Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Present: (Attendance Register)
Councillor A.I. Dunbar (Chair) presiding
Councillors J.B. Attridge, Mrs. P.M. Attridge, D.M. Birch, Mrs. Y.R. Birch, J.B. Bone,
C. Granger, W. Hastings, R.V. Hill, K. Kelly, P. Kindlin, A.J. Roberts, A.P. Shotton,
P.J. Wainwright
Mr. Gary Feather (Clerk & Financial Officer)
Mrs. C. Jones (Senior Administration Officer)
The notice of meeting was taken as read.
Apologies for non-attendance were received from Councillors D. Barratt,
Mrs. E.M. Barratt and R.V. Williams.
N.B.Councillors C. Granger and J.B. Bone entered the meeting at this juncture.
A Declaration of Interest was received from Councillor J.B. Attridge in respect of
Item 4 – Planning Applications.
(a)04480735 Hall Lane, Connah’s Quay
Proposed erection of a single storey extension to side
(b)044834Land at Kelsterton Hall, Kelsterton, Flint
Proposed erection of 2 dwellings
(c)04488218 The Orchards, Connah’s Quay
Proposed erection of a conservatory to the rear
(d)04489317 Hollowbrook Drive, Connah’s Quay
Proposed erection of conservatory to the rear
(e)04489615 Broadway, Connah’s Quay
Proposed loft conversion to form two bedrooms and a
bedroom and erection of a conservatory to the rear
(f)044931Ice & Easy Unit D1, Tenth Avenue, Deeside Industrial Park
Proposed erection of a sub-station
(g)0449616 Kelsterton Court, Connah’s Quay
Proposed erection of a two storey extension to the side
That the Clerk writes to the Chief Planning Services Officer informing
him that the Town Council has no objections in respect of applications
(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g).
(h)044733The Dairy, 2 Mold Road, Connah’s Quay
Proposed demolition of existing buildings and replacing
with a new 4 storey brick apartment block comprising 18
apartments (14 one-bedroom and 4 two-bedroom) over 3
stories with car parking on lowest level and to rear and
associated works
That the Clerk writes to the Chief Planning Services Officer informing him
that the Town Council objects to this application (h) on the following
(i)height of the building in comparison to the surrounding
dwellings and therefore neighbours would be overlooked.
(ii)road safety access onto Mold Road as there would be an
increase in traffic flows in the vicinity of the proposed
building where there have been accidents previously
and(iii) over saturation of the site.
(i)044877Hollybank, 245 High Street, Connah’s Quay
Proposed erection of 6 flats development with private
That the Clerk writes to the Chief Planning Services Office informing him
that the Town Council has no objection to this application (i) except for the footpath access to Bryn Arnold up the steps.
(j)04492420 St David’s Drive, Connah’s Quay
Proposed erection of a single storey side extension
That the Clerk writes to the Chief Planning Services Officer informing him
that the Town Council has concerns over the proximity of the proposed
extensions to the neighbouring properties and therefore limiting access to
the rear in the event of emergency.
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