School of Property, Construction

& Project Management


Peter Cafasso Memorial Prize

1.Personal Details
Family Name: / Given Name:
Student Number: / Gender (M or F):
Date of Birth:
Postal Address:
Phone (home): / Mobile:
2. Eligibility
Name of Program:
Grade Point Average: / Program Code:
Have you received any other scholarships or cash prizes? If yes, please provide details:
Which of the following applies:
Currently living away from home. Home is in which rural area? ______
Currently commuting from which Rural Area? ______
3. Please address the following criteria in preparing your application for the Baulderstone Peter Cafasso Memorial Prize
a) Please outline your major achievements to date (academic and other).
b) Please describe your Construction Management or Civil Engineering career ambitions and aspirations.
c) Please describe your leadership qualities.
d) Why should you receive the Peter Cafasso Memorial Prize?
e) Are you willing to undertake paid work experience at Baulderstone over 2009/2010 summer period?
Yes □
No □
4. Checklist
Please attach your current Curriculum Vitae/Resume □
Please attach your most recent Academic Transcript □
5. Declaration
I declare that the information supplied is complete and correct in every particular. I authorize the University to obtain from other educational institutions and relevant authorities, at any time details of my enrolment, academic record, examination results including details of enrolment variations and attendance. I agree that these details may be made available to Baulderstone and the nomination committee.
I agree to abide by the conditions of the Program as amended from time to time. I am aware that there are sever penalties for providing false or misleading information.
I grant the University permission to use details of the Program for publicity purposes.
Signature: ______Date: ______

Closing Date of Applications: 28th August 2009

Applications should be submitted to: Marsha Lamb – email:

Baulderstone –


School of Property, Construction

& Project Management


Peter Cafasso Memorial Prize

Baulderstone wishes to support one full-time rural student in Construction Management – Bachelor of Applied Science or Civil Engineering – during their final year (2010 academic year) of study by providing one $10,000 prize. The prize provides the opportunity to undertake one year of paid work experience at Baulderstone. The prize comprises a cash award of $5,000 and $5,000 paid towards students’ HECS or tuition fees.


  • The Baulderstone Peter Cafasso Memorial Prize can only be awarded to one full-time student in Construction Management – Bachelor of Applied Science or Civil Engineering during their final year (2010) of study.
  • Applicants must be from a rural area.
  • Applicants must be prepared to undertake the paid work experience at Baulderstone over the 2009/2010 summer period.
  • The prize will be awarded based on merit.
  • Students should submit a Curriculum Vitae (CV), student academic record, interest’s aspirations and career ambitions with their application form.

The Prize

The prize will be in the form of a cash award of $5,000 and $5,000 paid towards the successful students HECS or tuition fees and the understanding of one year of paid work experience at Baulderstone.

Closing Date

No late than 17:00, 28th August2009

Applications should be addressed and sent to:-

Marsha Lamb

School Manager

School of Property Construction and Project Management

Building 8, Level 8

360 Swanston Street

RMIT University

GPO Box 2476V

Melbourne, Australia

Telephone: (03) 9925 3453

Fax:(03) 9925 1939


Baulderstone –