Kenny School Foundation Grants Overview

The Kenny School Foundation’s purpose is fulfilledby funding grants that support a variety of education initiatives that Kenny Community School offers its students and faculty. In the past, grants have been awarded to support arts, reading, music, and other high impact infrastructure improvement projects.

For this Grant Cycle, the Foundation is interested in funding awide number and variety of projects that support Kenny’s school goals. Please keep that general philosophy in mind as you prepare your grant applications.

Please prepare a complete grant application. Grant applications that are well organized, supported by any appropriate documentation, and that contain specific dollar amounts will receive greater consideration than those that are vague, contain only imprecise estimates, and that are not well organized or supported by any appropriate materials.

KennySchool Foundation Grant Selection Criteria

Preference is given to proposals that:

□Have an impact on all students (direct or indirect)

□Support Kenny School published goals

□Demonstrate the lack of available supporting funds

□Will be used for projects that provide longer term value and/or for the purchase of durable (not perishable) goods.

Grants are not awarded:

□To political organizations

Kenny School Foundation Grant Application –2016-2017School Year

Application Instructions:

  • Review the selection criteria provided. Take the time to tailor your proposal to fit the selection criteriaoutlined.
  • Complete the application below, limited to 2 pages, and submittedto the Foundation mailbox in the school office or email to a Foundation member.
  • Grant applications will be reviewed by the Foundation Board members. WE ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTING REQUESTS FOR THE FALL OF 2017. Requests will be accepted for the 2018-19 school year again in Spring of 2018, with a submission deadline of April 20, 2018.

1.Project title:

2.Name of the requestor (name, phone & email):

3.Names of people committed to working on the project:

4.Amount requested:

5.Briefly describe the purpose of your project (why) and the school goal supported:

6.Briefly describe the impact of successfully completing this project (who, how many, what, when). Please include how the grant will support all students (directly or indirectly):

7.Briefly describe your project plan of action (what by when):

8.Describe the funding source you have tried to secure or have already secured for this project:

9.Are you committed to preparing a brief report at the end of the project (or school year), with photos if possible,that tells your story about the success and impact of your project, and can be posted on the Kenny School Foundation web site?

Yes or No