Coal City Community Unit School District #1
Board of Education Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 19, 2007
President Hamilton called the meeting of the Board of Education of Coal City Community Unit School District #1 to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Coal City Middle School Community Room. Members answering roll call were Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Ken Miller, Robert Pogliano and Shawn Hamilton. Superintendent Kent Bugg, Director of Business Services Jason Smith, Curriculum Director Tammy Elledge and Karen Vota were also in attendance. Other members of the audience included: Principals Travis Johnson, Robert Brovont, Frank Perucca, Ken W. Miller; Jim Looper, Joe Phillips and members of the press Ann Gill, Peter Krowiak and Bridget Adell.
President Hamilton led the Board of Education and others present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Jiskra moved and Ms. Gill seconded to go to closed session at 6:31 p.m. for the purpose of considering information regarding the review of closed session minutes; the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees; collective negotiating matters, imminent litigation and the sale of property.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Ken Miller, Mark Jiskra, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
1. Mr. Miller moved and Mr. Jiskra seconded to accept the resignation of Jolene Giaudrone, cafeteria server at the Intermediate School, effective November 16, 2007.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Ken Miller, Mark Jiskra, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
2. Ms. Gill moved and Mr. Pogliano seconded to accept the resignation of Terri Scerine, recess aide at the Elementary School, effective October 26, 2007, and to thank her for her years of service to the district.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Mary Gill, Robert Pogliano, Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Ken Miller, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
3. Mr. Jiskra moved and Mr. Miller seconded to approve a six week paid Maternity Leave for Jackie Larson with use of accumulated sick leave in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Mark Jiskra, Ken Miller, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
4. Ms. Gill moved and Mr. Miller seconded to approve a six week paid Maternity Leave for Jackie Mark with use of accumulated sick leave in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Mary Gill, Ken Miller, Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
5. Mr. Grove moved and Mr. Jiskra seconded to approve the four week Medical Leave for Cindia Brackett from October 22 through November 16, 2007, pending receipt of required documentation.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Mary Gill, Ken Miller, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
6. Mr. Pogliano moved and Mr. Miller seconded to approve the 1.5 week Family Medical Leave for Colette Sopocy from November 14 through November 25, 2007, pending receipt of required documentation.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Robert Pogliano, Ken Miller, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
7. Mr. Grove moved and Ms. Gill seconded to approve the employment of Amie Depodesta as recess aide at the Elementary School, pending satisfactory completion of all state requirements.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Curtis Grove, Mary Gill, Mark Jiskra, Ken Miller, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
8. Ms. Gill moved and Mr. Grove seconded to approve the following extra-curricular assignments:
ASAP aide – Sue Aichele
HS Wrestling Cheerleader Sponsor – Michelle Schmid
HS Basketball Cheerleader Sponsor – Tricia Bailey
6th Grade Volleyball Coach – Pam McMurtrey
Roll Call.
Ayes: Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Ken Miller, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
9. Mr. Miller moved and Ms. Gill seconded for the Board of Education to approve the Resolution Re: Sale of 5-Acre Parcel to Coal City Fire Protection District, as presented and to waive the reading of the resolution.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Ken Miller, Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
10. Ms. Gill moved and Mr. Jiskra seconded to approve the three week Medical Leave for Carole Miller from November 1 through November 21, 2007, pending receipt of required documentation.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Mary Gill, Mark Jiskra, Curtis Grove, Ken Miller, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
Mr. Grove moved and Mr. Jiskra seconded to approve the consent agenda including the minutes and closed session minutes from the regular meeting of October 15, the special meeting of November 5, the Board Study Session of the Whole of November 5, the September Activity Fund Reports; September Treasurer’s Report, the October Monthly Manual Checks report; the October Payrolls, the November Accounts Payable
and the following building usage request:
Group Building Ins. Date
Part District Committee MS No Nov. 6, 2007-March 2008
Coal City Kids Wrestling Club IS Yes Nov. 26, 2007-March 2008
Step by Step Child Care HS Yes Dec. 6, 2007
Village of Coal City Board MS Comm. Rm Yes November 20, 2007
Roll call.
Ayes: Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Ken Miller, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Nays: None Motion Carried.
1. Introduction/acknowledgement of guests. President Hamilton welcomed those in attendance.
2. Principal Perucca introduced first year 8th grade Science teacher Jim Looper.
3. Secretary Gill read a thank you note from the family of John Wicevic, Director of Buildings and Grounds.
Calendar of Events
November 1 Fire Drill – 1:00pm – Conducted by Coal City Fire Department
November 5 PSO Meeting – CCES Cafeteria
November 6 AC Rock Assemblies and Family Night – Sponsored by PSO
November 7 11:25am EARLY DISMISSAL – School Improvement Day
November 12 Parent Advisory Meeting – 6:30pm
November 14 Author Jim Aylesworth to visit CCES
November 19 RTI Day at CCES
2nd Quarter Midterm
Board Meeting
November 21 11:25am EARLY DISMISSAL – School Improvement Day
November 22, 23 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving
EC/DK / 14K = JumpStart / 15
K AM / 71
K PM / 64
K Students / 150
1st Students / 165
2nd Grade / 161
3rd Grade / 137
Special Ed. Self Contained / 10
Total out of District / 8
Personnel - No Report
Staff Recognition
*CCES and CCIS staff attended a presentation on the Response to Intervention (RTI) process on October 25 in the CCES cafeteria. The presentation was given by Mazon Elementary principal Cindy Christensen and teacher Alicia O’Keefe. The presentation focused on how Mazon has implemented the RTI process in their district and some basic structures they have in place for the process. Cindy and Alicia did a nice job on their presentation and it was great to get our PreK – 5th grade staffs together as a unit. CCES is continuing with the RTI process and we will be meeting on November 19.
*On October 15 and 16, Ken Miller and I attended the IL Principals Association State Conference in Peoria, IL. It was a very good conference and I had the opportunity to hear some good keynote speakers and saw some excellent small group sessions. The keynote speakers included Dr. Bob Ash, Dr. Pedro Noguera and State Superintendent Christopher Koch. I also attended small group sessions on Response to Intervention, Phonemic Awareness, Leadership, No Child Left Behind and Assessments. It was also good to have the opportunity to see other administrators from across the state especially colleagues I worked with in other school districts and attended classes with.
*Patti Monk and I held a RTI Information Parent Meeting for the parents of CCES and the Coal City School District on Monday, October 29. We did not have a great turnout but we have placed the Powerpoint presentation from the meeting on the CCES webpage. Please take a moment to look at the presentation and Patti and I would gladly answer any questions you may have. We are planning on holding other parent education meetings throughout the year for our CCES parents.
CCES/ECC staff members continue to prepare for the transition to the new ECC next school year. We have been working on tentative schedules and determining staff needs for the 2008-09 school year. We have had many committee meetings to help with this transition. Groups that have met include: Grade Levels, ECC Transition Committee, 2nd/3rd Transition Committee, Playground Committee and the Teaching/Learning Committee. I would like to thank everyone for all of their extra help during this process.
Student Achievement
*I have reviewed our Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) data from spring 2007. I would like to recognize the students who scored at the exceeds level on the ISAT test. The CCES 3rd grade students took tests in the area of reading and mathematics. In the area of reading, CCES had 39 students who scored at the exceeds level which is 25% of the grade level. In the area of mathematics, 59 students scored at the exceeds level which is 37% of the class. We also had 27 students who scored at the exceeds level on both the reading and math tests.
Below is the list of the students who exceeded in both reading and math:
Clarissa Barkley Haley Blazekovich Alex Divis
Jacob Doster Andrew Fischer Karley Fontana
Amanda Gill Matt Girot Shawn Greiner
Matt Gubelman Justine Gumbs Emily Haarman
John Halloran Christian Hauck Nick Holmes
Ryan Horrie Riley Kauzlaric Tori Knutson
Kyle Massa Adam McLuckie Nick Micetich
Zac Mitchell Josh Olesen Abby Olsen
Alexis Regan Jared Skubic Tiah Zastrow
Congratulations to all of these students on their outstanding achievement.
Month in Review
*On October 2, the CC PSO held their monthly meeting. Agenda items discussed at the meeting included Fall Fundraiser, Octoberfest, and Santa’s Workshop.
*On October 3, Coal City Schools held a District School Improvement Day. Students were dismissed at 11:25am and teachers attended a variety of meetings on that day. The writing initiative staff development was held for the 50 staff members involved in the process. The rest of the teachers worked on curriculum surveys, curriculum and assessment validation and Pearson Benchmark test materials.
*We held fire drills on October 4 and 5. The students and staff members quickly evacuated the building on both drills. These fire drills were in preparation for Fire Prevention Week which was held October 9 – 12. The Coal City Fire Department did an outstanding job of educating the students for the week. Sean Anderson talked with the Kindergarten students on Tuesday about Fire Safety. On Wednesday, the CCFD brought several fire trucks to the school for the students to see the many different parts of the equipment. On Thursday, Sean held a presentation for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students and showed the students a video on evacuating your house in a fire. A coloring contest and essay contest was held for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students and the winners were treated to breakfast at McDonalds along with a ride in the fire trucks to the restaurant. Winners from CCES were Madeline Reagan, Emma Corneilson, Lindsey Stogsdill, Leslie Yousketch, Madison McCawley and Macey Spencer. The students also received a variety of fire safety materials and information throughout the entire week.
*On October 10, picture retakes were held at CCES.
*On October 18, the CC Jr. Women’s Club and CC Police Department fingerprinted all kindergarten students and any new students to the Coal City School District. Special thanks to the Jrs., Officer Best and Officer Clark for their help with this project.
*October 19 marked the end of the 1st quarter.
*On October 25 and 26, CCES held Parent/Teacher Conferences. We had an excellent turnout with 619 of 638 parents attending conferences. This is a 97% attendance parent and one I am very proud of. The conferences went very well overall and the CCES staff is looking forward to helping our students continue to grow academically and socially throughout the rest of the school year.
*On October 31, CCES held their annual Halloween Parade. We had an excellent community turnout for the parade. I would like to thank Mark Larmon and the Middle School band for leading the parade. The students really enjoy the event and then held their room parties following the parade.
Calendar of Events
Thur. Nov. 1……... End of Food Drive! Way to Go!
Fri. Nov. 2……... Coal City Spirit Day! Go Coalers!
CCIS School Store is OPEN for Business!
Mon. Nov. 5……... PSO Mtg. @ CCES Café! 6:30 PM
Market Day @ CCIS Café! 4-5 PM
Pies for Prom = CCIS S. Gym! 4-5 PM
Tue. Nov. 6……... Ac Rock Assembly ~ S. Gym 10:15 AM
Ac Rock Family show @ CCMS – 7 PM
Wed. Nov. 7...... Early Dismissal (11:35 AM)
Fri. Nov. 9…….. Hot Air Balloon Assembly – 8:30 AM
CCMS Wrestling Advisory – 11:15-12!
Mon. Nov. 12-16… Children’s Book Week
Thur. Nov. 15……. Family Reading Night! Read Together!
Fri. Nov. 16…… CCIS School Store is OPEN for Business!
Mon. Nov. 19…… 2nd Qtr. Progress Reports Due!
Unit #1 School Board Mtg. @ CCMS 7 PM
Wed. Nov. 21……. Early Dismissal – 11:35 AM
Progress Reports Sent Home!
Thur. Nov. 22……. Happy Thanksgiving! No School Today!
Fri. Nov. 23……. Thanksgiving Break…No School Today!
Administration Bus Slips: 4 (2 Preschool)
School Rules: Parent Phone Calls!
Congratulations to Jenn Ness for winning the CCIS Staff Pumpkin Decorating Contest!
Congratulations to Betsy Cowherd for sharing CCIS Writing Info. @ 11/7 Early Dismissal!
Congratulations to Mrs. Hennessy on her recent marriage (former Ms. Ragain-4th grade)!
Pupil Personnel (Nov. is Caring & Sharing month at CCIS)
Excellent Attendance for P/T Conf. (91%)…Phone Conferences for No-Shows!
Ac Rock Show was Great….thanks to the PSO for sponsoring this event!
2nd Qtr. Progress Reports will be sent home on 11/21/07 with students!
Warrior Wrestling Coaches gave an advisory on 11/9/07 (Peterson / Hitchcock)!
463 canned food items were donated by CCIS Students (Student Council Initiative!)