Institute 2017 Homework (Due Prior to Institute)

It is expected that all participants complete the homework assignments below to be prepared and able to fully participate during class.


  1. Put all of your written assignments (#1-4) into one document entitled “lastnamefirstinitialhomework” (for example, barberdhomework).
  2. Begin each written assignment on a new page in your homework document.
  3. Email your completed homework document to as an attachment by noon on Friday before you arrive at Institute.
  4. Bring a copy of your completed assignment for reference during Institute and bring your Assignment #1 article or book to share.

Homework Assignments:

  1. Research:Research topics related to teaching hard to reach adult learners or adult learners who are at-risk of not succeeding academically. Identify one article or book you believe would help adult educators become better prepared to teach hard to reach learners. Emailthe complete reference and a 3-5 sentence description/summary for posting on the Institute website. Bring a copy of the article or book to share during Institute. You may be asked share your resource with a small group, the entire class, and/or place it on a resource table for other participants to review. Optional: you may bring a copy to share with everyone if it is a short article. Suggested length: ½ page double spaced.
  2. Define: “Hard to reach” adult learners may also be referred to as at-risk learners, reluctant learners, disengaged learners, disadvantaged learners… How would you describe “hard to reach” adult learners? What makes or causes a learner to be “hard to reach?” What are some characteristics of the hard to reach learners? When thinking about hard to reach adult learners what are some enablers or barriers that come to mind? Suggested length: 2 pages or less double spaced.
  3. Case Study: Write a case study (detailed story) for a hard to reach adult learner that you are currently teaching, previously taught or someone you might teach. Suggested length: 1-3 pages double spaced. Be sure your case study includes details about:
  4. the learners background.
  5. the characteristics of the learner.
  6. what makes the learner hard to reach or hard to teach.
  7. strategies you have tried, both successful and unsuccessful?
  8. input you would seek from an advisory group whose purpose was to offer help with engaging and retaining hard to reach adult learners.
  9. Teaching Strategies:What are some teaching strategies that you use to support hard to reach adult learners? What does your program offer to provide support and help retain hard to reach adult learners? Suggested length: 1-2 pages double spaced.
  10. Practicum:During classyou will work with a small group of 3-4 participants to plan a practicum. Your practicum should include content you learn during Institute that you believe will benefit other Instructors in your program. To prepare for the practicum, it is highly recommended that you discuss how this might look with your coordinator and/or director.
  11. Share a Talent: On Thursdaywe will have a Barbeque buffet with entertainment. If you would like to share a talent, play an instrument, sing a song, etc., please be prepared.