2009 Annual School Report
Matong Public School
NSW Public Schools – Leading the way
Principal's message
Matong Public School is located sixty-six kilometres north-west of Wagga Wagga, in the Riverina Region of New South Wales. It is a small, rural school that directly caters for the educational needs of its students from Kindergarten to Year 6 and enjoys a reputation for solid achievement in literacy, numeracy and working with technology. Current enrolments total forty-four students, with two full-time teachers, two part-time teachers (responsible for RFF and library), a part-time School Administration Manager, a part-time School Learning Support Officer (SLSO) and a school chaplain. The teaching staff is committed to continually strengthening its capacity to deliver a broad and high quality curriculum to all students in an enjoyable, supportive and stimulating learning environment.
This commitment, combined with the strong support that the school enjoys from the parents and wider community and our ability to join with other small schools in the area, enables the school to successfully work towards its objectives and ensure that our size and isolation do not have a negative impact on the education of our students.
I certify that the information in this report is the result of a rigorous school self-evaluation process and is a balanced and genuine account of the school's achievements and areas for development.
Ian Lucas
P&C message
2009 has been a great year for education at Matong Public School. The P&C has had a very busy year with many fundraising and social events being held. While Public Education is very good, there are always gaps that government funding does not fill and that is where the P&C comes in, providing things like book awards, excursion assistance, learning aids such as electronic white boards and, just in time for summer, a new split system air-conditioner for each of the classrooms.
Thanks must go to the core group of the P&C who reliably turn up for meetings and contribute with ideas and passionate enthusiasm towards bettering our children’s education. These parents work tirelessly behind the scenes, giving of their time, money, expertise, talents and equipment to ensure that things get done. We could not do all that we do without the many other parents who help out at the functions the P&C holds, so a big thank you to you as well.
Congratulations to the students on their behaviour and academic achievements this year. I well know that not everybody is suited to an academic life and that school does not come easily to many of us, but the students at Matong Public School always give their best and “have a go” in all their endeavours. They present themselves in a manner that should make any parent pleased and the students can be very proud of themselves.
2010 is set to be another busy year for the Matong school community, so I encourage all parents to get behind their children in their educational endeavours. Help them with their homework, listen to their reading at school or come along to P&C meetings and have some say in the direction of your children’s education.
This will be my last year as president and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who have contributed to the P & C during the last three years. Firstly, to our local community who are often asked to put their hands into their pockets to buy raffle tickets, donate money, give their time or attend whatever function is being held, all in support of our little school - your help is very much appreciated. I trust that the Matong community will continue to support the P&C and school under the new president.
Warren Evans
Student representative's message
Another successful year has come to an end and being Matong’s school captain has been a great honour. I have enjoyed working with Joey McCorry and the Year 6 students, who have shared the leadership responsibilities with us. We will be going our separate ways next year so I wish you all the best and hope that our friendships continue.
Thank you to the staff at Matong who often stay at school for long hours to prepare work. They put in much more time and effort than what is expected; they support us, offer us challenges and give us encouragement.
Best wishes to our new students for 2010. Matong is a lovely place to learn and grow and I am sure that you will enjoy it. To the incoming year six students – good luck. You will all make excellent leaders and carry out your roles with a sensible and mature approach.
There have been many highlights this year and we have enjoyed all of them. Matong is a great place to go to school. Everyone is supportive and you are greeted with a smile at the gate each day. My years at Matong PS have been most enjoyable and I have learnt lots.
Maddie Steward
School context
Student information
It is a requirement that the reporting of information for all students must be consistent with privacy and personal information policies.
Student enrolment profile
Matong Public School had an enrolment of forty-five students, comprising nineteen boys and twenty-six girls, when student numbers were collated this year. Thirteen students travel to our school from nearby centres. Enrolment figures have increased by six over the past twelve months.
Student attendance profile
Student attendance rates at Matong Public School continue to be very good, scoring well above the regional and state averages. This has been an ongoing trend over several years.
Management of non-attendance
Overall, non-attendance at our school is not an issue. However, the following processes are in place for those few students whose attendance may, on occasions, cause concern:
· the parents are contacted and the student’s attendance record is discussed
· DET attendance requirements are explained
· the student’s attendance is closely monitored, including partial attendance
· if attendance patterns do not improve, the matter is referred to the HSLO (Home School Liaison Officer).
Class sizes
In March 2003 the Government announced its commitment to publish primary class sizes in annual school reports in order to provide parents with as much local information as possible.
The following table shows our class sizes as reported at the 2009 class size audit conducted on Wednesday 18 March 2009.
Structure of classes
Matong Public School has two mainstream, multi-age, multi-stage classes. Our Stage 1 class consists of students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 whilst our Stage 2/3 class consists of students from Years 3 to 6. Our part-time staff is employed for two days per week to assist with literacy and numeracy groups, library and to provide teachers with release from face-to-face teaching.
Financial summary
This summary covers funds for operating costs and does not involve expenditure areas such as permanent salaries, building and major maintenance.
Tied funds expenditure appears to be inordinately high compared to that of previous years. This is because the bulk of the money from the federal government water grant we received the previous year was expended during 2009.
A full copy of the school's 2009 financial statement is tabled at the annual general meeting of the P and C. Further details concerning the statement can be obtained by contacting the school.
Staff information
It is a requirement that the reporting of information for all staff must be consistent with privacy and personal information policies.
Staff establishment
Based on our school classification and student numbers, our 2009 staffing entitlement was set at 3.042, the same as last year.
Position / NumberPrincipal / 1
Classroom Teachers / 1
Part Time Teacher / 0.168
Teacher Librarian / 0.084
RFF Teacher / 0.084
School Administrative & Support Staff (SASS) / 0.696
Total / 3.032
There are currently no indigenous staff members employed at Matong Public School.
Teacher qualifications
All teaching staff meets the professional requirements for teaching in NSW public schools.
School performance 2009
Matong Public School is well respected in the community for its commitment to providing students with a well rounded education which includes the provision of a wide variety of extra curricular activities.
The school provides students with varied opportunities to foster talent in the creative and performing arts. Achievements for 2009 include:
· participation in the Regional Waste and Recycled Art Project (WRAP) by our Stage 2 students. Hayley Hayes’, Emily Walsh’s and Max Hatty’s entries were selected for display in Wagga Wagga as regional finalists
· students performed musical and poetry items for the residents of Allawah Lodge at Coolamon
· all Stage 2-3 students competed in the choral verse speaking at the City of Wagga Wagga Eisteddfod, where they took out a very creditable third place for their section
· Year 6 students attended a debating workshop at Kooringal Public School in order to learn the finer points of debating
· all students from Kindergarten to Year 6 entered the John O’Brien Festival Writing Competition in Narrandera. Our students enjoyed a good deal of success in the poetry section of this competition:
Year 5-6: Edward Proctor (1st)
Maddie Steward (2nd)
Keiran Steward (3rd)
Year 3-4: Hayley Hayes (1st)
Murray Evans (2nd)
K-2: Tarnee-Lee Hodgkin (1st)
Rosie Currie (2nd)
· fortnightly visits by the mobile library continued throughout the year, allowing the students access to a much wider range of reading materials than can be offered by the school
· Stage 2/3 students visited the Coolamon Shire Library for a workshop session with well-known children’s author, Tristan Bancks
· Stage 1 students joined with their counterparts from Ganmain Public School and travelled to Wagga Wagga for a performance of “The Gruffalo”
· all students travelled to Wagga Wagga to enjoy a live performance by well-known entertainer and songwriter, Colin Buchanan
· a highlight of the year was the inaugural combined small schools’ concert held at the Grong Grong Hall and involving students from Beckom, Ganmain, Grong Grong, Narrandera East Infants and Matong Public Schools. Compered by local entertainer, Jamie Way, the cast of over one hundred and fifty students performed individual and combined schools items to the delight of a packed house
· Stage 1 students attended a student performance of “Robin of Sherwood” at the Ganmain Hall
· Stage 1 travelled to Coolamon to have their rendition of “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town” recorded and included on a CD of Christmas carols compiled using choirs from local schools and then sold as a fundraiser for the resurfacing of the shire’s netball courts
· all students performed in a variety of singing, instrumental, dancing, gymnastics and poetry items at the end-of-year presentation night.
The school’s emphasis on fitness and skills based sporting activities again resulted in some fine sporting achievements for 2009:
· Georgia Booth, Andrea Hatty, Maddie Steward, Lliam Kreis and Edward Proctor represented our school at the Riverina swimming carnival
· Georgia Booth, Courtney Menzies, Maddie Steward and Fraser Menzies represented our school at the Riverina cross country carnival
· Georgia Booth, Andrea Hatty, Maddison Lenord, Courtney Menzies, Isaac Matthews and Edward Proctor represented our school at the Riverina athletics carnival
· all students participated in the end-of-year intensive swimming program, resulting in significant gains in water confidence and swimming skills
· Jump Rope for Heart was, again, an integral part of our fitness program and proved popular with students, staff and the wider community, whilst also raising funds for the Heart Foundation
· staff successfully organised and ran the district cricket trials
· students tried out for district and regional teams in netball, AFL and boys and girls cricket. Lliam Kreis, Edward Proctor and Keiran Steward were successful in gaining selection into the district AFL team
· all students participated in tennis, rugby league, athletics, netball and AFL clinics held at the school during the year.
· Matong Public School hosted the Coolamon Shire Australia day celebrations at the start of the year where an estimated three hundred and fifty residents were in attendance to hear the guest speaker, Catherine de Vrye and witness the presentation of awards
· students and staff participated in the community Anzac Day march in Ganmain, where school captain, Maddie Steward, read the Prayer for the Nation
· Year 6 students attended a Peer Support Leadership training day at the beginning of the year then capably led our school’s Peer Support program throughout term one
· weekly religious instruction took place throughout the year and featured an inter-denominational Easter scripture service and an end of year combined Christmas service
· students participated in a variety of learning activities including National Walk To School Day, National Family Reading Month, CWA Country of Study – Egypt, Schools Clean Up Australia Day, Bike Education Day, excursions to Junee and Wagga Wagga, Life Education Van, Sam Bailey talk, a major excursion to Canberra for Stage 2/3 and celebration activities for Education Week, Book Week and National Literacy and Numeracy Week
· our school captains attended the Young Leaders’ Conference held at the Entertainment Centre in Sydney
· Year 5 and Year 6 students attended science days at the Riverina Environmental Education Centre