/ Minutes of the
Community Redevelopment Agency
Regular Meeting
Monday, March 11, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m.
Council Chamber, City Hall

March 11, 2013 -- Community Redevelopment Agency Page 1 of 6


Chairman Farley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Boardmembers Present: Chair Jim Farley, Vice Chair Mike Gudis, Boardmember Paula Wheeler; Boardmember Ken Brown; Boardmember Robert Holmes

Boardmembers Absent: None

Staff Present: Andy Houston, CRA Administrator; George Angeliadis, City Attorney; Carol Harrington, City Clerk; Deanna Rowe, Finance Director; Jackie Gorman, Planning Director; Dave Burnell, Public Works Director


Motion to adopt the Agenda was made by Boardmember Brown; seconded by Boardmember Holmes. Motion carried on a unanimous vote.




A. Approval of Minutes for February 25, 2013

Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Boardmember Holmes; seconded by Vice Chair Gudis. Motion carried on a unanimous vote.


There was no Public Input offered.



A. Consideration of Agreement Approval with Burrell Engineering in an amount not to exceed $6,000 for Engineering Services related to the Installation of Crosswalks at the Intersection of U.S. Hwy 19 and Citrus Avenue and Approving Resolution No. 13-R-10, Appropriating the Funding

Background: [Agenda Sheet Requested Motion: Approving an agreement with Burrell Engineering in an amount not to exceed $6,000 for the preparation of plans and permitting services related to the installation of decorative crosswalks at the intersection of Highway19 and Citrus Avenue and related median design services, and approving Resolution No. 13-R-10 appropriating $6,000 to cover the cost of this agreement.

Summary: The City is pursuing the installation of decorative crosswalks at the intersection of Highway19 and Citrus Avenue in order to improve the safety and aesthetics of the intersection, and to assist with traffic calming. In addition, a tentative plan is being developed in conjunction with the upcoming N. Citrus Avenue Streetscape project to install a landscaped median in the center of N. Citrus Avenue. The proposed agreement with Burrell Engineering will provide for the preparation of plans for both of these proposed improvements. As a point of information, a Memorandum of Understanding will be required between the City and FDOT for installation and maintenance of the crosswalks at the intersection of Highway 19 and Citrus Avenue, with the City accepting responsibility for the costs of installation and maintenance.

Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.

Funding Information:

Project Cost: $6,000

Funding Source: 601-61552-99020 Reserve for Undesignated Projects

Amount Available: $590,675 End of Agenda Sheet]

Motion to approve an agreement with Burrell Engineering in an amount not to exceed $6,000 for the preparation of plans and permitting services related to the installation of decorative crosswalks at the intersection of Highway19 and Citrus Avenue and related median design services, and approving Resolution No. 13-R-10 appropriating $6,000 to cover the cost of this agreement was made by Boardmember Wheeler; seconded by Vice Chair Gudis.

Council Discussion:

Chairman Farley asked what we were looking at in the way of start time and finish time. Mr. Burnell, Public Works Director, replied that the engineering work should be done within 30 days. It will then be submitted to FDOT which could take 30 – 60 days. Mr. Burnell stated that he plans to be in construction during the summer months which is also low-tourist season.

Mr. Burnell also explained that stamped asphalt comes in many colors. It basically comes in small aggregate that has something like asphalt tar in it. It can be stamped out to look like bricks, etc. It would be like the one by Heritage Village. It is rough surface and durable.

Boardmember Brown asked if Council had discussed flashing lights on both sides of the street. There is a single light bar that flashes when someone has activated the crosswalk. Mr. Burnell stated that he has not be asked to do that, but there is no reason we cannot look into it.

Chairman Farley added that the more safety we can build in, the better. He has seen something like that in Savannah that also showed the number of seconds you have left to cross the street. It also vocally counts down the time remaining. Mr. Burnell stated that we have the counter, but not the vocal component.

Chairman Farley asked if DOT might have that available. Mr. Burnell stated he was sure that they do.

Boardmember Wheeler asked if this item should be brought back to include the flashing light. Mr. Houston replied that this can be approved now and if we need something more, it can be brought back later.

Chairman Farley noted this is partly looking forward to the Tarmac trucks next year.

Motion carried unanimously.

B. Informational Presentation Related to Options for Pricing of a “Buy-a-Brick” Program to be Incorporated into the N. Citrus Avenue Streetscaping Project and the Potential Use of the Proceeds to be Used on a Public Art Project that would be a part of the Streetscaping Project

Background: [Agenda Sheet Requested Motion: Informational presentation related to options for pricing of a Buy-A-Brick program to be incorporated into the N. Citrus Avenue Streetscaping project and the potential use of the proceeds from such a program to be used on a public art project that would be a part of the Streetscaping project.

Summary: On January 14, 2013, the CRA Board approved moving forward with a “Buy-A-Brick” program that would involve selling sandblasted engraved bricks to be used on the N. Citrus Streetscaping project. These bricks would be available for the public to recognize or remember individuals or events of personal significance to them. During that meeting staff was directed to come back before the Board with information on the options for the cost that would be charged to the public through such a program.

Staff has determined that the cost for the bricks would be $14.99 a brick if a minimum of 50 bricks were sold; otherwise the bricks would be $21 a brick. The engraving would be limited to thirteen (13) characters/line, and three (3) lines (including the spacing).

It is typical for programs of this type to be presented at $100/brick with proceeds going either toward the construction of the sidewalk or a piece of public art associated with the project. During the January meeting the CRA Board indicated that they did not feel that it would be appropriate to use the proceeds toward the cost of the sidewalk construction. In order to allow the Board to determine if they wished to use the proceeds toward a public art project to be associated with the overall project, staff met with a local artist (Mario Carta) to get cost/creative input on what such a public art project might involve.

It was suggested that the city could recognize the scallop season with a copper sculpture, and Mr. Carta presented the following three (3) ideas for a scallop-themed sculpture:

1. A copper sculpture of a large sea turtle (approximately 2.5’ x 2.5’) sitting on a landscape boulder and the turtle, although done in a realistic form, in a whimsical way would be wearing a snorkel and diving mask and would have a pole net in hand (fin) and would be gathering scallops.

2. A life size copper sculpture of a Blue Heron, Sand Crane or Egret placed by an array of landscape boulders and dining on a scallop with a bed of scallops at its feet.

3. A large but less than life size copper Dolphin sculpture anchored to a landscape boulder base and again dining on a scallop with a bed of scallops over the ground.

Of course, these concepts are only ideas and could be changed at the will of the CRA Board.

Mr. Carta’s informal proposal for the creation of a public art project is attached for the Board’s review. Included in this proposal is his fee for $3,000, which includes materials and labor (please notice that Mr. Carta is reducing his labor costs by 50%).

If the Board decided to move forward with this sculpture, the following options could be considered for the cost of the engraved bricks to cover the cost of the sculpture:

·  $25/brick – City would need to sell 300 bricks to raise $3,000 and pay for the engraving ($25 - $14.99 = $10.01 x 300 = $3,003).

·  $50/brick – City would need to sell 86 bricks ($50 - $14.99 = $35.01 x 86 = $3,010.86).

·  $75/brick - City would need to sell 50 bricks ($75 - $14.99 = $60.01 x 50 = $3,000.50).

·  $100/brick - City would need to sell 38 bricks ($100 - $ 21 = $79 x 38 = $3,002; at $21.00/brick for engraving since fewer than 50 bricks would be sold).

Staff Recommendation: If the CRA Board is interested in having public art incorporated within the proposed Streetscaping project, staff would recommend that the per-brick cost be at least $75/brick.

Funding Information: See above End of Agenda Sheet]

Council Discussion:

Vice Mayor Gudis stated that the price should be set at an amount that the average individual can afford. He would suggest $50.00 per brick. He also questioned about the art work not including an option of a manatee. This City is known as the “Home of the Manatee” and it is our logo. Mr. Houston noted that the thought behind the suggestions for art work was that the manatee is well-represented through-out the City and that we are tring to promote a Fishing Village theme.

Boardmember Wheeler agreed with Mr. Houston stating that a Fishing Village theme has been discussed before and you just don’t fish for a manatee. She too felt that the manatee is well-represented.

Boardmember Brown agreed with Mrs. Wheeler. He felt that staying with a nautical or fishing theme would help tie in the City with the County. He thinks that it is alright to bring in some diversity. We need to be careful that there is some censorship with what is placed on the bricks. We shouldn’t allow obscenities or political statements. Chairman Farley replied that someone will look over the material and make sure that it is appropriate.

Boardmember Holmes stated that he would like to see them sell for $25.00 and see how many we sell. He would rather not set a goal to go specifically to an art project. His preference for the art work would be No. 2. He likes the nautical theme and would like to see some variety.

Chairman Farley stated that he would like to see the money raised for a project. He would go along with whatever statue this Board chooses. His preference would be a manatee. He agrees with Mr. Gudis that the manatee is our logo and symbol of Crystal River. He would like to see a large manatee on Citrus Ave. He noted that other cities have similar symbols and have statues all around the City. He used Ocala and their statues of horses as an example.

Mr. Houston recommended

» that we set the guidelines as to what you can place on the bricks,

» that we come to some general agreement as to what the project would be that will be funded by the bricks, and

» that we open this up for a period of 3 – 6 months. If we get “X” amount of bricks sold, we will go forward with the project. If we do not sell enough bricks to purchase the artwork, we could still display the ones sold.

He didn’t suggest we buy the bricks up front and engrave as we go along.

Chairman Farley has worked with a program similar to this before and agrees with Mr. Houston.

Motion to set the price of the Buy-A-Brick program to be $50.00 per brick and to incorporate this into the N. Citrus Avenue Streetscaping project with the potential use of the proceeds from such a program to be used on a public art project that would be a part of the Streetscaping project. was made by Vice Chair Gudis; seconded by Boardmember Wheeler for 50.00. Motion carried unanimously.



A.  Jim Farley, Chair

B.  Mike Gudis, Vice Chair

C.  Paula Wheeler

Boardmember Wheeler asked at what point we would approve the expanded Riverwalk. Mr. Houston replied that after we have some engineering work done and a plan.

D.  Ken Brown

Mr. Brown would like to see the crosswalk project started as soon as possible. He doesn’t think we should wait until summer to start.

E.  Robert Holmes

Boardmember Holmes noted that he had visited Kings Bay Park and saw that the shoreline, in the lagoon, at Kings Bay Park needs to be looked at.

Mr. Houston stated that they would check into this.


Boardmember Brown shared that in Pinellas County at Pier 60, they started once a month having an event with music and vendors. Twenty-years later, they are doing this every night. He suggested that we have a Sunset Festival at the 3rd Street Pier. Mr. Brown thought that maybe the Downtown Merchants Association might want to take this on as a project. Mr. Houston will call the Merchants Association to see if they are interested.

Mr. Houston noted that when we met with the City of Inverness, Special Events were discussed as an avenue to get more people to the downtown area. He stated that he thinks this would be a good thing to try.