
a)  Description---Places , Events and People

A. Places

Q1. You had a chance to visit the new coffee shop around the corner and you really liked it. Write out a paragraph of not more than 50 words describing it. You may take help from the following points:

·  Circular construction---glass walls—potted plants

·  Comfortable bean bags --- low tables---colourful mugs

·  Good choice of music – provision to pick CDs of choice

·  Healthy menu—self service—book shelves –short stories

Q2. You recently joined a Sports Club. Write out a paragraph of not more than 50 words describing this place. You may take help from the following points:

·  Widespread lawns & play courts

·  Swimming Pool

·  Gymnasium

·  Skating rink & horse riding facilities

·  Special instructors and physicians

B. Events

Q3. Your family celebrated the 60th wedding anniversary of your maternal grandparents. Write out a paragraph of not more than 50 words describing this event. You may take help from the following points:

·  Secret planning—all relatives at my place

·  Collage of all photographs of granny & granddad---put in a huge photo frame

·  Cooked their favourite food

·  Surprised them when they came back from evening walk

C. People

Q5. You happened to witness a senior boy bullying a little child in the community park. You couldn’t find out his name as he had run away. Describe the bully in not more than 50 words to the Secretary of the Resident’s Welfare Association with the help of guidelines given below.

·  Weight, height, hair , personality

·  Face—eyes, complexion; voice—gruff, high-pitched etc.

·  Clothes, any specific marks

·  Any typical habits, mannerisms etc.

b)  Dialogue Writing

Q1. Here is a dialogue that took place between a receptionist at a hotel and a visitor. Write out the next set of dialogues which you think might have followed in not more than 50 words.

Receptionist: Yes, how can I be of use to you, sir?

Visitor: I would like to meet with the interior decorator of your hotel. Can I meet her right now?

Receptionist I don't think so. …………

c)  Diary Writing

Q1. You are Loretta Adams , a student of Modern Concept Public School. Cochin, Kerala. You asked your teacher to give you a report on your abilities and achievements. Here are the grades scored by Loretta in the exams. Based on the grades, write out a diary entry of about 150 words on how you’ve fared and what you decide to improve on.

Language 1 B. Leadership A
Language 2 B Application A
Mathematics A+ Team work A
Science A Turnout A
Social sciences A
Computer science A+
Art A+
Music A+
Physical Education B

d) Speech Writing

Q1. You are a Career Counselor. You have to make a speech on ' How to Choose a Career' in your school assembly. Based on the notes written in your diary and the ideas from the unit ‘Education" write your speech in not more than 150 words.

It is not enough to know the fields in which it is available on the kinds of training or qualities required. It is more important to know yourself ----search inwards, identify your strengths and talents and design your own opportunities. Collect information, organize it, set standards, and clarify goals.
Through self – exploration arrive at the magic of discovering what you are capable of becoming.

Q2 .Cynthia Lobo,, a student of " Good Shepherd International School ', Ooty, has to take part in a speech competition --- ' Save Ooty's Natural beauty – Stop overcrowding '.During the last decade it has grown from a serene, peaceful ,lovely green hill station into a severely populated and polluted town . Using the ideas from the table and the hints given below, along with ideas from the unit ' Environment ', write Cynthia's speech in not more than 150 words

OOTY (1998 – 2009)
1998  2009
Population ( in lakhs) 2033
The number of houses (in lakhs) 824
The number of cars (in thousands) 4085
Number of factories 1744
Consumption of water ( in gallons) 15,40,000
Consumption of electricity (in watts) 17,40,200

e) Informal Letter

Q1. You are Vincent/ Vineeta of 12 Jacob Street, Kolkata -09 and you come across the following poster in the newspaper. You are concerned about the spread of diseases during summers and decide to write a letter to your younger brother studying in a hostel in Bhuvaneshwar. You write about the impending possibility of waterborne diseases and the dire need for prevention. Using your own ideas and the ideas from the unit ' Health' write Vincent's/ Vineeta’s letter in not more than 150 words.

Here comes The summer
And also the possibilities of diseases like Cholera and gastroenteritis …..Prevention is better than cure
Drink only safe water
The food items covered
The only freshly cooked food
Wash hands before preparing on eating food…..
If a patient is restless/ unconscious, as fever, eating and drinking poorly
Consult the doctor immediately
Use oral rehydration solution-available at all health centers – free of cost

f) Article Writing

Q1. Over the years there has been a steady increase in the number of students from different town and cities of India seeking admission in colleges in the metropolitan cities. As a consequence, colleges in the metros have failed to accommodate the rising number of students due to severe shortage of seats. Write an article for your school magazine drawing attention to the anxiety and pressure faced by students during admission time, using your own ideas and those from the graphic given below. Suggest ways to combat the shortage of seats. Write the article in about 150 words. You are Mohan/Mohita, a student of AKS International School, Agra.


a) Data Interpretation

Q1. Interpret the data about the Komodo dragon in not more than 50 words.

·  Measurements and Statistics / ·  The largest surviving lizard
·  Length (max) -3.13m (10.3ft) / ·  found within the Komodo Island National
·  Weight (max) -166kg (366 pounds) / Park, a group of small islands of Indonesia.
·  Running speed -20kph (13mph) / ·  Today as few as 3,000 lizards exist
·  Size at birth -40cm (16in) / ·  Weight at birth -100gms (3.5oz)
·  Incubation period -8 to 9 mths / ·  Clutch size -15 to 30 eggs
·  Longevity -30 to 50 years / ·  Scent range (max) -4km (2.5 miles)

Q2. Interpret the following in not more than 50 words.

Q3. The given graph shows the monthly average rainfall and temperature in Delhi. (The top most line represents maximum temperature; the middle line shows minimum temperature and the bottom line displays rainfall).Interpret the data in not more than 50 words.

b) Bio Sketch

Q1. Look at the profile of a librarian, Mrs. Uma Mani and write out her bio- sketch in not more than 50 words.

Employer:R.K.Public School, Ajmer Birthplace:Jaipur, Rajasthan Birthday:March 17 , 1972 Most relaxing activity:Reading a good fiction novel is my most relaxing activity. Major accomplishment: Master of Library Science degree from Central University, Ajmer in December 1999. The one thing I really hate to do in the library is:The one thing I really hate to do in the library is cataloging. The one thing I really love about being a librarian is:Being close to books most of the time and being able to read any.

Q2. Look at the profile of Rani Lakshmi bai and write out her bio- sketch in not more than 50 words.

Birth: 19th November 1828 at Kashi (Presently known as Varanasi) Actual name: Mannikarnika (Manu) Marriage: Raja Gangadhar Rao, the Maharaja of Jhansi in 1842 1851: Son is born---dead at 4 months 21st November 1853: Maharaja dead ------strengthened the defense of Jhansi------assembled a volunteer army of rebellions----- March 1858: Jhansi attacked by Britishers 8th June of 1858: fierce battle---age of 22 years—martyrdom.

c) E-mail

Q1. In order to raise funds for the Orphanage in the neighbourhood, your school organized ‘a Cultural Bonanza’ Draft an e-mail to your friend Aarti and send a copy to your younger sister, Deepika as well along with a favourite photograph.

·  student artists of your & neighborhood schools ---- various colourful programmes

·  Songs, dances, fancy dress shows, one act plays etc.

·  Terrence Lewis --- famous choreographer--- trained the students.

·  Sunidhi Chauhan----top singer ---guest appearance.

·  Rs.25, 000 gathered+Rs.10, 000 donated by Interact Club of school.

Q2. You are Geeta/ Girish Shankar and you have received a telephone call from one of your cousins, Avinash, intimating that his father’s (your uncle's) heart operation is fixed for the 27 December at Apollo hospital, Agra. He expects you would quickly inform all relatives in Delhi about the operation and ask them to reach the hospital on the day of the operation with O negative blood donors and with some cash money as reserve in case of emergency .Write an e-mail in not more than 150 words to your aunt, grandmother, and two uncles in Delhi.

d) Letter to Editor

Q1 You are Rohan/Ragini. During a visit to Mumbai you happened to visit the sets of a television reality show featuringchildren. The long shooting hours made you wonder whether thechildrenwere losing their precious childhood years, which should have been spent enjoying a carefree life in the lap of nature rather than satisfying the desires of over ambitious parents and contributing to the family income. Write a letter to the Editor of a leading National daily expressing your concern in not more than 150 words. Take ideas from the hints given below:

·  Loss of innocence

·  Neglect of studies

·  Overriding parental ambition

·  Burdened with responsibilities at tender age

Q2. You see the following illustration made by your younger brother about cutting trees to make paper and space for buildings. This bothers you a lot and you wonder about the future. Use your own ideas along with ideas from Unit 4, MCB—Environment and write a letter to the editor of The Hindustan Times expressing your concern, stating the ill-effects and forwarding solutions.

e) Composition

Q1. Look at the pictures given below, arrange them in order of your preference and compose a story titled The Unexpected Surprise in about 150 words.

Q2. Look at the picture given below and write out a composition in 120-150 words.