Workgroup Name:

/ Subcommittee


/ 7.22.08


/ 9:00 am to 12 Noon


/ Lansing Community College West Campus


/ Patty Degnan, Jane Konyndyk


/ Tison Thomas
Meeting Outcome
I. Welcome and Introductions Patty D.
II.  Agenda and prior meeting minutes Group
III.  MDCH Updates Irene K.
IV.  ODCP Updates Jeff W.
V.  Measurement Workgroup Updates Kathy H.
VI.  MiFAST Updates
VII.  Change Agent Trainings Group
VIII.  Trainings for next fiscal year Group
IX.  IDDT team updates Group
X.  Resources/products developed Group
XI.  Future Meetings Group
XII.  Other Items
Key Points
Patty Degnan welcomed the group. Members introduced themselves. Agenda and prior meeting minutes were approved as written.
MDCH updates:
Irene K. provided the following MDCH updates.
·  No reduction in budget for next fiscal year. 2.9% increase in Medicaid programs for next year.
·  Mental health courts will be piloted next year.
·  Department is working on a concept paper which outlines the priorities
·  Draft of the concept paper will be shared with a small stakeholders group
·  MDCH will be using an Application for Renewal and Recommitment process in the coming months based on the concept paper
·  ARR will also be used for Medicaid renewal and waiver activities
·  Dr. James Dillon assumed the position of Medical Director and Chief Psychiatrist
ODCP updates
Jeff W. Provided the following ODCP updates:
·  Issued an integrated treatment RFP early June.
·  Received 13 proposals. 12 CAs will be considered for review
·  Plan to fund 5 to 6 proposals
ITC updates
Patty D. provided the following updates re. ITC
·  21 member committee
·  Consists of consumers, providers, CMH staff, CA staff and MDCH/ODCP staff
·  Plan to meet for the first time in July
·  ITC to look at services for individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance use in the Mental Health system, Substance Abuse system and the Medicaid health plans
·  Will be chaired by Patty Degnan, Deborah Hollis, Dennis Priess and Jane Konyndyk
Measurement Workgroup updates
Kathy H. provided the following updates
·  Disability designation field for Substance Abuse in the QI file is in place.
·  Reporting is getting better.
·  In FY 2007 the number of individuals identified as having COD went up from 8% to 16%
·  A small subgroup is working on the HH modifier clarification
·  Measurement workgroup is also planning to look at the performance indicators related to COD in the future meetings
MiFAST updates:
Tia G. Provided the following updates
·  The team members are providing fidelity assessments and readiness assessments
·  35 Fidelity assessments so far
·  50 readiness assessments so far
·  Teams are also requesting and receiving technical assistance from the team
Change Agent meetings
·  Some members felt that some information is repetitive; some felt that they are learning new things each time.
·  Need more time discussing what need to be done at the local level and be more prescriptive and some members felt that each of the regions are different and the relationship with other system is different from others and this may not possible.
·  Space was cramped during the last time
·  Some members questioned whether interviewing a consumer in front of people appropriate and some members felt that the interviewing was very good and learned a lot about strength based assessment and recovery principles.
·  Must group people together as a region
·  Not following the agenda
·  Not following the curricula
·  October 6 and 7th will be the final training of this series of change agent trainings
·  Plan to have a conference call with all the change agent team leaders at the end of August to address what is needed
·  Tison T. agreed to convey the message to Ken Minkoff and Chris Cline
Trainings for next fiscal year
Tison T. asked members for suggestions:
·  Provide trainings at the local PIHP level, looking at the local needs
·  Provide state level trainings that are not feasible at the local level (for ex: team leader training, physician trainings etc)
·  Suggested to contact Tison T. if any one have any further ideas
·  There will be two one-day trainings for physicians and nurses.
·  The WSU trainings will be held in Grand Rapids in September. There will be 5 one-day trainings
·  Currently working with Tim Hamilton from DRA to develop a training for Peer Support Specialists, Consumers, Advocates and providers on how to develop DRA.
Resources /Products developed
Tison T. suggested to members to share the resources each of the teams developed, so that each team doesn’t have to duplicate what others developed already.
Washtenaw county CMH developed a training curriculum through the federal mental health block grant. Plan is to post this training curriculum at the MACMHB website.
Future meetings
Some members stated that they would like to have meetings monthly as they learn from others through the discussions. Some members suggested every other month and a few others suggested quarterly. Agreed to discuss this further at the next meeting. There will no meeting in August. The next meeting will be September 23, 2008 at the capitol view.

Next Meeting






9:30 am to 12 Noon



Capitol View Bldg

Attendance /
Please list every member for every meeting regardless of attendance. Please put “yes” if the person attended the meeting and “no” if the person was absent. List each guest that attended the meeting. /

Members’ and Guests’ Names





Yes/No /
Alyson Rush / MDCH / Yes
Charlene Hyde / MDCH-MSA / Yes
Darren Lubbers / CEICMH / Yes
Dennis Priess / NIMSAS / Yes
Diane Cranston / Lifeways / Yes
Gary Lesley / Access Alliance / Yes
Irene Kazieczko / MDCH / Yes
Jane Konyndyk / Network180 / Yes
Jeff Wiefrich / Macomb County CMH / Yes
Jennifer Harrison / Kalamazoo CMH / Yes
John Jokisch / MDCH / Yes
Josh Snyder / West Michigan CMH / Yes
Juliana Stitz / OCCMHA / Yes
Kathy Haines / MDCH / Yes
Lorraine Taylor Muhammed / Detroit Wayne CMH / Yes
Mary Jacobson / Muskegon / Yes
Mary Marlatt-Duams / Northern Affiliation / Yes
Nancy Auger / Genesee CMH / Yes
Nancy Murphy / Nework180 / Yes
Nasr Doss / Detroit Wayne CMH / Yes
Patty Degnan / MDCH / Yes
Patty Wagenhoffer / Genesee CMH / Yes
Ray Rais / Macomb Coutny / Yes
Robert Compton / Detroit Wayne CMH / Yes
Ron Kidder / Muskegon / Yes
Rosa Thomas / Access Alliance / Yes
Sally Olson / Pathways / Yes
Steve Wiland / Washtenaw / Yes
Sue Winter / NMSAS / Yes
Teri Smith / Muskegon / Yes
Tia Griffin / WSU / Yes
Tison Thomas / MDCH / Yes


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