Minutes of the Hitterdal City Council
December 9, 2013 at 7:00 PM
Present: Mayor - Gayle Holte
Council Members: Dave Nelson, Jeff Schultz, Loren Teske & Val Johnson
Employees: Jen Ames
Mayor Holte called meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Delinquents – same as usual. 24 hour notices will go out today.
Jen’s computer is back up and running. Works great and is backing up online 24/7.
Dave motions to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2013 meeting, 2nd by Jeff.
Carried 5 – 0
Committee Reports:
Finance & Grants:
Jeff motions to approve 3% budget increase across the board, 2nd by Gayle
Failed 2 – 3 (Dave, Loren & Val)
Dave motions to approve a 3% budget increase excluding wages, 2nd by Gayle.
Carried 3 – 2 (Jeff & Loren)
Val motions to approve EDA budget as presented, 2nd by Dave.
Carried 5 – 0
Val motions to set the final levy at $33,000, 2nd by Loren.
Carried 3 – 2 (Dave & Gayle)
The council discussed whether the liquor store doors meet the ADA handicap requirements. Jen will do some checking with Shari.
Raises were discussed. Shari proposed a $0.25 plus 5% COLA for the Liquor Store (except cleaning person).
Dave motions to raise Liquor Store wages by 2% COLA, 2nd by
Died for lack of a second.
Loren motions to give Liquor Store employees a $0.25 and 3% COLA (except cleaning person), 2nd by Val.
Carried 3 – 2 (Dave & Gayle)
Andrews raise was discussed.
Dave motions to give Andrew a 2% COLA, 2nd by Val.
Carried 4 – 1 (Jeff)
Raise for Jen was discussed.
Jeff motions to give Jen a $0.50 plus 3% COLA, 2nd by Loren.
Carried 3 – 2 (Dave & Val)
Public Works & Safety:
-Storm sewer behind bus barn was discussed. Clay turned to tile must go along tree line by ball diamonds. In the spring we will need to dig, get a jetting company out to find the end. Don’t want to spend $12,000 do re-dig and lay new tile. Table until warmer weather.
-Tractor tires – get new ones from the bids from last month. Go with Cenex in Lake Park.
-RDO bill for fixing plow truck was discussed. Total bill was $4759.79.
-Electric pump at water plant has a bearing going out.
-Sidewalks – residents should keep their sidewalks clean so people have somewhere safe to walk.
-Business sidewalks – businesses should pay to have sidewalks plowed.
-Discussion about raising snow removal rates for driveways. Council decided to leave rates as they are.
-Andrew needs to come up with a list of what he does each day/week/month.
Liquor Store:
- Wino’s is coming up on 12/18.
-New bathroom partitions are going up.
-Discussion on hiring someone to work out front so Shari can focus on management duties.
Community Center/Gym:
-Fitness hours were discussed. We don’t want anyone in the gym working out after 9:30 pm.
-Discussion on getting deposit for key to get into Community Center. If a key is given for use of the Community Center for Fitness use, a $35.00 deposit is required. The money will be given back once the key is returned.
Monday, December 30th the last meeting of the year to pay final bills at 7:00 pm.
Wednesday, January 1st Inventory at the Liquor Store at 9:00 am.
Dave motions to pay the bills as presented, 2nd by Jeff.
Carried 5 - 0
Gayle motions to adjourn at 9:30, 2nd by Dave.
Carried 5 – 0
Gayle Holte - Mayor Jen Ames - Clerk/Treasurer