice, and implementation.
  7. Define programmed (structured) versus nonprogrammed (unstructured) problems. Give one example in each of the following areas: accounting, marketing, and human resources.
  8. Distinguish between decision making under certainty, under risk, and under uncertainty.
  9. Define what-if analysis and goal-seeking analysis and provide examples.
  10. What is personality type? Why is it an important factor to consider in decision-making?
  11. Compare and contrast decision making by an individual with decision making by a group.
  12. Models are classified as strategic, tactical, or operational. What is the purpose of such a classification? Give an example of each.
  13. Compare the features and structure of the MBMS to those of the DBMS.
  14. Compare a custom-made DSS with a ready-made DSS. List the advantages and disadvantages of each.
  15. Review the major characteristics and capabilities of DSS. Relate each of them to the major components of DSS.
  16. Compare an individual DSS to a group DSS.
  17. Define data, information, and knowledge. Identify two examples of each.
  18. Define a data warehouse and data mining and list some of their characteristics.
  19. Define data multidimensionality and multidimensional database.
  20. Describe the role that a data warehouse can play in MSS. List its benefits.
  21. Describe a GIS and its major capabilities.
  22. Explain the relationship between OLAP and data mining.
  23. It is said that object-oriented DBMS are the best solutions to a complex (especially distributed) DSS. Explain.
  24. Why is the combination of GIS and GPS becoming so popular? Examine some applications.
  25. Define multidimensional spreadsheets and explain why OLAP systems have them embedded within.
  26. Explain why the development of a generic model base management system is so difficult.
  27. Define prototyping. Describe how the phases of prototyping relate to those of the traditional SDLC. List the reasons why prototyping is the method of choice for developing most DSS.
  28. Define end user and end-user computing. List the major advantages of end user-developed DSS. List the potential quality risk areas in end user-developed DSS.
  29. What are the disadvantages of not having complete specifications for a DSS but instead letting it evolve from a small prototype?
  30. Explain the three technology levels of DSS Give two examples each of specific DSS, DSS generators, and DSS primary tools not mentioned in this text.