Wareham St. Martin Parish Council


I certify that the statement of accounts contained in this annual return present fairly the financial position of the council and properly presents receipts and payments for the year ended 31 March 2013.

Responsible Financial OfficerMDWellerDate10.06.2013

I confirm that these accounts were approved by the Council and recorded as Council Minute reference 13/053

Signed on behalf of the above Council


Items / Last Year
(£) / This Year
(£) / Notes/Guidance
  1. Balances brought forward
/ 20211 / 16240 / Total balances and reserves at beginning of year as recorded
In the Council's financial records
2. Annual Precept received / 30865 / 32745 / Total amount of Precept income received in the year
3. Total Receipts received / 3978 / 6252 / Total income or receipts as recorded in the cashbook minus
the Precept
  1. Staff Costs
/ 11452 / 10944 / Total expenditure or payments made to and on behalf of
Council employees, include salaries and wages, PAYE + NI
(employees and employers), pension contributions, expenses
5. Loan interests/repayments / Nil / Nil / Total expenditure or payments of capital and interest made
during the year on the Council's borrowings (if any)
6. Total payments out / 27362 / 27585 / Total expenditure or payments as recorded in cashbook minus
employment costs, loan/interest and expenditure/payments
  1. Balances carried forward
/ 16240 / 16708 / Total balances and reserves at the end of the year
  1. Total Cash + Investments
/ 16240 / 16708 / Sum of all current and deposit bank accounts, cash holdings
and investments held as at 31.3.2013.
  1. Total Fixed Assets
/ 80787 / 84700 / Recorded current book value at 31.3.2013 of all tangible
fixed assets owned by the Council as recorded in the
Asset Register at purchase price costs.
10Total Borrowings / Nil / Nil / Outstanding capital balance as at 31.3.2013 of all loans from
Third parties

Trust funds disclosure note - the council does not act as sole trustee for and is not responsible for managing (a) trust fund(s)/assets.

Also attached is a bank reconciliation as at the 31st March 2013 and any necessary explanation for variations between the previous and latest year's accounts.

SECTION 2 - Annual GovernanceStatement

We acknowledge as the members of Wareham St Martin Parish Council our responsibility for the ensuring that there is a sound system of internal control, including preparation of the statement of accounts.We confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, with respect to the statement of accounts for the year ended 31st March 2013 that :

Agreed / Yes means that the Council
We approved the accounting statements
prepared in accordance with the requirements of the
Accounts & Audit Regulations and proper practices. / Y / Prepared its accounts in the
way prescribed by law
We maintained an adequate system of internal control, including measures designed to prevent and detect fraud and corruption and reviewed its effectiveness / Y / Made proper arrangements and accepted responsibility for safe-guarding the public money and resources in its charge
We took all reasonable steps to assure ourselves that there are no matters of actual or potential non-compliance with laws, regulations and codes of practice that could have a significant financial effect on the ability of the Council to conduct its business or on its finances / Y / Has only done things that it has the legal power to do and has conformed to codes of practice and standards in the way it has done so
We provided proper opportunity during the year for the exercise of electors’ rights in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations. / Y / Has during the year given all persons interested the opportunity to inspect and ask questions about the council’s accounts
We carried out an assessment of the risks facing the Council and took appropriate steps to manage those risks, including the introduction of internal controls and/or external insurance cover where required / Y / Considered all the risks it faces in the operation of the Council and has deal with them properly
We maintained throughout the year an adequate and effective system of internal audit of the council’s accounting records and control systems / Y / Arranged for a competent person, independent of the financial controls and procedures, to give an objective view on whether these meet the needs of the council and reviewed the impact of this work
We took appropriate action on all matters raised in reports from internal and external audit / Y / Has responded to matters brought to its attention by internal and external audit
We considered whether any litigation, liabilities or commitments, events or transactions, occurring either during or after the year-end have a financial impact on the Council and, where appropriate have included them in the statement of accounts / Y / Disclosed everything it should have about its business during the year including events taking place after the year-end if relevant
Trust funds - in our capacity as the sole managing trustee we have discharged our responsibility in relation to the accountability for the funds(s)/assets, including financial reporting and, if required, independent examination or audit. / N/A / Has met all of its responsibilities where it is a sole managing trustee of a local trust or trusts

This Annual Governance Statement is approved by the Council and recorded as Council Minute Reference 13/054 dated 10.06.2013

Signed on behalf of Wareham St Martin Parish Council

Certified by ChairAC Gollop




We certify that we have completed the audit of the annual return of Wareham St Martin Parish Council for the year ended 31st March 2013.

Respective Responsibilities of the Council and the Auditor

The Council is responsible for the preparation of the accounts in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts & Audit Regulations 1996 and for the preparation of an annual return which:

Summarises the Council's accounting records for the year ended 31 March 2013, and

Confirms and provides assurance on those matters that are important to our audit responsibilities

Our responsibility is to conduct an audit in accordance with guidance issued by the Audit Commission and, on the basis of our review of the annual return and supporting information, to report whether any matters that come to our attention give cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met.

External Auditor’s Report - on the basis of our review, in our opinion the information contained in the annual return is in accordance with the Audit Commission’s requirements and no matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met.

BDO Stoy Hayward LLPDate11th September 2013

Charter Court, Third Avenue

Southampton SO14 3TL

Note - The auditor signing this page has been appointed by the Audit Commission and is reporting to you that he/she has carried out and completed all the work that is required of him/her by law.

The report advised a donation made to Victim Support should have been authorised under S142(2A) and not S137 of the Local Government Act 1972. Council to ensure correct powers attributed to payments in the future.

Wareham St Martin Parish Council


for year ended 31.3.2013

The Parish Council is a party to the Wareham Joint Burial Committee and has a share in the Burial Ground Assets – one cemetery is at Conniger Lane, Wareham and the new HillViewCemetery is approximately 100 metres along Worgret Road, between the roundabout and Worgret Manor Hotel Wareham.

The Parish Council contributes towards the Parish War Memorials by paying the insurance for the memorials and has undertaken to pay any rent due to Dorset County Council for the area covered by the memorials - this has not yet been determined. The War Memorials stand within the perimeter fence at the entrance to SandfordMiddle School, Sandford Road, Sandford.

Purchase / Supplier / Approx / Item / Map Ref / Purchase / Replacemnt
Date / Location / Price / Value
1984 / Street Lights (13) / Gore Hill/St Martins Rd / Lamps / 1 / £3,300.00 / £5,200.00
18.10.93 / Broxay & County Ltd / adj The Beeches / Wooden seat / 4 / £240.88 / £850.00
Morrish Builders / oppMiddle School / 10ft x 6ft land / 5 / £1.00 / £1.00
17.01.94 / Queensbury Int. / adj Digby Cottages / Bus shelter / 6 / £1,098.63 / £4,000.00
18.09.95 / Pat Sheldon Ass / Play area Middle Schl / Geotextile membrane / 8 / £110.73 / Total
18.09.95 / J J Jacobs / Play area Middle Schl / Impact ab surfaces / 8 / £1,600.00 / Amount insured
16.10.95 / Savack Services / Play area Middle Schl / Slide, kicking wall / 8 / £200.00 / £4,000.00
22.01.96 / Queensbury Int. / opp Sandford Hotel / Bus shelter / 9 / £1,313.65 / £4,000.00
12.07.96 / Glasdon UK Ltd / Various / Dog bins (7) / 10 / £821.99 / £2,100.00
20.10.97 / Glasdon UK Ltd / Various / Dog bins (2) / 11 / £291.15 / £600.00
08.06.98 / Canon UK Limited / 5 Border Drive / Photocopier / 13 / £576.00 / £1,200.00
08.03.99 / Glasdon UK Ltd / Various / Dog bins (2) / 14 / £166.20 / £600.00
08.03.99 / Glasdon UK Ltd / Share Hunters Moon / Dog bin (½) / 14a / £40.00 / £300.00
10.05.99 / N H Selby / Bere Road / Notice board / 16 / £75.80 / £300.00
13.09.99 / Sandford Royal British
Legion / entrance Middle School / War Memorial / 18 / £0.00 / £2,500.00
08.11.99 / N H Selby / Station Road / Notice board / 19 / £75.80 / £300.00
13.12.99 / Jacksons / Sandford Road / Farm gate FP28 / 20 / £0.00 / £300.00
10.01.00 / A R Fabb Bros / 5 Border Drive / Chairman's badge / 21 / £650.00 / £850.00
10.04.00 / Waterside Print / Play area Middle Schl / Information board / 22 / £150.00 / £300.00
10.07.00 / Autocross Limited / outside Sandford Hotel / Bus shelter / 23 / £2,197.10 / £4,000.00
08.10.01 / Purbeck Sealed Units / Woodlands entrance / Notice board / 24 / £297.00 / £300.00
12.08.02 / Purbeck Sealed Units / McColls/Post Office / Notice board (2) / 26 / £595.74 / £600.00
08.09.03 / M Osborne Limited / Carey Road / Notice board / 27 / £350.00 / £300.00
10.05.04 / First Knight Home
Improvements / Organford Road / Notice Board / 28 / £300.00 / £300.00
14.02.05 / First Knight Home
Improvements / Forest Edge Rd / Notice Board replacemnt / 12 / £300.00 / £300.00
2006 / Dorset/DevonDorset
Regiment / entrance Middle School / War Memorial / 29 / £0.00 / £1,500.00
10.10.05 / Base Leisure Limited / Play area Middle Schl / Kicking wall / 30 / £1,694.00 / £2,000.00
11.12.06 / Anvil Grounds Maint / Labour Field entrance / Farm gate and single gate / 31 / £377.95 / £600.00
09.07.07 / C Berry / Labour Field / 2 pairs goal posts / 32 / £300.00 / £400.00
13.08.07 / Fitness Sports UK / Labour Field / Basketball unit / 33 / £279.95 / £400.00
10.12.07 / Glasdon UK Ltd / Sandford RdMorden Rd / 2 large dog bins / 34 / £539.25 / £700.00
14.04.08 / Glasdon UK Ltd / Rodgetts Crescent / 1 dog bin / 35 / £81.00 / £300.00
11.08.08 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / Special Tropica multi play / 36 / £15,158.00 / £15,900.00
11.08.08 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / Pendulum Swing / 36 / £4,431.00 / £5,000.00
11.08.08 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / Double arch swing / 36 / £1,414.00 / £1,750.00
11.08.08 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / Revolva-inclusive roundabt / 36 / £6,130.00 / £6,600.00
11.08.08 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / Faithful friend springy / 36 / £629.00 / £1,000.00
11.08.08 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / Ronnie rabbit springy / 36 / £629.00 / £1,000.00
11.08.08 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / Proludic double springy / 36 / £1,234.00 / £1,750.00
11.08.08 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / Proludic relax bikes / 36 / £5,991.00 / £6,500.00
11.08.08 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / 3 metal litter bins / 36 / £990.00 / £1,200.00
11.08.08 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / 6 space bike rack / 36 / £414.00 / £500.00
11.08.08 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / 3 Ladybird seats / 36 / £3,744.00 / £5,000.00
11.08.08 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / 1 wetpour surface / 36 / £1,249.00 / £1,500.00
11.08.08 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / Safety grass - 172 mats / 36 / £10,148.00 / £10,200.00
11.08.08 / Banyards Limited / Woodlands Play Area / Hooped fencing/gates / 36 / £10,000.00 / £10,000.00
09.01.12 / Glasdon UK Ltd / Sandford area / 7 grit bins / 37 / £602.64 / £650
31.04.12 / SSEC Ltd / St Martins garages / 3 new street lights / 38 / £0.00 / £1,200.00
10.09.12 / S Syrett / Silent Woman, ColdHarbour / Notice board / 39 / £295.00 / £295.00
10.12.12 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / Rolling barrel / 40 / £778.00 / £778.00
10.12.12 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / Snowboard / 40 / £951.00 / £951.00
10.12.12 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / Slalom run / 40 / £510.00 / £510.00
10.12.12 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / Double zig zag twister / 40 / £750.00 / £750.00
10.12.12 / Wicksteed Leisure / Woodlands Play Area / Safety grass - 10 mats / 40 / £420.00 / £420.00
14.01.13 / Glasdon UK Ltd / Organford Road / Dog bin / 41 / £209.19 / £209.19
£84,700.65 / £112,764.19

Wareham St Martin Parish Council


for 31.3.2013


During the year, the Parish Council purchased a new notice board to replace an old one outside the Silent Woman Inn and a new dog bin sited in Organford Road where there appeared to be a fouling problem with visiting tourists and dogs.

Also, with the help of sponsorship, the Parish Council installed the last 4 pieces of play equipment in the Woodlands Play Area with safety grass matting.

Last year SEC removed 3 Parish Council lights at St Martins garages, replaced them and added a further 3 brand new lights. The Parish Council agreed to adopt the 6 lights in that area but was unsuccessful in persuading Synergy Housing Trust to contribute towards the maintenance or adopt them.

As at 31st March 2013 the assets listed on the Asset Register above, and shown on the accompanying plans, were held by this Council. The basis of valuation of these assets is purchase price and replacement value. The Annual Return is to reflect purchase price whereas the Insurance Policy must show replacement value.

LEASES - none



TENANCIES – Council as the Tenant

Landlord:Dorset County Council

Property:Playground area for young children at SandfordMiddle School

Rent pa:£100 – non repairing

S137 Local Government Act 1972 PAYMENTS as at 31.03.2013

Limit for spending 2012/2013 was £6.98 x 2157 electors = £15,055.86

Total of payments made were £775.00

02.04.2012Parochial Church Council – Celebrating Jubilee£100.00

02.04.2012DorsetCounty Council – Sandford Heritage Project£250.00

12.11.2012Sandford Royal British Legion – Parish Wreath£ 25.00

11.02.2013SandfordMiddle School – Celebrating School History£250.00

11.03.2013Victim Support – Contribution towards its services£150.00

ADVERTISING AND PUBLICITY - The Parish Council has its own web site. Also the Parish Newsletters are printed and hand delivered to every household in the Parish at various times.




For the year of account the Council’s contribution towards the pension for Miss D Weller, Clerk for the Parish Council, 1/4/2012-31/3/2013 was 19.6% of employee’s gross pay to the new Local Government Pension Scheme in accordance with the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations and the Clerk's contract of employment. Total paid by the Parish Council £1595.04.

AC Gollop.MD Weller

ChairmanResponsible Financial Officer

Wareham St Martin Parish Council


On changes in financial patterns

  1. The annual precept increased by just over6% (£1,880) as the Parish Council will be resurfacing a very popular walk in Sandford to a standard that allows those with mobility issues, wheelchairs or mobility scooters access to the woods and heath.
  2. Receipts have increased due to a £1,000 donation from Imerys UK Limited for the new Woodlands Play Area equipment and a repayment from Wareham Burial Joint Committee. Advice given by Peter Lacey, Financial Officer for Devon Association of Parish and Town Councils, is that the Joint Committee cannot own land or employ staff. Wareham St Martin Parish Council agreed to pay the Joint Committee’s Clerk, offset the payments against their contribution towards the maintenance of the cemeteries and the Joint Committee would repay anything in excess. There was a payment of £2,749.45 from the Joint Committee this financial year.
  3. Staff costs were inflated last year due to the reimbursement of phone/broadband costs and mileage being paid to the Clerk for 18 months. Costs in 2011 were £10,470, which is a more typical figure especially as there has been no increase in hourly rate for 3 years. There has been extra work for the Clerk due to the Parish Council fighting to keep the SandfordChurch from being demolished, including 2 surveys, a petition, numerous meetings with the Board of Education and a successful application to have the building listed took time to compile and submit with pictures. An increase in the number of important consultations has also increased the workload.
  4. Other expenditure is slightly higher due to payment of £1,201.50as contribution towards the new equipment at the Woodlands Play Area. The Parish Council has concentrated on reducing payments and maintaining its assets, consequently the purchase of a new notice board and a dog bin maintains the services for the community.
  5. Our Community Fund in the National Savings Bank isour Emergency Fund as the new proposed recreation area has been prevented by the application of a 400m buffer zone from heathland by Natural England. In the meantime, the Parish Council has been tasked by its residents to not only save SandfordChurch (accomplished by having it listed Grade II) but also to try and obtain the whole of the site and create a community hub with local services. This is a very big project and some finances will be spent in investigating the feasibility of this project and estimated cost.
  6. The Parish Council is supporting the Parish Plan for Wareham St Martin Group and has offered a further £1000 funding for printing costs if needed. The Plan is now almost completed and will be going to the printers later this year. There has been a delay owing to the time taken by the Clerk to list SandfordChurch, which became the larger priority.
  7. Parish Council is sharing a Street Cleansing Operative expenses with an adjacent town council but as the Minor Highways contract has now been cancelled, the Parish Council will have to bear the cost (£1500 pa) of the work being done.
  8. The Fixed Assets are shown at purchase rates as required.
  9. The Parish Councillors considered the effectiveness of its internal control and audit as part of the Risk Assessment review and came to the conclusion that it was sound.
  10. Standing Orders and Financial Orders are due for a review but NALC is dealing with a template that will be offered to parish and town councils later. Members approved the new Code of Conduct based on NALC recommendations and completed new Registers of Interest for themselves and their partners/spouses. The Clerk has been delegated the authority to consider any written Dispensations but the only ones requiring attention were those to allow members to discuss and agree the Precept for 2013/2014.
  11. There are currently 2 vacancies on the Parish Council.