Memorial Day Committee
Meeting Minutes
Date/Time of Meeting: Wednesday, 25 April 2007, 1900 hours
Attendees: Committee members; Charles Brown, Rosa Calcari, Paul Hadsel, Sr,
Robert Day, Arline Lincoln, and Frederick Abbott
Committee Members Absent: Barbara Walker
Discussion: Need to determine the following:
1. Date/Time: 3 June 07, 1 PM
2. Location: The Warwick Church.
3. Officer of the Day:
4. Speaker: Perhaps Calvin Fellows
5. Organist:
6. Chaplin: Paul Hadsel, Sr
7. Select Person:
8. Readings by: Barbara find WCS/PVRS kids?
9. Wreaths:
10. Band: Pioneer Band out—WCS children’s Band, maybe
11. Songs: Ask Barbara Andrea Woods about WCS kids
12. Color Guard: Get Colors from Orange, flanked by musketeer/swordsman
13. Firing Squad: Warwick vets dressed in reenactment uniforms fire muskett
14. Flowers in Church:
15. Gerald Morse: How Memorialize?
16. Reception Area: reserve- where – who food?
17. Flags for Graves:
18. Mow Memorials:
19. PA System at cemetery: Bob Day
20. Letters/Phone Calls to Veterans:
21. Vehicle for Parade:
22. Brochures: Rick Abbott
Date/Time of Next Meeting: Wednesday, 16 May 2007, 7PM
Memorial Day Committee
Meeting Minutes
Date/Time of Meeting: Wednesday, 16 May 2007, 1900 hours
Attendees: Charles Brown, Rosa Calcari, Calvin Fellows, Paul Hadsel, Sr,
Barbara Walker, Arline Lincoln, and Frederick Abbott
Committee Members Absent: Robert Day
The following were decided:
23. Date/Time: 3 June 07, 1 PM
24. Location: The Warwick Church.
25. Speaker: Ed Hawes and Miryam Williamson
26. Organist: Debra Kent
27. Chaplin: Paul Hadsel, Sr
28. Select Person: Pat Lemon
29. Wreaths: Charlie brown
30. Color Guard: Orange Legion (Paul Hadsel, Sr Coordinate)
31. Firing Squad: Orange Legion (Paul Hadsel, Sr Coordinate)
32. Flowers in Church: Arline Lincoln donate
33. Reception Area: Women’s Guild
34. Flags for Graves: Paul Hadsel, Sr
35. Mow Memorials: Charlie Ernest
36. PA System at cemetery: Bob Day
37. Brochures: Rick Abbott
Need to determine the following:
38. Officer of the Day:
39. Gerald Morse: How Memorialize?
40. Pledge of Allegiance:
41. Proclamation:
42. Gettysburg Address:
43. Band: Pioneer Band out—WCS children’s Band, maybe
44. Songs: Ask Barbara Andrea Woods about WCS kids
45. Vehicle for Parade:
46. Notify Police:
Date/Time of Next Meeting: Wednesday, 23 May 2007, 7PM
Memorial Day Committee
Meeting Minutes
Date/Time of Meeting: Wednesday, 23 May 2007, 1900 hours
Attendees: Charles Brown, Rosa Calcari, Calvin Fellows, Robert Day,
Barbara Walker, Arline Lincoln, and Frederick Abbott
Committee Members Absent: Paul Hadsel, Sr
The following were decided:
47. Date/Time: 3 June 07, 1 PM
48. Location: The Warwick Church.
49. Officer of the Day: Calvin Fellows
50. Speaker: Ed Hawes and Miryam Williamson
51. Organist: Debra Kent
52. Chaplin: Paul Hadsel, Sr
53. Select Person: Pat Lemon
54. Gerald Morse: Charlie Brown to say somewords
55. Wreaths: Charlie brown
56. Color Guard: Orange Legion (Paul Hadsel, Sr Coordinate)
57. Firing Squad: Orange Legion (Paul Hadsel, Sr Coordinate)
58. Flowers in Church: Arline Lincoln donate
59. Reception Area: Women’s Guild
60. Flags for Graves: Paul Hadsel, Sr
61. Mow Memorials: Charlie Ernest
62. PA System at cemetery: George Day
63. Brochures: Rick Abbott
64. Pledge of Allegiance: Lindsey Limoges
65. Proclamation: Jensi Rovang
66. Gettysburg Address: Katie Woods and Hayden Manson
67. Band: Winchester Swansea Band
68. Songs: Ask Barbara Andrea Woods about WCS kids
69. Notify Police: Barbara Walker
Need to determine the following before event:
70. Flanders Field: Luke Parker?
71. Vehicle for Parade:
72. Restrooms:
73. Reserve Two Rows for Veterans:
Date/Time of Next Meeting: Memorial Day Ceremony