A meeting of the Recreation and Environment Advisory Forum was held on Monday 4 July 2011, in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington, and started at 19.30hrs.
There were no members of the public present.
Present:Councillor G Griffin – Forum Chairman (Carpet Bowls Representative)
Councillor B Webster
Councillor C J Dunning – Property Services Chairman and PC Vice
Councillor R H Norton
Organisations:Mr L Creasey –Bowls Club
Mrs J Rexstrew – Gardening Club
- Wives
Mrs J Burtenshaw – Brownies, Rainbows, Guides
Mrs S Turfrey – Pre-School
Mrs C Blakey - WI
Mrs E Hutchinson – Craft Group
Mrs M E Lee – Blind & Partially Sighted
Friendship Club
St Thomas’ Church
Heritage Rooms
The Chairman opened the meeting at 19.30 by welcoming everyone present, and explaining that the Forum was a two-way interactive meeting and both sides are able to bring items to the table. Following this introductions around the table were made.
- Apologies and Declarations of Interest: Apologies were received from Councillor G Dziadkiewicz, Rev S Jones-Crabtree and the Tennis Club. There were no Declarations of Interest.
- To Approve the Notes from the last meeting of the Recreation and Environment Form on 21 March 2011: The Notes having been displayed on the notice boards and distributed to those present in advance, were taken as read. Councillor Webster Proposed that the Notes were a true record of the meeting, this was seconded by Mr Creasey. The vote was unanimous.
- Clerks Report on Matters Arising;
a)Village Hall Award Scheme: The presentation event had gone well and a plaque was to be put up in the hall, the award however had to renewed every 3years and work was on going to keep up the standard.
b)Living Here Project: The member of the Forum agreed that the picture of the Duck was lovely, however they felt the individual pictures were too small. A magnifying glass was suggested to make it possible for everyone to view the small pictures.
Councillor Webster suggested that a key to the older montage be done while people were around who could remember the names of the people in it, this was agreed to be an excellent idea and feasibility of producing one would be looked into.
c)Fire Assembly Point: The Chairman explained that although the Assembly point is in the rear Car Park, in the event of the fire, the fire marshal could if necessary request that another area be used to assemble ie fire is at the rear of the building. However care should be taken as assembling at the front of the building would put people in the way of traffic on the road. If there was to be a long wait after the evacuation, it was suggested that people after role call move to the Village Hall Car Park.
- P C Update: A Deep Clean of the Pavilions is being arranged for the summer. Merrycock Lane- The Parish Council and LCC Highways have agreed on a 6mth trial of a scheme which restricts access to HGV lorries through Heighington along Station Road and Merrycock Lane diverting them along Sheepwash and then down Washingborough Road.
- Property Services Update: Councillor Dunning reported that at the moment the Property Services Committee were looking at the leak around the skylight in the Jubilee Hall roof, and preparing specifications for tender to paint (internally) the Pavilions at the beginning of next financial year (2012/13).
- Police Update: Unfortunately the Police team were unable to send a representative due to other commitments. However they are now around the village once a month with a speed camera and have issued tickets. The new police numbers (not emergency) were available for Forum Members. The Chairman also gave Forum Members the Highway/Planning Customer Service
number for reporting issues such as pot holes, street light problems and bad parking.
- Queen’s Diamond Jubilee: The Chairman asked members to come up with ideas for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Festival. The Festival Committee have been approached to help with the event.
- Heritage Rooms: Work would soon be starting on the Heritage Roomsby NKDC to bring them back up to standard. They have been responsible for their up keep for a number of years. Mrs Lee confirmed that this would be during July and August. Mrs Lee stated that The Garratt Charity had had very little communication from NKDC. The Assistant Clerk stated that she had offered the Parish Councils facilities to the groups that meet in the Heritage Rooms for the duration of the works.
- Footpaths:The Parish Council had their annual footpaths walks in June. The Chairman asked Forum Members to walk the footpaths but be careful on route 2. as there is an ongoing dispute with the farmer whose farmyard the footpath goes through. Councillor Webster assured the Forum that it was a public right of way. Care should be taken if using this footpath.
- Youth Shelter: The Chairman explained that the village has good facilities for younger children but older teenagers are lacking in areas to go. The Parish Council is looking into the possibility of getting some equipment to give them somewhere to go and/or something to do. The Chairman asked the members of the Forum who run groups for teenagers to ascertain the things they would like to see if such a venture went ahead.
- Clubs Update:
Wives – Tuesday they have a trip to Goltho Gardens, they then break for the Summer and resume in September.
Gardening Club – Produce Show is on Saturday and Schedules are still available at the Post Office and Spar. It will be opened by the Spalding Flower Parade Queen.
Brownies/Rainbows/Guides – Guides Rainbow and 2ndHeighington Brownies are full and there are a few spaces at 1stHeighington Brownies. Both Brownie Packs have been doing their Royal Wedding Badge. During the summer 2ndHeighington Brownies will be taking their usual trip away this summer, Guides are away for a week camping and Rainbows are having a sleepover at Rand Farm. Next year Guides are going to Spain Camping.
Pre-School – Pre-School are full at the moment. Wednesday 6 July is Graduation Day with 18 Children going up to BIG School. Children going to Millfield and Washingborough schools have spent some time at the schools.
WI – Are getting good attendance at meetings. WI will be making the lunches for the Judges at the Produce Show. A Group of members will be going to Stockworth Mill and Harrington Hall with a lunch at the Petwood.
Craft Group – Are still attracting new members.
Friendship Group – They are a happy group
Blind – No complaint and are happy with the Jubilee Hall.
Bowls – Are in 4 Leagues at the moment 2 teams are doing well with the others struggling. They have 2 new members but quite a few older members are not able to play due to injuries and illness.
Carpet Bowls – Are still getting about 16 people each evening, they still need younger members to join them.
- Date of Next Meeting: 28 November 2011
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.45.
Signed ...... Date ......