Table S5: List of pathogenic fungi belonging to -cluster AQGPs:

Organism / Clinical manifestations
Botryotiniafuckeliana / Causal agent of the grey mold disease(Williamson, et al. 2007).
Dothistromaseptosporum / Causes needle blight in pine trees(Farr).
Fomitiporiamediterranea / Causes Esca disease in VitisVinifera (wine grape)(Morgenstern, et al. 2010).
Gaeumannomycesgraminis / Causes Crown and sheath rot disease in rice (Farr).
Magnaportheoryzae / Causes blast of rice disease in rice and blast of wheat disease in wheat (Farr).
Marssoninabrunnea / Causes Marssonina leaf spot, one of the most devastating diseases, in Populus(Zhu, et al. 2012).
Melampsoralarici-populina / Causes rust, one of the most devastating diseases, in Populus(Duplessis, et al. 2011)
Mixiaosmundae / Infect ferns (Toome, et al. 2013).
Mycosphaerellapopulorum / Causes leaf spots and cankers on poplars (Farr).
Pseudocercosporafijiensis / Causes Black Sigatoka (black leaf streak) disease of banana (Farr).
Sclerotiniasclerotiorum / Sclerotinia disease, Sclerotinia wilt, Sclerotinia rot, stem blight, head rot (Farr).
Sporisoriumreilianum / Causes Head smut in Poaceae family of plants (Farr).
Taphrinadeformans / Causes peach leaf curl disease in plants (Farr).
Ustilagomaydis / Causes corn smut disease in Zea Mays(Farr).
Ustilagohordei / Causes smut disease in Poaceae family of plants (Farr).
Verticilliumalbo-atrum / Causes verticilliumwilt in economically important plants such as olive, maple, potatoes, cotton etc(Klosterman, et al. 2011).
Verticilliumdahliae / Causes verticilliumwilt in economically important plants such as olive, maple, potatoes, cotton etc(Klosterman, et al. 2011).
Wolfiporiacocos / Infectsconifer and hardwood plants(Farr).
Zymoseptoriatritici / Causes leaf spot or speckled leaf blotch of wheat(Farr).


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