US History 11B

ShakerHigh School

Mr. Finsel

2010 – 2011

Expectations:“The Three B’s” – Be on time, Be prepared, & Be respectful of others.

Overview: The Regents level course in United States History & Government is a survey of over 200 years of American History. The material covered by the course extends from the development of an infant democracy in the 18th Century to the present day. All students will be prepared to take and pass the NYS Regents Exam for US History at the end of the year.

Materials: Preparation is an important part of success. All students are required to bring a notebook and pen or pencil to class every day. The class textbook will not be required for class and may be left at home for homework use. All homework assignments will be neatly typed or written and maintained in the notebook/folder for this class.Students are expected to maintain all worksheets, notes, maps, assignments, tests, etc.

Course Requirements: Students will be required to complete regular homework assignments, including reading from the textbook and supplemental works. It is extremely important that all homework be completed on time, as late work will be penalized. Expect Homework every night. All homework will be completed in your notebook and will be subject to random homework checks at least three times a week. Study guides will be given for each unit for you to study and complete homework. Homework serves as the basis for class discussion and it is therefore imperative that maximum effort is put forth into completing homework assignments. An example home work template will be furnished as a model for you. Literacy and writing are an important component of this course, thus multiple writing assignments will be included throughout the course. Students will also be furnished with a class reader that will be utilized in class.

Grading: All work will be graded on a point system. Grade distribution will be approximately as follows:


Class Participation20%


Student Responsibilities:

  • All students should come to class on-time and prepared every day.
  • Cheating or plagiarism are never accepted and will result in an automatic zero on the test or assignment.
  • Late assignments will be penalized 50%. No assignment will be accepted more than one day late unless otherwise specified in advance.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to gather missed assignments when returning from illness, field trips, etc. Extended time will be granted to complete missed assignments according to the Shaker High policy.
  • In order to create an environment in which controversial subjects in US History may be freely discussed, it is important that everyone’s opinion be heard and respected, even if you disagree with the speaker.
  • No eating or drinking in the classroom except for water in clear containers.
  • No profanity.
  • Extended time will be granted based upon IEP requirements.