Minutes of U3A Committee Meeting March 26th 2013

Present: Eddie, Julian, Bob, Ann, Christine, Bernard, Nigel, Chris.

Apologies: Sylvia and Barbara

The meeting was held at 4, Shelley Drive from 10 a.m..

The Chairman welcomed Nigel and Chris as new members to the Committee.

All agreed to continue in their present positions on the Committee, which is to meet

four times a year.


Several points were raised:

*Eddie suggested that we should try to promote a more formal liaison with

The Lutterworth U3A and other local U3As to further explore common areas of potential shared activities. Walking groups are already sharing activities, as are Table Tennis, Ten Pin Bowling and Science. Nigel agreed to act as Co- ordinator in this respect.

* It was agreed that Bernard and Nigel would establish a more direct liaison with Wycliffe Group leaders to strengthen information flow between the Groups and the Committee.

* Information about groups is on the Website but Bernard should be informed

if new groups wish to be established.

*We should actively seek to form 4 new interest groups during 2013/14. e.g. Gardening and Flat Green Bowling were suggested.

*When a Group is oversubscribed and membership may be curtailed, consideration should be given to establishing a waiting list or exploring the possibility of creating a second group.

*Many groups meet in members’ homes, but if numbers increase beyond capacity, other venues can be booked, entailing a small contribution from each participant. Hosts can charge a small fee to cover the cost of refreshments

if they so wish.

*Eddie reported that, due to a change in her circumstances, Rose could no longer help with the organisation of Outings. George is willing to continue organising days out, but may need support. Eddie agreed to raise this matter at the April meeting and if no volunteer was forthcoming he would attempt to resolve the issue through a more personal approach.

* It was agreed to establish a Group Information table at the monthly meetings to assist members with choices and to provide a platform for the Group Leaders. Bernard and Nigel to front this initiative.

Meeting and Greeting

*Eddie open a discussion on the possibility of enhancing the way we welcome new members. Bob and Ann take fees and the register of attendees, but feel new members should have a more focussed welcome. Julian is to be available at a designated table to talk to new members and offer a welcome pack containing the current bulletin, a letter of welcome and a matrix of all group activities. Christine agreed to help with the formulation of the welcome packs.

*Photographs of Group and Committee members should be displayed at this table to assist newcomers.

U3A Network Representatives

* Bob agreed to continue as the representative at the quarterly Network meetings with Eddie acting as substitute, if necessary.

Business Plan

This was covered during discussion :

*At the monthly meetings the speaker should be limited to 25/30 minutes with around 10 minutes being available for questions.

*Forming of 4 new groups

* Increasing membership now at approximately 230

Visual and Audio Aids

* Approaches to be made to Ralph about using the Church sound system

There is normally a charge and it has to be operated by a designated Church member. Nigel will ask Ruth to operate this, if permission is given. The microphones are kept in the Vestry, which has an access code and the sound system is in a locked unit at the back of the Chapel.

* A larger screen is needed for power point presentations. Nigel has found one measuring 2m x 3m on the net@ £ 75. He will measure the existing screen ,

donated by Ann, to assess the value of the purchase. Light pollution from the big church windows makes viewing quality poor.

There is a computer projector available for visiting speakers.

Christmas Lunch 2013

Proposed date: Tuesday December 10th at 1.pm

Venue:Lutterworth Golf Club

Eddie to negotiate final date and price of lunch.

Ann agreed to organise lunch numbers and devise a quiz.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at midday.

Chris Brady.

Minutes Secretary