B/E Aerospace, Inc. – Consumables Management
Quality Form / Document #
Revision: / QAF-172
In order to comply with applicable U.S. Government export control regulations, BE Aerospace, Inc. (B/E) is required to obtain detailed information about your company’s products. To enable B/E to order or supply your product, this worksheet is required for each part numberfor which your company holds design authority. For multiple line items, please utilize:
QAF-172-1_Item Part Number Classification Form (Additional Worksheet) - US
Product Description:Country of Origin: / Design Holder Part Number:
Harmonized Tariff Schedule Code:
Export Control Classification Sequence Number: (To be completed by B/E Aerospace, Consumables Management Quality)
Is the product or any of its components subject to U.S. Export Control Regulations?Export Administration Regulations (EAR)YES: NO:
If yes, indicate Export Control Classification Number (ECCN):______
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)YES: NO:
If yes, indicate U.S. Munitions List (USML) Category & subcategory (if applicable):______
If the ITAR applies, please specify:
Is the same product or any of its components considered to be Significant Military Equipment?
(SME) [§ 120.7 ITAR]YES: NO:
Is the product or any of its components considered to be Major Defense Equipment?
(MDE) [§ 120.8 ITAR]YES: NO:
Remember: An item is either civil/dual-use OR military, NEVER both!
IF ADDITIONAL P/Ns are being reported, use the .xls
Design Holder
Company Name: / Address:
I shall immediately notify B/E Aerospace of any change in the information contained herein. I represent and warrant that the information provided herein is accurate and complete. I understand that I am liable for any false statements or material omissions made or in connection with this document.
Printed Name: Title:
Telephone Number: Date:
Signature: ______
Email completed worksheets to B/E at: .
Worksheet Instructions
- To complete the 1st section titled “Product” please provide:
- A complete description of the product.
- The Country of Origin.
- Supplier Part Number.
- Harmonized Tariff Schedule Code.
- To complete the 2nd section titled “Export Classification”:
- Check either the YES or NO box to indicate whether the product or any of it components are EAR.
- If yes, please provide the ECCN.
- Check either the YES or NO box to indicate whether the product or any of its components are ITAR.
- If yes, please provide the USML Category and Subcategory.
- If the ITAR applies, please select whether the product or any of its components are considered either Significant Military Equipment or Major Defense Equipment.
- To complete the 3rd section titled “Design Holder” please provide:
- The company’s legal name and address.
- The Authorized individual completing the form should:
- Sign, print their name and title.
- Include a telephone number.
- Date the form.
- Email completed worksheets to