MMTG Hammer Decathlon Championships,-2011
ON: Saturday 03 SEPTEMBER 2011
The weather report was reasonable,- fair to good throwing conditions were expected as Jean and I set off at about 07.30 am. for Derby. We arrived to be met by Kevin who had already opened up and were soon joined by Alan and Rob,- our set up team for MMTG and Mark- centre staff. Rob was also competing but all three of them with not much help from myself loaded up the required equipment from both our and Derby’s stores to take to the competition locations. There was a slight change to pool A in that we moved to the main stadium from outside. Also as a health and safety issue emerged it was decided that our pool would do the short hammers first so the possibility of injury due to a possible overlap when hammers were landing and the consequent danger to sector judges and others was avoided. We were assisted throughout by Diane Presswell ( Mum of new MMTG competitor Kayleigh), Samantha Barnes (Mum of new competitor Lewis) who helped both as card1 and MMTG photographer for the day,- A selection of photos taken by her of the days action have been uploaded with the accompanying results. Also importantly,- Elaine Burling for doing card1 and Pete Kuehnel delivering results to Jean in the am. session. In fact all competing athletes for helping things along by pulling through or reading off and generally moving the day along to its logical conclusion. I also observed from a distance pool B ably run by Pat, Ian and Jack being helped along by every body. My thanks to all these people,- for without their help the day and the competitors experience would not have been as good as it invariably was. Everyone including myself would like to thank the centre staff at Derby and I would like to thank Alan Dean especially for his tireless efforts as sector judge all day and his pivotal role in seeing all our equipment was locked away and secure. Finally, Jean our results officer who worked tirelessly all day her excellent efforts being slightly undermined by me pressing the wrong button ,-sorry Ian !! We seemed to encounter a number of different seasons weather during the day and only a small hint that it may rain. Pool A was finished by about 2.20pm. and I did the medal presentations for this group first and presented pool B’s slightly later. Most were all away by about 3.20pm.
Individual results by all were good ,- some as will be verified later in the year were absolutely amazing! There will be a change of status with regard to this event next year. I need first to consult our President and President of the WTC Hugh Richardson first however, before the exact nature of the Hammer Decathlon as organised uniquely in the UK by MMTG achieves this new status as an event.
A good time was had by all on the day and Jean and I were packed up and away by 4.00pm.
Clive S. S. Howell
( Chairman/Sec./MAIN Organiser-MMTG)
MMTG Hammer Decathlon Championships,-2011 HELD AT: DERBY-MOORWAYS,- DE24 9HY-UK ON: Saturday