Appendix PG7C(2)

PhD by Research ONLY


This form should be completed by the Chair of the Probation Panel


1. A date should be set for the Probation Panel by the Lead Supervisor who will then inform the Academic Office and Panel.

2. Lead Supervisor to book an appropriate room for the Interview.

3. Lead Supervisor to circulate PG7B(2) form submitted by student with sample of work to Panel

4. Once the Probation Panel has taken place, a report should be written by the Chair of the ProbationPanel. The form and recommended action should be signed by all Panel members.

5. The paperwork and recommendation should then be submitted to the Academic Office in preparation for consideration by the Research Degrees Committee.

6. The Academic Office will inform all parties of the official outcome of the Research Degrees Committee.

The Academic Quality Handbook contains the academic regulations relating to Research Degrees (Chapter 8)

Academic Office, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Carmarthen, SA31 3EP

Tel: 44 (0)1267 676785 Email:

  1. Student Details

Institution/Centre of Study
Student Family / Surname:
Student Given / First name:
Student Number
Faculty and School
Is the student a Member of Staff at UWTSD? / YES ☐ / NO ☐
Is the candidate an International student currently on a Tier 4 visa? / YES ☐ / NO ☐
Start Date / End Date
Mode of Study / Part time ☐ / Full time ☐
Degree Scheme / PhD by Research ☐ / PhD Practice Based ☐
Date of Probation Panel
Recommended Outcome / A
☐ / B
☐ / C
☐ / D
☐ / E

First Application / ☐ / Second Application / ☐
(Outcome C is not available for a 2nd application)

2 Probation Panel

Independent Chair
Independent Assessor
Lead Supervisor
Director of Studies
(If not Lead Supervisor)

2 Assessment of Probation Panel

Please give a detailed assessment of the Probation Panel; commenting on the following:
(box will expand as you type).
Appropriateness of the proposed research programme
Quality of the work so far and clarity of plans going forward
Performance in Probation Panel
Student’s suitability to continue PhD programme

3 Recommended Outcome

A / Pass probation and continue with studies; / ☐
B / Conditionally pass probation; the Panel must stipulate the conditions and givean indicative timeframe within which these conditions must be addressed; / ☐ /
C / Probation extended for up to 6 months for full-time students or by up to 12 months for part-time students; at the end of the extended period of probation, the Probation Panel will meet again. This option is not available for students whose probation has already been extended; / ☐ /
D / Transfer programme (either to an MPhil by Research or to an MA by Research/MSc by Research); / ☐ /
E / Required to withdraw. / ☐ /
(Where option B is recommended, the conditions and timeframe should be indicated here)

4. Signatures

Signatures of Probation Panel
Independent Chair / Date
Independent Assessor / Date
Lead Supervisor / Date
Supervisor / Date
Director of Studies (if not Lead Supervisor) / Date
Adviser / Date
Please Note:
Examiners should be aware that, under the 1998 Data Protection Act, candidates have the right to request access to any comments made about them in these reports


October 2017 PhD Probation Panel Form
