Gortin Primary School

“Working together to achieve our Best”

9 Plumbridge Road, Gortin, BT79 8QB

Tel. no: 028 8164 8268 Fax no: 028 8164 7032

Email: Principal: Mrs I Wallace

25 April 2017

Dear Parent

Welcome back to our summer term, trusting everyone had a well-earned break over Easter.

Easter Competitions

Well done to all the children who got creative designing an Easter Egg holder/or coloured an Easter picture. The results of the Y1-Y7 class competition are Y 1/ 2 1st Poppy Rickford 2nd Ruby Crawford 3rd Joshua Lervy in the Y3/4/5 class 1st Sam Hempton 2nd Archie Armstrong 3rd Mia Whelan and in the Y6/7 1st Daniel McCrea 2nd Poppy Preston Joint 3rd Thomas Burton & Sarah McConnell

7th Annual Fun Run/Walk

If you have not already done so please send in any outstanding Sponsorship or donations if you were unable to attend so we can finalise how much money we have made and do the draw for the family prize for most sponsorship collected.


Easter Draw – Students Council

Winners of the lovely Easter baskets kindly donated by Joan Monaghan were Alex Burton and Kyle McFarland and a total of £112 was raised for the student’s council. Thank you to all who contributed to that. We hope to have new scooters, Lolo balls and a few other pieces of equipment for the playground soon.

Y3 Staying Over

Y3 will now stay on to 3.05 pm every Monday & Tuesday, with effect from this week until end of June.

Y6 After School Class

This class is intended for those entering the AQE examination and will take place this Tuesday 25 April from 3.15-4.15pm and continue each Tuesday - unless otherwise notified.

Cycling Proficiency – Y7

This will continue each Tuesday unless otherwise notified from 3.15 – 4.15 pm. Helmets must be worn at each session

French Club

Mrs Alison Hempton has been taking fun interactive oral French classes in each of the classrooms for 4 weeks. This was funded through our PTA and we thank her for sharing her expertise.

Best kept School

We will be entering this competition once again so would ask that we all make sure we keep our grounds litter free. Our inspection will take place on Tuesday 9 May. Anyone who could help with ideas for improving our grounds or with any time to help with gardening would be very welcome. Please contact school if you can contribute in any way.

Reminder- all monies to be in by Tuesday 2 May

Snack/Milk Y1 – Y2

Snack only for May/June is £9.50.

Snack & Milk for May/June is £11.40…please send these monies in separate money pouch marked for Mrs Dixon’s attention & not with any other monies.

Milk/Fruit Y3 – Y7

Milk money for May/June is £7.60

Fruit money for May/June is £9.50

Clothes Collection

Our last collection raised £29.20.Please continue to leave all unwanted clothes, shoes, bags, bed linen etc. in our clothes bank at our front gate as money raised helps to boost school funds at a time when our school budget is continuing to be cut and this can make a valuable contribution. Small bags only as the revolving drawer will only hold a half filled black bin liner.

Test Week

Will commence on Monday 8 May for Y6/7and will continue into the following week. . Y1-5 will commence Monday 15 May.

Tennis Tournament Y4 – Y7

Y4/5 will stay over Wednesday 26 April and Y6/7 will stay over Wednesdays 3/10 & 17 May 3.15-4.15 pm with Mr Kane. Then we will run a separate tournament for the two age groups during P.E. lessons. Y6/7 will play for the Blakiston Houston Trophy and the Y4/5 will play for a junior trophy. We also hope to draw up a rota for those wishing to play tennis in lunch break during the summer term.

Forward Planning

Monday 1 May……………………………………Bank Holiday

Thursday 11 & Friday 12 May………………….Balmoral Closures

Tuesday 23 – Friday 26 May …………………..Y6/7 Trip to York

Monday & Tuesday 29 & 30 May………………Bank Holiday & Staff Dev. Day closures

Friday 2 June (12.30pm)………………………..Sports Day (weather permitting)

Thursday 8 June…………………………………Election Day (school closed)

Wednesday 21 June (9.45am)…………………Y7 Leavers Celebration Assembly

Yours sincerely

Iris Wallace
