T200 Eagle Project SM Tips

(updated 27 May 10)

Eagle Project preparations are extremely important to the scouts executing a successful Eagle. As the Eagle Project SM in charge of the project, you are key to providing the Life scout the guidance and mentoring that they will need. The following tips will help you sort things out.

* ~2 Weeks Out: Set up an informal meeting with the scout to confirm project details and to let him know what you’ll be looking for during the execution phase. Review the plan and provide suggestions to help him succeed.

* Review the Online Guidebook for Eagle Projects found on the Life to Eagle Library tab on the T200 website. It has a lot of good points about scheduling, teamwork, step by step instructions, adult roles, leadership, etc.

* Ensure the scout has his project approved by the CVC. Without this approval the project cannot be executed.

* Discuss with the scout items such as patrol method & patrol assignments, duties for older & younger scouts, supervisor/ management techniques, attention to details, breaks, etc.

* Before the project begins ensure the scout completes a safety briefing with all involved.

* Have an adult only meeting to go over roles & responsibilities to include parent involvement. The adults are subservient to the Eaglet and they need to follow his lead. If they have concerns, they need to go to the SM! Monitor them during the project and ensure they adhere to the ground rules!

* Have a PLC prior to the project beginning. If things start going haywire during the project, ensure the scout has another PLC so the scout can get a new vector and correct back to course.

* Ensure all the scouts are in proper Activity Uniform at all times. . .if not, discuss with Eaglet.

* Work through the Eaglet and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Pose safety concerns (simulated or otherwise), add stressors here & there, ask a lot of questions to keep the scout on his toes. Ensure the scouts are running things to the maximum extent possible.

* Your job is to provide a fun leadership laboratory in the out of doors! Make sure a Stop/Start/Continue is conducted after the project so other Eaglets can learn from the situations that came up.

* Ensure an accurate accounting of scout service hours (to the nearest half hour) are collected on the T200 Service Hour form. Follow up with the scout to ensure this sheet was turned in to Advancement Chair.

* An Eagle Project is not too different from a regular campout. Patrol Method, PLC’s, Chaplain service, service project, Start/Stop/Continue. . .Scout run, but adult vectored. Set them up to succeed, but allow them to fail!

* Eagle Project Scoutmaster is a fun & challenging task! Have fun and set the bar high for these soon-to-be Eagle Scouts. They need to have a good experience, but it also needs to be something they look back on and say, “I really earned that rank!”

If you have any questions or additions to these tips, send a note to - thanks!