B/E Aerospace, Inc. – Consumables Management
Quality Form / Document #
Revision: / QAF-172


In order to comply with applicable U.S. Government export control regulations, BE Aerospace, Inc. (B/E) is required to obtain detailed information about your company’s products. To enable B/E to order or supply your product, this worksheet is required for each part numberfor which your company holds design authority. For multiple line items, please utilize:

QAF-172-1_Item Part Number Classification Form (Additional Worksheet) - US


Product Description:
Country of Origin: / Design Holder Part Number:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule Code:
Export Control Classification Sequence Number: (To be completed by B/E Aerospace, Consumables Management Quality)


Is the product or any of its components subject to U.S. Export Control Regulations?
Export Administration Regulations (EAR)YES: NO:
If yes, indicate Export Control Classification Number (ECCN):______
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)YES: NO:
If yes, indicate U.S. Munitions List (USML) Category & subcategory (if applicable):______
If the ITAR applies, please specify:
Is the same product or any of its components considered to be Significant Military Equipment?
(SME) [§ 120.7 ITAR]YES: NO:
Is the product or any of its components considered to be Major Defense Equipment?
(MDE) [§ 120.8 ITAR]YES: NO:
Remember: An item is either civil/dual-use OR military, NEVER both!
IF ADDITIONAL P/Ns are being reported, use the .xls
Design Holder
Company Name: / Address:

I shall immediately notify B/E Aerospace of any change in the information contained herein. I represent and warrant that the information provided herein is accurate and complete. I understand that I am liable for any false statements or material omissions made or in connection with this document.

Printed Name: Title:

Telephone Number: Date:

Signature: ______

Email completed worksheets to B/E at: .

Worksheet Instructions
  1. To complete the 1st section titled “Product” please provide:
  • A complete description of the product.
  • The Country of Origin.
  • Supplier Part Number.
  • Harmonized Tariff Schedule Code.
  1. To complete the 2nd section titled “Export Classification”:
  • Check either the YES or NO box to indicate whether the product or any of it components are EAR.
  1. If yes, please provide the ECCN.
  • Check either the YES or NO box to indicate whether the product or any of its components are ITAR.
  1. If yes, please provide the USML Category and Subcategory.
  2. If the ITAR applies, please select whether the product or any of its components are considered either Significant Military Equipment or Major Defense Equipment.
  1. To complete the 3rd section titled “Design Holder” please provide:
  • The company’s legal name and address.
  1. The Authorized individual completing the form should:
  • Sign, print their name and title.
  • Include a telephone number.
  • Date the form.
  1. Email completed worksheets to