KendriyaVidyalaya, ONGC
Campus Eastern Block
Ahmedabad - 382424.


Sealed quotations are invited for awarding the Annual MaintenanceContract for Computers, Printers and UPS installed in KV, Chandkheda.The last date for submitting the quotations is 15/07/2014 by 05.00 pmand will be opened on the same day at 3pm at Vidyalaya campus in the

presence of Bidders and officials of the management..T h e K e n d r i y a V i d y a l a y a S a n g a t h a n , a c e n t r a l l y f u n d e dAutonomous Body, is a Society registered under Societies RegistrationAc t, 1 86 0. T he Sa ng a t ha n a d mi nisters the Sc he m e o f K e n driy aVidyalay as set up for imparting education to the children of transferableCentral Govt. Employees among others.

2. Y ou are invited to submit your most competitive quotation forfollowing works as per Schedule 1 of the Model MaintenanceAgreement attached with this letter.Maintenance of Hardware, Software and system security ofabout 40 computers connected in LAN, 8 printers of differentmake and 05 UPS of different make. (Detailed description isenclosed)

Maintenance of LAN including revival of non functionalnodes, addition and / or deletion of fresh nodes on needbasis and relaying of LAN on need basis.

3. Bid Price:

a The AMC shall be for various brands of Computers, Printers,UPS, installed in KV, Chandkheda, as described in Schedule I ofthe Model Maintenance Agreement. The bidder may quote rate foritems in the format of quotation attached Corrections, if any, shallbe made by crossing out, initialing, dating and rewriting. TheBid price however shall include cost of all the itemsindicated in para 2.

b. The other terms and conditions will be regulated as per the Terms andConditions of the Model Maintenance Agreement attached with this letter ofInvitation for Quotation:

c. The prices should be quoted in Indian Rupees only;

d. Each bidder shall submit only one quotation;a Telex or Facsimile or E-mail quotations are not acceptable

4. Validity of quotations:

The quotation shall remain valid for a period of One Year from the date ofagreement..

5. Earnest Money:An amount of Rs. 5,000/ - (Rupees five thousand only) shall be

deposited as "Earnest Money" along with the quotation. The Demand Draftshall be drawn on 10ENDRIYA VIDYALAYA CHANDKHEDA" payable atChandkheda. Quotation without the earnest money shall be rejected.

6. Evaluation of quotations:

This office will evaluate and compare the quotations determined to besubstantially responsive i.e., which are;

a) properly signed, and

b) Confirm to the terms and conditions and specifications.The evaluation would be done for all the items put together. Thebidder who has quoted for partial quantity / value of any one or moreitem(s) would be treated as non-responsive. The office will award thecontract to the responsive bidder whose total cost for all the items puttogether is the lowest.

6. A Sale of Tender/quotation form

The tender/ quotation form may be received directly from this officeon payment of Rs. 100/ In case of Downloading format from Websitebidder has to pay same amount in the form of DD in favour of KendriyaVidyalayaChandkheda payable at Chandkheda.

7. Experience:

The agency desirous of submitting quotation must have adequateexperience of carrying out similar / related work ingovernment / autonomous bodies / PSUs in the last three years.The addresses and the telephone numbers of the client organizationshall be submitted along the quotation.

8. Award of contract:

The Competent Authority will award the contract to thebidder whose quotation has been determined to be substantiallyresponsive and who has offered the lowest price as per para 5 above;

(a) The bidder shoes bid is accepted will be notified of theaward of the contract by the Office prior to expiry of thequotation validity period:

(a) Notwithstanding the above, the Competent Authorityreserves the right to accept or reject any quotations and tocancel the bidding process and reject all quotations at anytime prior to the award of the contract.

9. You may visit the office to see the hardware from 10.00 a. in. to12.00 noon. During working hours from the date of publication ofthe tender notice up to 15/07/2014.

10. Last date and time of receipt of quotations:You are requested to submit the sealed

quotations by postal mail & also scribed on theenvelope as "Quotations for Annual Maintenance

Contract (AMC)" for various brands of Computers,Printers, UPS: maintenance of LAN; system

security and deployment of a qualified computerexpert upto15/07/2014.



Description of equipment alongwith specification or Maintenanceof LAN or Deployment of Engineer

UnitRate(Rs) inFigures Taxesif any





a) Computers Pentium IV (40) Printer:

Laser - 8

UPS -05

As indicated in Schedule I of the Model Maintenance Agreement.Gross Total Cost Rs………………………..(in figures)words)

We agree to have Annual Maintenance Contract of the above items in accordancewith the technical specifications and Model Maintenance Agreement fora total contract price of figure(Rs

words) for the period specified in the Invitation for Quotations.





MODEL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTThis Maintenance Agreement is made at Chandkheda on 2012(Two Thousand twelve) for the period of one year from------to ------between the------(Name of the office and address) on behalf of the Ken driya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), hereinafter referred to as "FirstParty" which expression, shall unless excluded by or repugnant to thecontext, be deemed to include his / her successor in office and assigns on theone party and M/s....Vendor Name acting through authorizedrepresentativeSh...... only authorized by the company / Firmvide resolution number ...

.....dated(copy annexed to this maintenance agreement) with itsregistered office at ...... which expression shall unless excluded by orrepugnant to the context shall include its representative administrator,executives and assign on the second party.Whereas. has Computer

Equipment and Peripherals shown in this Agreement hereof and is now desirous ofavailing the Comprehensive Maintenance Services for itsComputer equipment and Peripheralsinstalled at the

has agreed to perform the said maintenance services of the Computers andPeripherals and UPS as mentioned in this agreement and limited to the Computersand Peripherals and UPS covered by this agreement.

Now therefore, it is hereby mutually agreed as follows: 1.0


The following schedules form an integral part of this agreement: Schedule-I

Details of Computers and Peripherals and UPS1.1 However during the currency of the agreement, the department is atliberty to add to or delete from this schedule any numbers of desktops,printers and UPS, if required. The expansion of LAN by adding morenodes or relaying of LAN may also be ordered by the Department whichshall he done by the second party. In case of addition of work, serviceswill hepeiformed the same will be done on already agreed and settledrates for the main contract of maintenance.



The second party, shall truly and faithfully canyon the said job asmentioned in schedule — I to the full extent and satisfaction of the firstparty for the whole year i.e. from ...... to

2.2 The comprehensive maintenance includes preventive maintenance,quarterly regular services of the Computers and Peripherals and UPS and/ or replacementof any items necessaiy for keeping the Desktops. Printers and UPS active and free fromany defects or disturbance and also on any unscheduled call for corrective andmaintenance services, taking appropriate measures / steps on time to set rightthe malluncfioning of the Desktops. Printers and UPS. The replacement of all thespares (excluding printer heads, UPS batteries, printer ribbon and tonercartridges) is included under the Maintenance Contract. The replacement ofdefective spares with original spares or spares of equivalent specification will be done bythe second party, without any extra charge of any kind.

2.3 The comprehensive maintenance shall be carried out primarily at the premisesof the ... __during officehours. In case, the second party feels that the equipment can not be repaired on site, theywill cal-1y the defective equipment with the consent of the competent authority of KVS

after giving due receipt of the equipment and deliver back the repaired equipment at theirown cost and risk to get it repaired promptly and for this purpose all the latest technicalaspect concerning maintenance shall be followed.2.4 The Operating environment condition in which the equipment is presently installedis quite satisfactory and the second party shall not raise any objection with regard to theworking environments for the equipment covered under the Maintenance Contract.

2.5 The Engineer deployed by the second party shall be the representative ofthe second party for the entire maintenance work. The complaints shall be recorded in aregister maintained by the resident Engineer. The Engineer so deputed shall be solelyresponsible for attending the complaint. The Engineer should have sufficientinfrastructure with him to attend complaints which shall be given by the second party. Aplace will be provided for sitting to the resident Engineer. The Engineer shall herequired to mark his attendance on arrival and departure according to the working hoursof the organization.

2.6 The system down time should not exceed 24 hours from the time atwhich the complaint was made. If the down time is more than 24 hours, thesecond party will provide a stand by system. In case the system is not repaired or analternative system not supplied within the period of 24 hours from the time of failurereport then the first party may choose to get the same repaired by or replaced from anyother agency and the cost and expenditure incurred therein shall be recoverablefrom the second party from the subsequent payments or else from the Bank Guarantee

if all the payments have been released


3.1 The second party shall deposit 2% of the AMCAMOUNT AS performance security in the form of BankGuarantee (in the format prescribed) from a Nationalized Bankwith the first party at the time of signing the agreement. Thisamount shall be refunded to the second party by the first partyupon termination or expiration of this agreement afteradjusting such dues or claims or both as may remain unpaid bythe-second party to the first party at the time of termination orexpiration of this agreement.


4 . 1 T h e t o t a l m a i n t e n a n c e c h a r g e s f o r o n e y e a ra r e Rupees...... the comprehensive maintenancecharges shall he payable to the second party in arrears onquarterly basis. For this purpose, the Second party will have inarrears on quarterly basis. The this purpose, the Second partywill have to submit bill in the name of First party and paymentshall be made by it within 15 days from the receipt of the bill.

4.2 Enhancement or decrease of taxes, duties or prices ofcomponents, etc., will not affect the AMC rates during the entireperiod ofAA/IC, no difference shall be paid or claimed as a result of theabove.

4.3 In the event of non-satisfactory petformance ofmaintenance services by the second party, first party shall have theright and discretion to terminate this agreement by giving one-month

notice and to foifeit the proportionate amount from the securitydeposited by the second party.


5 . 1 t h esecond party, against the other, in case of any failure or omission orcalamities such as fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, or civilstrikes, under any statute or regulations of the Government, lock-outs,strikers, riots, embargoes from any political reasons beyond thecontrol of any part including was (whether declared or not), civil was orstate of insurrection shall give notice to other party within 15 days ofthe occurrence of such incident that on account of the above event thenoting party has delayed the performance of its work as it wasbeyond its reasonable control and it has not occurred due tonegligence or default on its part.

5.2 Either party, as and when gives notice of force majeure shallprovide confirmation of such event in the form of a certificatefrom the Government department or agency or chamber of

commerce. The parties shall be relieved of their respective obligationsto petform, hereunder for so long as the event of force majeurecontinues and to the extent their peiformance is affected by such anevent of forcemajeure provided notices as above are given and the event of force ma/cureis established as provided hereinabove.


6.1 In the event of any dispute as to whether the system downtime isdue to damage caused by mishandling or system malfunctioningthe issue will be referred to the Principal, KV, Chandkheda fordecision. The decision of the Principal, KV, Chandkheda will befinal and binding upon both the parties.


7.1 The second party shall not assign this agreement or any part, thereof orany benefit there under without the written consentof to any other party.


8.1 In the event of any question, disputes or difference arising betweenthe parties relating to the interpretation and application ofthese provisions of this agreement, such disputes ofdifferences shall be resolved amicably by mutualconsultations and on failure to do so shall be referred forarbitration to Principal, KV, Chandkheda. The decision ofArbitration to the agreement in this regard shall be final andbinding upon both the parties.

8.2 The parties shall continue to perform their obligations underthis agreement during arbitration proceedings. The cost ofArbitration (including the fees and expenses of the Arbitration)shall he shared equally by the parties unless the Award specifiesotherwise.

8.3 The venue for arbitration will be KV Chandkheda.


9.1 This document with Schedule I hereto signed by both the parties shallconstitute the entire agreement binding on both the parties.

9.2 This agreement has been executed in the English language in twooriginals and each party has retained one original. In witness whereof eachof the parties hereto has caused this agreement to be executed as on the day,month, and the year first above written.First Party Second PartyFor and on behalf of For and on behalf ofKendriyaVidyalayaChandkheda


Designation Designation

(Rubber Seal) (Rubber Seal)

In presence ofIn presence of

Witness — I Witness — I

Name Name

Address Address

Witness —II Witness —II

Name Name

Address Address



The . . .


and address of the supplier (hereinafter called "the supplier') hasundertaken, in pursuance of contract no...... dated...... to supply (description of goods and services) (hereinafter called "the contract").AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said contract that thesupplier shall furnish you with a bank guarantee by a scheduled commercial recognizedby you for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with its obligations inaccordance with the contract:AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the supplier such a bank guarantee:NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are guarantors and r e s p o n s ib leto yo u , o n b e h a lf o f t h e s u p p li er , u p o f a to ta lguarantee in words and figures), and we undertake to pay you, upon your first writtendemand declaring the supplier to be in default under the contract and without cavilor argument, any sum or sums within the limits of (amount of guarantee) as aforesaid,without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons fbr your demand or the

sum specified therein.We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the supplierbefore presenting us with the demand.We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the termsof the contract to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents whichmay be made between you and the supplier shall in any way release us from anyliability under this guarantee and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or

modification.This guarantee shall be valid until the of ...... 20..

(Signature of the authorized officer of the Bank)

Seal, Name & address of the Bank and address of the BranchNamed and designation of the officer