Hunter Medical Research Institute

HMRI Student Association (HMRI-SA)
Postgraduate Medical Research Scholarship


Closing Date: 5:00pm Monday 12thSeptember 2016

Submission requirements:

2 x Electronic Copies: A PDF version of the completed application (with signatures) and a Microsoft Word version or similar sent via email to:

  • Contact Details:

Phone: 4042 0569


Application text specifications:

  1. All applications and related documentation must be submitted in 11pt Arial font.
  2. All applications must be submitted with single line spacing.
  3. Applications are to be submitted in black text. Coloured text may be used for images, graphs and logos.
  4. PDF versions must be of a good quality and able to be read clearly by assessors.


  1. All applications must be submitted to your HMRI Program Leader for review and approval prior to submission.
  2. Applications that are incomplete and/or do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be considered.
  3. Applicants cannot apply for more than the maximum available funding.

Note: Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview on 10thOctober 2016

This funding will be formally recognised at the HMRI Awards Night date TBA November 2016 and attendance of the successful recipient is expected.

HMRI Student Association ‘Future’ Postgraduate Medical Research Scholarship 2016Page 1 of 7

Application Form & Criteria


HMRI Student Association (HMRI-SA)
‘Future’ Top-Up Scholarship
HMRI Student Association ‘Future’ Postgraduate Medical Research Scholarship
Maximum funding that can be applied for is $5000per year for1 year
Scholarship awarded in the year following successful application (2017) (full-time equivalent).
Funding is made available for aPhD ‘top-up’ Scholarship to further the education and support of talented emerging medical researchers.

1.1.Scholarship will be awarded annually to a PhD candidate who is enrolled with University of Newcastle (UoN), whose research comes under the umbrella of the programs of HMRI and whose research is applicable to the medical needs of the community of the Hunter area and wider community.

1.2.The Scholarship shall be awarded starting in the year of candidature following successful application of the PhD degree student(full-time equivalent).

1.3.The Scholarship is intended as a ‘top up’ scholarship and, as such, it is expected that it will supplement one or more other postgraduate scholarships or alternative sources of support for living expenses already held by the PhD degree candidate. Therefore, recipients of the Scholarship shall be permitted to hold any other scholarships or awards concurrently. The scholar shall not be required to undertake paid employment as a condition of the award of the Scholarship.

1.4.All applications must be approved by the applicant’s HMRI Program Leader.

1.5.Acknowledgement of HMRI

Acknowledging the support of HMRI reinforces to the community the importance of supporting research and the outcomes that can be achieved. Furthermore, it encourages continued support of research in the Hunter.

Recipients must acknowledge the funding body (HMRI) for the life of the grant. This acknowledgement includes, but is not limited to, media releases, promotional materials such as brochures and newsletters, publications and articles submitted to journals, presentations at conferences, speeches, attendance at meetings and community/supporter’s events. Recipients may be requested to participate in selected public speaking and/or public appearances and media interviews for 12 months, to be coordinated through HMRI.

Acknowledgements should include the below-specified wording as per quotations:

“This scholarship was funded by the HMRI Student Association (HMRI-SA) through the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI).”

1.6.The Scholarship will be terminated if any of the following conditions apply:

  1. If, in the opinion of the Director of HMRI, the program is not being carried out with competence and diligence, in accordance with the offer of award, or if no suitable alternative arrangements can be made for the continuation of the postgraduate degree;
  2. If the scholar has failed to maintain satisfactory progress and is excluded from candidature;
  3. If the scholar ceases to be enrolled as a student of UoN;
  4. On expiry of the period for which the Scholarship was granted; or
  5. 14 days after submission of the thesis, whichever is earlier.

2.1.The value of the scholarship top-up will be $5000per 12 month full-time candidature or the appropriate pro-rata reduction for a part-time candidate.

*HMRI reserves the right to alter the distribution of funds at their discretion


3.1.The scholarship duration is for 1 years full-time candidature.

3.2.A part-time Scholarship recipient is expected to progress at half the rate of a full-time Scholarship recipient.

3.3.The candidate shall take up the Scholarship within one semester of award of this scholarship.


4.1.Applications will be primarily assessed on:

  1. The applicant's academic merit and research potential;
  2. The applicant’s progress in their research project to date;
  3. The applicant’s determination to fulfil a stated career role in research (their career ‘dream’);
  4. The applicant’s ability to explain their project to the selection committee and convey its significance.
  5. Secondary selection criteria based on:
  1. The relevance of the applicants’ research to a condition of medical importance to the community; and
  2. The strength of the research training environment that is to be provided to the applicant including the resources, mentorship, supervisors, critical mass and collaborative networks.

0Ineligible – applicant does not meet eligibility criteria

1Good – top 25-50% of scholarship applicants

2Very Good – top 10-25% of scholarship applicants

3Excellent – top 5-10% of scholarship applicants

4Outstanding – top 5% of scholarship applicants


6.1.A selection committee shall be responsible for the selection of candidates and the award of the Scholarship/s. The selection committee shall comprise of:

  1. The Executive Director of HMRI, or nominee;
  2. Two senior researchers of the UoN nominated by the HMRI Student Association; and
  3. The President of the HMRI Student Association and/or a representative of the HMRI Student Association
  4. A short list of candidates for interview will be prepared by members of the selection committee. Interviews will be held10thOctober 2016 in the HMRI Building. You will be contacted with time and location if successful in being shortlisted.

This should be the first page of your application


$5000 per year for 1 year

HMRI Program: / Choose an item. /
Contact Details
PhD Title:
PhD Start Date: / Click here to enter a date. /
PhD Expected Completion Date: / Click here to enter a date. /
Confirmation passed? / ☐ Yes / ☐ No – Expected date: / Click here to enter a date. /
Email: / (1) / (2)


1.Please provide a brief (1 page) outline of the aims and significance of your research project and the progress to date.
2.Please provide a brief (1/2 page) personal statement. This is to give a picture of yourself as an individual outlining your personal history, influences, experiences, and the ways these have affected you. You may include special interests and abilities, life goals etc.This should not be a record of facts or a summarised outline of your project.
3.Please provide a brief (1/2 page) outline of the relevance of your research to a condition of medical importance to the community.
4.What are your research career aspirations or your “career dreams”? How will this funding aid in these? (1/2 page)


The following supporting documents must be submitted with the application form for review.

CV and publications
Supporting letter from Supervisor
Copy of academic transcript


Signature / Date
Primary Supervisor
I certify that the details provided by the applicant fora HMRI-SA ‘Future’ Postgraduate Medical Research Scholarship are correct and that the applicant is currently enrolled in a PhD degree and meets the eligibility criteria.
Signature / Date
Certification by HMRI Program Leader
I certify that this project has been reviewed by our HMRI Program and is deemed scientifically valid and of sufficiently high standard to be considered for a HMRI-SA ‘Future’ Postgraduate Medical Research Scholarship.
Signature / Date
Name / HMRI Program


HMRI Student Association ‘Future’ Postgraduate Medical Research Scholarship 2016Page 1 of 7

Application Form & Criteria