Golden Guppies and Bouncy Bugs
September 2017News
Topics-This Fall our themes will be NEW FRIENDS,Sunflowers, Apples, and All About Me!
Color- Yellow
*Please let us know if your child has ANY allergies!
*Tuition and one time $25 snack fee are due!
*Please take your child to the
bathroom everyday beforeclass!
* Please return the Emergency form and Potty Trained/Diapers form ASAP!!!
Thank You!
Friday, September 15-
All September Tuition is due.
Bouncy Bugs $80
Golden Guppies $100
Bring your lunch and meet us at
FISHER PARK from 11:30-1:00!
Thurs., Sept.,21–PARENT COFFEES!
You will meet during our class time and the room parent will set up a phone chain and discuss important info.! Please come!
Thurs,.Sept.,21 -Yellow Day and Yellow Show & Tell Day
Tuesday, Sept., 28 – Picture Day
Thursday, Sept., 28- First book order due.
Monday, October 2 – All October Tuition and $ 25 Snack Fee are due.
Mon., 10/9- GLEE is closed
for Columbus Day.
October –Be on the lookout for Fire Truck Visit and Speech and Language Evaluations.
Thurs., 10/26- Golden Guppies
and Bouncy Bugs
September Fingerplays/Poems
Apple Tree
Way up high in the apple tree,
Two red apples smiled at me.
I shook that tree
As hard as I could.
Down came the apples.
Mmmm were they good!
Leaves Falling
The leaves are falling down.
The leaves are falling down.
They touch my nose
And then my toes.
The leaves are falling down!
Snack Prayer
I’m thankful for
My friends
And my family.
I’m thankful for
The foods I eat.
I’m happy to be me!
Criss Cross Apple Sauce
Criss Cross Apple Sauce give a little clap,
Criss Cross Apple Sauce hands in your lap,
Criss Cross Apple Sauce as quiet as can be,
Criss Cross Apple Sauce eyes on me.
Good-Bye Song
Our Preschool day is over
And we are going home.
Good-by, Good-bye!
Be always kind and good!