Keynsham Development Advisory Group

5.30, Tuesday 01 April 2014, Keynsham Council Chamber, Riverside

Draft Minutes


Cllr Brian Simmons / Bath & NE Somerset Council
Cllr Charles Gerrish / Bath & NE Somerset Council
Cllr Alan Hale / Bath & NE Somerset Council
Cllr Keith Kirwan / Keynsham Town Council
Cllr Clive Fricker / Keynsham Town Council
Cllr Roy Staddon / Keynsham Town Council
Cllr Ben Stevens (Chair) / Bath & NE Somerset Council
Jo Swift / Keynsham Town Clerk
Jonathan Medlin / Community Regeneration
Sara Dixon / Policy & Partnerships
Andrew Smith
Adrian Slade / Conversation PR/ Taylor Wimpey (for Item 3)
Peter Morgan + Impact Screens Representatives / Impact Screens (for Item 4)
Apologies / Cllrs Katie Simmons, Marie Longstaff.
Neil Best (Planning Policy).
Agenda item / Title / Actions
1 and 2
Apologies from Neil Best (Planning Policy), Kelvin Packer (Highways).
JM advised that Cllr Stevens is caught in traffic and will join as soon as public transport allows.
3 / Taylor Wimpey Update
Andrew and Adrian updated on Somerdale progress. Planning permission has now been obtained, and pre-commencement conditions are being discharged.
A contract for the Fry Club work has been let with Pollards of Bridgewater. It is hoped that work will start at end of April. Various meetings with residents are in the diary.
The employment aspect is being marketed. Matthew Clark have withdrawn their interest, but a number of other requirements are being pursued.
Andrew Smith provided the following response to detailed questions:
1.  What is happening to the soil at K2B? Taylor Wimpey is currently in discussion with the local planning officer to agree the best way to deal with the soil removal from the meadows. We have not decided yet how much may come to Somerdale. But we will update KDAG when we do know.
2.  Can we provide reassurance the soil won't be moved in wet weather and that road/vehicle cleaning measures will be in place? Adequate measures will be put in place to prevent mud on public roads.
3.  The actions to be taken to prolong the life of the avenue of trees. The management company who will look after the open space/communal areas will also look after the trees in terms of maintenance and treatment.
4.  What is being stored on site next to Chandos Road...and will you get someone to visit the two properties adjacent to the storage area? We have now moved this compound.
5.  How you will manage contractors vehicles if they break the agreed routes and hours? They will be warned and if they continue to break the agreed routes and hours their company will be fined and money given to local charities
6.  Get someone to investigate Alcatel... We knew of the enquiry in the market place, but - at the time - we didn't know it was Alcatel. Our agents are in discussion to see if Somerdale is a possibility. It's large...160,000sqft!
JM to liaise with economic development and Taylor Wimpey/BNP Paribas on the Alcatel lead.
KDAG thanked Adrian and Andrew who are keen to engage with future meetings particularly on strategic issues – e.g. transport. / JM
4 / Impact Screens Presentation
Peter Morgan gave an overview of the Impact Screens proposal – a screen for advertising and promoting community life and events.
KDAG members held a wide ranging discussion and raised a number of questions. In summary:
-  Although this is the preferred location, Impact Screens would be prepared to look at alternatives.
-  There is concern that the proposed location could conflict with: (i) location and siting of trees (which would obscure the screen from various view points); (ii) the commissioned public cart project which is integral to the Keynsham Town Centre regeneration. There is likely to be conflict if screen is located in suggested spot.
-  Members also sought reassurance as to content control. If it is to be associated in any way with the councils there needs to be a structure in place which endures for the future. This would be part of any license granted, and potentially a condition attached to planning permission. This could then be an unwieldy and bureaucratic process, not allowing the screen to respond quickly to events. It is essential that this is given consideration, and that the promoters of the screen should address these concerns and communicate these to KDAG.
-  Aligned with the above, KDAG would like to understand a succession plan/future proofing the screen.
Overall KDAG support the concept and proposal in principle. However the above concerns need to be worked through. This means that the siting of the screen will not necessarily end up within the redeveloped town centre.
Impact Screens and Jonathan Medlin to meet to take these forward. In particular, any siting of the screen which detracts from, or is harmful to the proposed public cart could not be supported, nor a screen which risks bringing the Councils or the regeneration project into disrepute through lack of structure/content control.
Other locations will need to be systematically appraised, including elsewhere within the Town Centre. / JM
5, 6, 7 / Bath Hill/Temple Street Highways Scheme;
Keynsham Transport Strategy
Leisure Strategy 2013 - 2038
Items 5 and 6 were explored in depth at the April KDAG meeting.
JM updated that the Bath Hill/Temple Street Highways scheme is being reported to a Scheme Assessment Meeting on 2nd April and he will update following this. In response to concerns of KDAG, and the special Chamber of Commerce meeting, the design team will be making changes to the scheme, in particular to include safe crossing points for people with visual impairments. A more detailed update will be provided at the May KDAG meeting.
The receipt of the Keynsham transport Strategy had been delayed by a few days. JM will circulate a draft once it has been received and checked by Officers.
Item 7: The Leisure Strategy is being reported to Cabinet on 9th April, to agree the strategy for consultation.
The cabinet report can be viewed on the Council web page. The Draft Strategy is available here (5MB)
Marc Higgins will attend a future KDAG meeting to consult with KDAG on the Strategy in general and specifically the impacts on Keynsham. / JM (to follow)
JM (to follow)
8 / Sites, applications and Core Strategy
Core Strategy examination hearings are ongoing.
K2A planning application is currently live.
A prior approval application for upgrading the telecoms base station in Ashton Way Car Park has been received by Telefonica/ Vodafone. Because of the potential impact on future regeneration plans (Ashton Way Car Park/ Leisure Centre etc) it was agreed that JM will write on behalf of KDAG to the agent. This will explain the need for future-proofing any works, and that there are future plans for change and improvements to this part of Keynsham. / JM
9 / Review of Issues and Actions
Updated Issues Log – to follow
10 / AOB
JM to provided a response to bullet points on the Transport Strategy. Many of these will hopefully be addressed by the draft when circulated. / JM
11 / Dates for future meetings
May 6th: Items include: Transport Strategy; Bath Hill; Leisure Strategy.
Dates for future meetings
First Tuesday of the month thereafter : Jun 3rd; July 1st.
Venues TBC